Exam 4 Muscles Flashcards
OIAs and innervations of the fourth exam muscles
O : sternum and medial third of clavicle
I : mastoid process of temporal bone
Action: flexion of head/neck, lateral flexion and rotation of face to opposite side
In : accessory nerve (motor), C2, and C3, (sensory)
Anterior Scalene
O : transverse processes of the third and sixth cervical vertebrae
I : first rib
A : fixation or elevation of the first rib during inhalation, with the rib fixed it is lateral flexion of the neck
In : ventral rami of the cervical spinal nerves at the origin of the muscle
Middle Scalene
O : transverse processes of the lower five to six cervical vertebrae and possibly the atlas
I : first rib
A : fixation or elevation of the first rib during inhalation, with rib fixed it is lateral flexion of the neck
In : ventral rami of the cervical spinal nerves at the origin of the muscle
Posterior Scalene
O : transverse processes of the C5 - C6 cervical vertebrae
I : second rib
A : fixation or elevation of the second rib during inhalation
In : ventral rami of the cervical spinal nerves at the origin of the muscle
Longus Colli
O : bodies of C5 - T3 & transverse processes of C5 - C6
I : transverse processes of C5 - C6, anterior surface of atlas, bodies of C2 - C4
A : flexion & possibly lateral flexion of the neck
In : ventral rami of C2 - C6
Longus Capitis
O : transverse processes of C3 - C6
I : occipital bone
A : flexion of head & upper cervical vertebrae
In : ventral rami of C1 - C3
Rectus Capitis Anterior
O : lateral mass of atlas
I : occipital bone
A : stabilization of the atlanto-occipital joint, flexion of the head
In : ventral rami of C1 - C2
Rectus Capitis Lateralis
O : transverse process of atlas
I : occipital bone
A : stabilization of atlanto-occipital joint, lateral flexion of the head
In : ventral rami of C1 - C2
Iliocostalis Cervicis
O : upper borders of the upper 6-7 ribs
I : transverse processes of fourth to six cervical vertebrae
A : extension of vertebral column and lateral flexion
In : dorsal rami of spinal nerves
Longissimus Cervicis
O : transverse processes of fourth to sixth thoracic vertebrae
I : transverse processes of second to sixth cervical vertebrae
A : extension and lateral flexion of vertebral column
In : dorsal rami of the spinal nerves
Longissimus Capitis
O : tendons of Longissimus Cervicis, articular processes of C4 - C7
I : mastoid process of the skull
A : extension / lateral flexion of the vertebral column
In : dorsal rami of the spinal nerves
Spinalis Cervicis
O : ligamentum nuchae, spinous processes of C7 - T2
I : spinous processes of C2 - C4
A - extension/lateral flexion of the vertebral column
In : dorsal rami of the spinal nerves
Semispinalis Capitis
O : transverse processes of T1 - T7, articular processes of lower C5 - C7
I : occipital bone
A : extension of the head
In : dorsal rami of cervical nerves and thoracic nerves
Semispinalis Cervicis
O : transverse processes of upper T1 - T6
I : spinous processes of C2 - C5
A : extension of vertebral column
In : dorsal rami of the cervical and thoracic spinal nerves
Splenius Capitis
O : ligamentum nuchae , spinous processes of C7 - T4
I : mastoid process and occipital bone of the skull
A : rotation of head and cervical vertebral column to same side , extension of the head
In : dorsal rami of middle cervical spinal nerves
Splenius Cervicis
O : spinous processes of T3 - T6
I : transverse processes of C2 - C5
A : rotation of the head and cervical vertebral column to the same side , extension of the head and vertebral column
In : dorsal rami of lower cervical nerves
Obliquus Capitis Inferior
O : spinous process of the axis
I : transverse process of the atlas
A : rotation of the atlas (turn head to same side)
In : dorsal ramus of C1
Obliquus Capitis Superior
O : transverse process of the atlas
I : occipital bone
A : extension and lateral bending of the head
In : dorsal ramus of C1
Rectus Capitis Posterior Major
O : spinous process of axis
I : occipital bone
A : extension of the head, rotation of the head to the same side
In : dorsal ramus of C1
Rectus Capitis Posterior Minor
O : posterior tubercle of atlas
I : occipital bone
A : extension of the head
In : dorsal ramus of C1
O : zygomatic arch
I : ramus & angle of mandible
A : elevation of mandible
In : trigeminal nerve
O : lateral surface of the skull (temporal fossa)
I : coronoid process & anterior part of the ramus of mandible
A : elevation & retraction of mandible
In: trigeminal nerve
Lateral Pterygoid
O : lateral surface of the lateral pterygoid plate of sphenoid bone & greater wing of the sphenoid bone
I : neck of mandible, capsule & disk of TMJ
A : protraction of mandible
In : trigeminal nerve
Medial Pterygoid
O : medial surface of the lateral pterygoid plate of the sphenoid bone & maxillary tubercle
I : ramus and angle of mandible
A : elevation of mandible
In : trigeminal nerve
O : sternum (posterior surface)
I : hyoid bone
A : depression/fixation of hyoid bone
In : ventral rami of C1 - C3 via ansa cervicalis
O : sternum (posterior surface)
I : thyroid cartilage
A : depression/fixation of thyroid cartilage
In : ventral rami of C1 - C3 via ansa cervicalis
O : thyroid cartilage
I : hyoid bone
A : depression/stabilization of hyoid bone *if hyoid bone is fixed, elevation of thyroid cartilage
In : ventral rami of C1 via hypoglossal nerve
O : superior border of scapula
I : hyoid bone
A : depression/fixation of hyoid bone
In : ventral rami of C1 - C3 via ansa cervicalis
O : mandible near the molars
I : hyoid bone
A : elevate the hyoid bone, elevate the oral cavity, and depress the mandible
In : trigeminal nerve (mandibular branch)
O : anterior belly - digastric fossa (mandible); posterior belly - mastoid notch of temporal bone
I : hyoid bone
A : swallowing, chewing, and speech
In : posterior belly: facial nerve
anterior belly: trigeminal nerve
O : upper part of the thorax
I : mandible
A : draws corners of mouth and lower lip downward and laterally (horror face)
In : facial nerve