Exam 4: Depression Flashcards
Major Depressive Disorder Symptoms
change from previous functioning, causes significant distress/dysfunction, 5 of 9 symptoms present for 2 week period: weight gain/loss, insomnia/hypersomnia, psychomotor agitation or retardation, fatigue/energy loss, feelings of worthlessness or excessive/inappropriate guilt, diminished ability to think/concentrate or indecisiveness, recurrent thoughts of death or suicidal ideation/attempt/plan, depressed mood, diminished interest/pleasure
Persistent Depressive Disorder Symptoms
(previously Dysthymic Disorder) chronic (can be mild or major), depressed most of the day more days than not for 2+ years (1 in kids), poor appetite/overeating, insomnia/hypersomnia, low energy/fatigue, low self-esteem, poor concentration or difficulty decision-making, feelings of hopelessnesss; never a manic, mixed, or hypomanic episode; substance abuse is an increased risk
PDD Onset
often begins in early adulthood, sometimes follows a major depression but less common than MDD
MDD Prevalence
MDD High-risk Groups
F2:M1; Poor 3x risk; unrelated to ethnicity or education
MDD Age of Onset
any age, average first episode in 20’s
MDD Course
Single episode: 60% have second
2 episodes: 70% chance of third
3 episodes: 90% chance of fourth
MDD Specifier: Anxious Mood
anxious depression, often with insomnia and agitation
MDD Specifier: Psychotic Features
hallucinations, delusions, or some other break from reality
MDD Specifier: Seasonal Pattern
depression occuring late fall-winter with symptoms disappearing in spring/summer; symptoms as severe as MDD, rarely with anxious mood; not considered chronic
treatment: exposure to light during normal daylight hours to reset original biological sleep/wake cycles
Peripartum Depression
onset: during or after pregnancy; affects around 10% of women but 50% have some symptoms due to dramatic hormone changes, lack of sleep, and lifestyle changes; symptoms of MDD, severe anxiety, panic attacks, possibly psychotic symptoms
Premenstrual Dysphoric Disorder Symptoms
At least 5 symptoms only present during period: 1 of these: irritability/anger/increased conflicts, depressed mood/hopelessness/self-depracating thoughts, anxiety and 1 of these: decreased interest, difficulty concentrating, lethargy, change in appetite, insomnia/hypersomnia, overwhelmed or out of control
Symptoms as severe as MDD & GAD
Occurs for at least 1 year
PMDD Prevalence
1.8-3.8% - not culture bound
PMDD Controversy
said to be pathologizing normal symptoms; there have been 20 years of research but it is still controversial
Culture and Depression
found in every culture, but symptoms are not always the same: doesn’t always present itself as sadness or guilt (nerves, headaches, weakness, fatigue)
Depression in Zimbabwe
depression is 2nd leading cause of disability, possibly more common than US, but there is no term for depression and it is not getting treated or recognized
Depression in Children: Prevalence
< 13: 2%, m=f
13-8 years: 6-8%, f > m
As many as 20% of teens have had depressive episode
Depression in Children: Symptoms
Children can have same symptoms, but usually manifests in irritability and aggression; adolescents present more like adults