Exam 4 -coagulation, fluid/electrolyte Flashcards
Hyponatremia labs
Na < 135
Hyperkalemia labs
K above 5.0 mEq/L
Hyokalemia labs
K under 3.5 mEq/L
hypernatremia labs
Na > 145
Controls the fluid, electrolyte, and pH balance in the body
kidneys, lungs and GI tract
What hormone regulates potassium levels in/out of cells?
What hormone effects potassium from kidneys
Normal potassium range
3.5-5 mEq/L
Hypernatremia signs/sx’s
convulsions, AMS, decreased LOC
Hyper and hypokalemia are associated with what
fatal dysrhythmias and serious neuromuscular disorders
Enoxaparin (Lovenox)
Class and MOA
Class: anticoagulant
MOA: binds to and accelerates the activity of antithrombin III
Enoxaparin (Lovenox)
ADE 1, route
Route: only SubQ
ADE: major hemorrhage
Heparin (unfractionated)
Class and MOA
Class: anticoagulant
MOA: prevents blood clots from forming by inactivating coagulation factors
Sodium Bicarbonate (NAHCO3)
ADE 2, Interaction 1
ADE: Hypernatremia and fluid retention
Interactions: salicylates
Potassium Chloride Drug (KCL)
ADE 1, contra 1, max dose, PO consideration
ADE: hyperkalemia effects
* generalized fatigue
* muscle weakness
* paresthesias
* flaccid paralysis
* palpitations
* Contra: K>5
Max Dose: 20mEq per hour
PO must be taken with food