exam 3 Flashcards
nervous system
communication and control system
3 funktions of nervous system
collects info
processes and evaluates info
iniaties response to info
cns parts
spinal cord
pns parts
nerves and ganglis
bundle of axons and associated connective tissue
cluster of neuron cell bodies
sensory nervous system
afferent nervous system
funktions of sensory nervous system
recieves sensory info from receptors and transmits it to cns
somatic sensory system
info consciously percieved
visceral sensory system
info not consciously percieved
moto nervous system
efferent nervous system
funktions of motor nervous system
initates output and transmits from cns to effectors
somatic motor system
controls skeletal system
autonomic motor system
visceral motor
controls smooth muscle, cardiac muscle and glands
two divisions of autonomic motor system
traits of neurons
excitability conductivity secretion extreme longevity amitotic
responds to a stimulis
electrical change propagated along pm
release of neurotransmitters in response to conductivr activity
parts of neuron
cell body- process
dendrites- recieve
axon- conduct impulse
axon hillock
region of the cell body where axon begins
splits into axon collaterals
association neurons
funktions of interneurons
recieve, process, integrate info from orher neurons
communication between sensory and motor neurons
located in cns
bundle of parallel axons in pns
encloses entire nerveh
wraps fassicle
wraps individual axon
cranial nerves
extend from brain
spinal nerve
extend from spinal cord
sensory nerves contain sensory neurons sending signals __ cns
motor neurons contain motor neurons sending signals ___ cns
place where a neuron connects to another neuron or an effector
electrical synapse
pre and post synaptic neurons bond together by gap junctions
no synaptic delay
chemical synapse
presynaptic neuron axon terminal produces signal
postsynaptic neuron recieves signal
synaptic cleft
small fluid filled gap between the two neurons
events of synaptic communication
neurotransmitter released from vesicles of synaptic bulb into cleft
transmitter diffuses across cleft and binds to postsynaptic receptors
binding of transmitters to receptor initates postsynaptic potential
glial cells
non excitable in cns and pns capable of mitosis protect and nourish neurons guide neurons
star shaped cells
help form blood brain barriers
regulate chemical environment around neurons
occupy space of dead neurons
ependymal cells
line internal cavities of brain and spinal cord
form choroid plexus
helps produce csf
small rare cells wander cns and replicate in infection
phagocytic cells of immune sustem that engulf infectious agents
remove debris from damages cns tissue
produce myelin sheath in cns
satellite cells
arranged around neuronal cell bodies in ganglion
electrically insulate and regulate exchange of nutrients ans wastes
schwann cells
produce myelin in pns
glial cells in pns
process oc wrapping an axon with myelin
several layers of membrane of glial cells
glossy and white
nodes of ranvier
gaps in myelin sheath
axon regeneration
pns axons can regenerate
schwanna cells form regneration tube and secrete growth factors
neruron cell body must he intact
cns axon regeneration
extremely limited
oligodendrocytes secrete growth inhibiting
active transport
maintain concetration gradient by moving against gradient
cellular energy needed
neurons have Na/K pump and Ca pump
proteins in membrane that allow ions to diffuse down gradient
when open they allo specific type of ion to diffuse
leak channels
always open
chemically ligand gated channels
normally closed
open when neurotransimitter binds
voltage gated channels
normally closed
open when membrane charge change
neuron activity dependent upon
electrical current
voltage (potential energy)
amount of differences in elecrtical charge between two places
movement of charged particles across barrier separating them
oppostion to movement of charged particles
ohms law
current = voltage/resistance
current increases with larger voltage and smaller resitance
ohms law applied to neurons
voltage exisits across membrane due to unequal distribution of ions
resistance decreaes when channels open
characteristics of resting neurons
ions unevenly distributed the pm due to pumps
higher concentration of K in cytosol vs intersitial fluid
higher concentrations of Na, Cl, Ca in IF than cytosol
gated channels are closed
electrical charge difference across membrane
resting membrane potential
K diffusion most important factor in setting rmp
K diffuses out of cell due to gradient
only few Na leak channels
Na diffuse in
role of Na/K pumps
maintains the concentration gradients for these ions
receptive segment
binding of neurotransmitter trigfers postsynaptic potential
transmitter binds to ion channels and opens them
ions diffuse across membrane changing electrical potential
voltage change
graded potential
vary in size
local potential
starts at dendrites or cell body
does not go for
direction of potential depends on
type of ion channel opens
if Na chanmels open
Na diffuses into cell
charge less negative
if Cl channels open
diffuses into cell
charge more negative
if K channels open
K diffuses out of cell
charge more negative
when a cell is less negative than rmp
when cell is more negative that rmp
excitatory postsynaptic potentials
depolarization caused by cation entry
more likely action potential
inhibitory postsynaptic potential
hyperpolarization caused by cation exit or anion entry
less likely for action potential
summation of epsp and ipsp occurs at
axon hillock
all or none law
if threshold is reached an action potential is generated and progated down axon
if threshold is not reached no action potential is generated
same intensity
conductivr segment
axon conducts action potential
depolarization when Na enters voltage gated channels
repolarization when K exits voltage gates channels
refractory period
period of time after start of action potential when its impossible or difficult to fire another action potential
absolute refractory period
no stimulus can initiate another action potential
Na channels are open then inactivated
ensures forward propagation
relative refractory period
another action potential is possible (Na channels reset) but minimum stimulus strength is now greater
slightly hyperpolarized
need stronger stimulus
continusous conduction
unmyelimated axons
charge opens voltage gated channels
saltatory conduction
myelinated axons
action potential occurs at nodes of ranvier
jumping from node to node
less atp
transmissive segment
activity at synaptic bulb
arrival of action potential opens voltage gates Ca channels
Ca diffuses into bulb
Ca binds to proteins and trigger exocytosis of transmitter
graded potential
occurs in neurons receptive region due to ion flow through chemically gated channels
postive or negatice changes im charge
local and graded
action potentials
occurs at neurons conductive region due to ion flow through voltage gated channels
depolarization and repolarization
all or none
propagate down enttire axon to synaptic knob
conduction speed depends on
axon thickness and myelination
thick is faster
thick has less resistance
more negative close to threshold EPSP Na Ca
less negative less to threshold IPSP K Cl hyperpolarize