Exam 4 Flashcards
Gas exchange in the lungs occurs
in air sacs, known as alveoli.
- Type I alveolar cells
- Type II alveolar cells (surfactant)
- Alveolar epithelium
- Epithelial basement membrane
- Capillary basement membrane
- Capillary lumen
Gas exchange
A. Dalton’s law of partial pressures:
Partial pressure= Total pressure X Fractional gas concentration
In dry inspired air, PO2=160 mm Hg, PCO2=0 mm Hg
In humidified tracheal air at 37 C. (H2O) PO2=150 mmHg, PCO2=0 mmHg
Partial pressures of O2 and CO2 in inspired air, alveolar air, PAO2=100 mmHg, PACO2=40 mmHg (A=Alveolar)
In blood (Pulmonary a.) PO2=40 mmHg, PCO2=46 mmHg
In blood (Pulmonary v.) PO2=100 mmHg, PCO2=4o mmHg
Gas Laws
Diffusion of gases-Fick’s law
Transfer of gases across cell membranes or capillary walls occurs by simple diffusion, For gases, the rate of transfer by diffusion is directly proportional to the driving force, a diffusion coefficient, and the surface area available for diffusion, it is inversely proportional to the thickness of membrane barrier.
Gas Laws
Lung diffusing capacity (DL)
DL combines:* the diffusion coefficient of the gas, *the surface area of the membrane, and *the thickness of the membrane.
DL also takes into account the time required for the gas to combine with proteins in pulmonary capillary blood (e.g., binding of O2 to hemoglobin in red cells).
DL can be measured with carbon monoxide (CO) because CO transfer across the alveolar/pulmonary capillary barrier is limited exclusive by the diffusion process.
Lung diffusing capacity (DL)
In various diseases,
In various diseases, DL changes: in emphysema, DL deceases because destruction of alveoli results in a decreased surface area for gas exchange.
In fibrosis or pulmonary edema, DL decreases because the diffusion distance (membrane thickness or interstitial volume) increases.
In anemia, DL decreases because the amount of hemoglobin in red blood cells is reduced (recall that DL includes the protein-binding component of O2 exchange).
During exercise, DL increases because additional capillaries are perfused with blood, which increases the surface area for gas exchange.
Diffusion of gases such as O2 and CO2
The diffusion rates of O2 and CO2 depend on the partial pressure differences across the membrane and the area available for diffusion.
For example, the diffusion of O2 from alveolar air into the pulmonary capillary depends on the partial pressure difference for O2 between alveolar air and pulmonary capillary blood. Normally, capillary blood equilibrates with alveolar gas, when the partial pressures of O2 become equal, then there is no more net diffusion of O2.
Perfusion-limited and diffusion-limited gas exchange:
- Perfusion-limited exchange
In perfusion-limited exchange, the gas equilibrates early along the length of the pulmonary capillary. The partial pressure of the gas in arterial blood becomes equal to the partial pressure in alveolar air.
Thus, for a perfusion-limited process, diffusion of the gas can be increased only if blood flow increases.
- Diffusion-limited exchange *****
In fibrosis, the diffusion of O2 is restricted because thickening of the alveolar membrane increases diffusion distance.
In emphysema, the diffusion of O2 is decreased because the surface area for diffusion of gases is decreased.
Lung volumes
Tidal volume (TV)
is the volume inspired or expired with each normal breath.
Lung volumes
Inspiratory reserve volume (IRV)
- is the volume that can be inspired over and above the tidal volume.
- is used during exercise.
Lung volumes
Expiratory reserve volume (ERV)
is the volume that can be expired after the expiration of a tidal volume.
Lung volumes
Residual volume (RV)
is the volume that remains in the lungs after a maximal expiration.
Can not be measured by spirometry.
Lung volumes
Dead space
a. Anatomic dead space
- is the volume of the conducting airways.
- is normally approximately 150ml.
Lung volumes
Dead space
b. Physiologic dead space
- is a functional measurement.
- is defined as the volume of the lungs that does not participate in gas exchange.
- is approximately equal to the anatomic dead space in normal lungs.
- may be greater than the anatomic dead space in lung diseases in which there are ventilation/perfusion (V/Q) defects.
VD = dead space VT = tidal volume PaCO2 = partial pressure of carbon dioxide in arteries PECO2 = partial pressure of carbon dioxide in exhaled air
-In words, the equation states that physiologic dead space is tidal volume multiplied by a fraction. The fraction represents the dilution of alveolar Pco2 by dead-space air, which does not participate in gas exchange and does not therefore contribute CO2 to expired air.
VD = dead space VT = tidal volume PaCO2 = partial pressure of carbon dioxide in arteries PECO2 = partial pressure of carbon dioxide in exhaled air
-In words, the equation states that physiologic dead space is tidal volume multiplied by a fraction. The fraction represents the dilution of alveolar Pco2 by dead-space air, which does not participate in gas exchange and does not therefore contribute CO2 to expired air.
Ventilation rate
a. Minute ventilation is expressed as follows
:Minute ventilation=Tidal volume x Breath/min
b. Aveolar ventilation is expressed as follow:
Alveolar ventilation= (Tidal volume –Dead space) x Breath/min
Lung capacities
Inspiratory capacity
-is the sum of tidal volume and inspiratory reserve volume (IRV).
Lung capacities
Functional residual capacity (FRC)
-is the sum expiratory reserve volume (ERV) and residual volume (RV).
Is the volume remaining in the lungs after a tidal volume is expired.
-includes the residual volume, so it cannot be measured by spirometry.
Lung capacities
Vital capacity (VC) or forced vital capacity (FVC)
- is the sum of tidal volume, IRV, and ERV.
- is the volume of air that can be forcibly expired after a maximal inspiration.
Lung capacities
Total lung capacity (TLC)
- is the sum of all four lung volumes.
- is the volume in the lungs after a maximal inspiration.
- includes residual volume, so it cannot be measured by spirometry.
Forced expiratory volume (FEV1)
- is the volume of air that can be expired in the first second of a forced maximal expiration.
- is normally 80% of the forced vital capacity, which is expressed as:
- In obstructive lung disease, such as asthma, FEV1 is reduced more than FVC so that FEV1/FVC is decreased.
- In restrictive lung disease, such as fibrosis, both FEV1 and FVC are reduced.
Mechanics of Breathing
Muscles of inspiration
- Diaphragm
- is the most important muscle for inspiration.
-When the diaphragm contracts, the abdominal contents are pushed downward, and the ribs are lifted upward and outward, increasing the volume of the thoracic cavity.
- External intercostals and accessory muscles
- are not used for inspiration during normal quiet breathing.
- are used during exercise.
Mechanics of Breathing
Muscles of Expiration
- Expiration is normally passive.
- Because the lung-chest wall system is elastic, it returns to its resting position after inspiration.
- Expiratory muscles are used during exercise or when airway resistance is increased because of disease (e.g., asthma).
- Abdominal muscles
- compress the abdominal cavity, push the diaphragm up, and push air out of the lungs. - Internal intercostal muscles
- pull the ribs downward and inward.
Surface tension of alveoli and surfactant
Surface tension of alveoli
- results from the attractive forces between molecules of liquid lining the alveoli.
- creates a collapsing pressure that is directly proportional to surface tension and inversely proportional to alveolar radius (Laplace’s law), as shown in the following equation:
P=collapsing pressure on alveolus (or pressure required to keep alveolus open)
T= surface tension
r= radius of alveolus (cm)
a. Large alveoli have low collapsing pressures and are easy to keep open.
b. Small alveoli have high collapsing pressures and are more difficult to keep open.
- In the absence of surfactant, the small alveoli have a tendency to collapse (atelectasis).
Surface tension of alveoli and surfactant
- lines the alveoli.
- reduces surface tension by disrupting the intermolecular forces between molecules of liquid. This reduction is surface tension prevents small alveoli from collapsing and increases compliance.
- is synthesized by type II alveolar cells and consists primarily of the phospholipid dipalmitoryl phosphatidylcholine (DPPC).
- In the fetus, surfactant synthesis is variable. Surfactant may be present as early as gestational week 24 and is almost always present by gestational week 35.
- Neonatal respiratory distress syndrome can occur in premature infants because of the lack of surfactant. The infant exhibits atelectasis (lung collapse), difficulty reinflating the lungs (as a result of decreased compliance), and hypoxemia because of the V/Q defect.(Glucocorticoid)
Relationships between pressure, airflow, and resistance
- is driven by, and is directly proportional to, the pressure difference between the mouth (or nose) and the alveoli.
- is inversely proportional to airway resistance; thus the higher the airway resistance, the lower the airflow. This inverse relationship is:
Q=delta P/R
Q- airflow (ml/min or L/min)
delta P= pressure gradient (cm H2O)
R=airway resistance (cm H2O/L/sec)
Relationships between pressure, airflow, and resistance
Factors that change airway resistance
- The major site of airway resistance is the medium-sized bronchi.
- The smallest airways would seem to offer the highest resistance, but they don’t because of their parallel arrangement.
a. Contraction or relaxation of bronchial smooth muscle-changes airway resistance by altering the radius of the airways.
1. Parasympathetic stimulation, irritants, and the slow-reacting substance of anaphylaxis (asthma) constrict the airways, decrease the radius, and increases the resistance to airflow.
2. Sympathetic stimulation and sympathetic agonists (isoproterenol) dilate the airways via beta receptors, increase the radius, and decrease the resistance to airflow.
b. Lung volume
- alters airway resistance because of the radial traction exerted on the airways by surrounding lung tissue.
c. Viscosity or density of inspired gas
-changes the resistance to airflow
During a deep-sea dive, both air density and resistance to airflow are increased.
Breathing a low-density gas, such as helium, reduces the resistance to airflow.
Breathing cycle
At rest (before inspiration begins)
a. Alveolar pressure equals atmospheric pressure.
B. Intrapleural pressure is negative.
C. Lung volume is the functional residual capacity (FRC: Functional Residual Capacity is the volume of air present in the lungs at the end of passive expiration).
Breathing cycle
During inspiration
a. The inspiratory muscles contract and cause the volume of the thorax to increase.
As lung volume increases, alveolar pressure decreases to less than atmospheric pressure.
The pressure gradient between the atmosphere and the alveoli now causes air to flow into the lungs; airflow will continue until the pressure gradient dissipates.
b. Intrapleural pressure becomes more negative.
Because lung volume increases during inspiration, the elastic recoil strength of the lungs also increases. As a result, intrapleural pressure becomes even more negative than it was rest.
Breathing cycle
C. Lung volume increases by one Tidal volume (TV).
C. Lung volume increases by one Tidal volume (TV).
During expiration
a. Alveolar pressure becomes greater than atmospheric pressure.
b. Intrapleural pressure returns to its resting value during a normal (passive) expiration.
C. Lung volume returns to Functional Residual Capacity (FRC).
Asthma is a chronic illness involving the respiratory system in which the airway occasionally constricts, becomes inflamed, and is lined with excessive amounts of mucus, often in response to one or more triggers.
These episodes may be triggered by such things as exposure to an environmental stimulant (or allergen) such as cold air, warm air, moist air, or exertion, or emotional stress.
In children, the most common triggers are viral illnesses such as those that cause the common cold. This airway narrowing causes symptoms such as wheezing, shortness of breath, chest tightness, and coughing. The airway constriction responds to bronchodilators.
- is an obstructive disease in which expiration is impaired.
- is characterized by decreased FVC (forced vital capacity), decreased FEV1, and decreased FEV1/FVC.
- Air that should have been expired is not, leading to air trapping and increased functional residual capacity (FRC).
- FVC : (Sum of Tv, FEv, FIv).This is the total amount of air that you can forcibly blow out after full inspiration, measured in liters.
COPD (Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease )
- is a combination of chorionic bronchitis and emphysema.
- is an obstructive disease with increased lung compliance in which expiration is impaired.
- is characterized by decreased FVC, decreased FEV1, and decreased FEV1/FVC.
- Air that should have been expired is not, leading to air trapping, increased FRC, and a barrel-shaped chest.
A. Pink puffers (primarily emphysema) have mild hypoxemia and, because they maintain alveolar ventilation, normocapnia (normal Pco2).
B. Blue bloaters (primarily bronchitis) have serve hypoxemia with cyanosis and because they do not maintain alveolar ventilation, hypercapnia (increased Pco2). They have right ventricular failure and systemic edema.
- FRC: Functional Residual Capacity is the volume of air present in the lungs at the end of passive expiration).
- is a restrictive disease with decreased lung compliance in which inspiration is impaired.
- is characterized by a decrease in all lung volume. Because FEV1 is decreased less than FVC, FEV1/FVC is **increased ( or may be normal).
- FVC (forced vital capacity ): This is the total amount of air that you can forcibly blow out after full inspiration, measured in liters.
Forms of gases in solution
Dissolved gas
In alveolar air, there is one form of gas, which is expressed as partial pressure. However, in solutions such as blood, gases are carried in additional forms.
Henry’s law gives the relationship between the partial pressure of a gas and its concentration in solution: for a given partial pressure, the higher the solubility of the gas, the higher the concentration of gas in solution.
Of the gases found in inspired air, nitrogen (N2) is the only one that is carried only in dissolved form, and it is never bound or chemically modified.
Forms of gases in solution
Bound gas
In alveolar air, there is one form of gas, which is expressed as partial pressure. However, in solutions such as blood, gases are carried in additional forms.
O2, CO2 and carbon monoxide (CO) are bound to proteins in blood. O2 and CO2 bind to hemoglobin inside red blood cells and carried in this form.CO2 binds to hemoglobin in red blood cells and to plasma proteins.
Forms of gases in solution
Chemically modified gas
In alveolar air, there is one form of gas, which is expressed as partial pressure. However, in solutions such as blood, gases are carried in additional forms.
The most significant example of a chemically modified gas is the conversion of CO2 to bicarbonate (HCO3-) in red blood cells by action of carbonic anhydrase. In fact, most CO2 is carried in blood as HCO3-, rather than as dissolved CO2 or as bound CO2.
Oxygen Transport
- O2 is carried in blood in two forms: dissolved or bound to hemoglobin
- Hemoglobin, at its normal concentration, increases the O2-carring capacity of blood seventyfold.
Oxygen Transport
- Characteristics-globular protein of four subunits
- Each subunit contains a hem moiety, which is iron –containing porphyrin.
- The iron is the ferrous state (Fe2+), which binds O2.
- Each subunit has a polypeptide chain. Two of the subunits have alpha chains and two of the subunits have beta chains; thus, normal adult hemoglobin is called alpha2 beta2.
Oxygen Transport
- Fetal hemoglobin, the beta chains are replaced by gama chains;
thus fetal hemoglobin is called alpha2 gama2.
- The O2 affinity of fetal hemoglobin is higher than the O2 affinity of adult hemoglobin because 2,3-diphosphoglycerate (DPG) binds less avidly.
- Because the O2 affinity of fetal hemoglobin is higher than the O2 affinity of adult hemoglobin, O2 movement from mother to fetus is facilitated.
- 2,3-BPG is present in human red blood cells (RBC; erythrocyte) at approximately 5 mmol/L. It binds with greater affinity to deoxygenated hemoglobin (e.g. when the red cell is near respiring tissue) than it does to oxygenated hemoglobin (e.g. in the lungs). thus enhancing the ability of RBCs to release oxygen near tissues that need it most.
Oxygen Transport
- O2 capacity
- is the maximum amount of O2 that can be bound to hemoglobin.
- is dependent on the hemoglobin concentration in blood.
- is measured at 100% saturation.
Oxygen Transport
- O2 content
- is the total amount of O2 carried in blood, including bound and dissolved O2.
- depends on the hemoglobin concentration.
Oxygen Transport
Hemoglobin-O2 dissociation curve
- Hemoglobin combines rapidly and reversibly with O2 to form oxyhemoglobin.
- The hemoglobin-O2 dissociation curve is a plot of percent saturation of hemoglobin as a function of Po2.
- The sigmoid shape of the curve is the result of a change in the affinity of hemoglobin as each successive O2 molecule binds to a heme site.
- Binding of the first O2 molecule increases the affinity for the second O2 molecule, and so forth.
- The affinity for the fourth O2 molecule is the highest.
This change in affinity facilitates the loading of O2 in the lungs (flat portion of the curve) and the unloading of O2 at the tissues.
In the lungs
- Alveolar gas has a Po2 (Partial pressure of O2) of 100mmHg.
- Pulmonary capillary blood is arterialized by the diffusions of O2 from alveolar gas into blood, so that the Po2 of pulmonary capillary blood also becomes 100 mmHg.
In the peripheral tissues
- O2 diffuses from arterial blood to the cells.
- The gradient for O2 diffusion is maintained because the cells consume O2 for aerobic metabolism, keeping the tissue PO2 low.
CO2 Transport
A. Forms of CO2
- CO2 is produced in the tissues and carried to the lungs in the venous blood in three forms.
1. Dissolved CO2 (small amount), which is free in solution
2. Carbaminohemoglobin (small amount), which is CO2 bound to hemoglobin.
3. HCO3- (from hydration of CO2 in the red blood cells (RBCs), which is the major form (90%)
CO2 Transport
B. Transport of CO2 as HCO3-
- CO2 is generated in the tissues and diffuses freely into the venous plasma and then into the RBCs.
- In the RBCs, CO2 combines with H2O to form H2CO3, a reaction that iscatalyzed by carbonic anhydrase. H2CO3 (carbonic acid) dissociates into H+ and HCO3-.
- HCO3- leaves the RBCs in exchange for CL- (chloride shift) and is transported to the lungs in the plasma. HCO3- is the major form in which CO2 is transported to the lungs.
- H+ is buffered inside the RBCs by deoxyhemoglobin. Because deoxyhemoglobin is a better buffer for H+ than is oxyhemoglobin, it is advantageous that hemoglobin has been deoxygenated by the time blood reaches the venous end of the capillaries.
- In the lungs, all of the above reactions occur in reverse. HCO3 enters the RBCs in exchange for Cl-. HCO3 recombines with H+ to form H2CO3, which decomposes into CO2 and H2O. Thus, CO2, originally generated in the tissues, is expired.
Pulmonary Circulation
A. Pressures and cardiac output in the pulmonary circulation
- Pressures-are much lower in the pulmonary circulation than in the systemic circulation.
- For example, pulmonary arterial pressure is 15 mmHg (compared with aortic pressure of 100 mmHg). - Resistance
- is also much lower in the pulmonary circulation than in the systemic circulation. - Cardiac output of the right ventricle
- is pulmonary blood flow.
- is equal to cardiac output of the left ventricle.
- Although pressures in the pulmonary circulation are low, they are sufficient to pump the cardiac output because resistance of the pulmonary circulation is proportionately low.
Pulmonary Circulation
B. Distribution of pulmonary blood flow
- When a person is supine, blood flow is nearly uniform throughout the lung.
- When a person is standing, blood flow is unevenly distributed because of the effect of gravity. Blood flow is lowest at the apex of the lung (zone 1) and highest at the base of the lung (zone 3).
- Zone 1-blood flow is lowest.
- Alveolar pressure > arterial pressure > venous pressure.
- The high alveolar pressure may compress the capillaries and reduce blood flow in zone 1. This situation can occur if arterial blood pressure is decreased as a result of hemorrhage or if alveolar pressure is increased because of positive pressure ventilation. - Zone 2-blood flow is medium.
- Arterial pressure > alveolar pressure > venous pressure.
- Moving down the lung, arterial pressure progressively increases because of gravitational effects on hydrostatic pressure.
- Arterial pressure is greater than alveolar pressure in zone 2, and blood flow is driven by the difference between arterial pressure and alveolar pressure. - Zone 3 - blood flow is highest.
- Arterial pressure> venous pressure > alveolar pressure.
- Moving down toward the base of the lung, arterial pressure is highest because of gravitional effects, and venous pressure finally increases to the point where it exceeds alveolar pressure.
- In zone 3, blood flow is deriven by the difference between arterial and venous pressures, as in most vascular beds.
Regulation of pulmonary blood flow-hypoxic vasconstriction
- In the lungs, hypoxia causes vasconstriction.
- This response is the opposite of that in other organs, where hypoxia causes vasodilatation.
- Physiologically, this effect is important because local vasoconstriction redirects blood away from poorly ventilated, hypoxic regions of the lung and toward well-ventilated regions.
- Fetal pulmonary vascular resistance is very high because of generalized hypoxic vasoconstriction; as a result, blood flow through the fetal lungs is low. With the first breath, the alveoli of the neonate are oxygenated, pulmonary vascular resistance decreases, and pulmonary blood flow increases and becomes equal to cardiac output (as occurs in the adult).
Control of Breathing
Chemoreceptor for CO2, H+, and O2:
- Central chemoreceptors in the medulla
- Peripheral chemoreceptors in the carotid and aortic bodies
a. Decreases in arterial Po2
b. Increases in arterial Pco2
c. Increases in arterial H+
Other type of receptors for control of breathing
- Lung stretch receptors
- Irritant receptors
- J (juxtacapillary) receptors
- Joint and muscle receptors
Control of Breathing
- Sensory information (Pco2, lung stretch, irritants, tendons, and joints) is coordinated in the brain stem.
- The output of the brain stem controls the respiratory muscles and the breathing cycle.
Control of Breathing
- Sensory information (Pco2, lung stretch, irritants, tendons, and joints) is coordinated in the brain stem.
- The output of the brain stem controls the respiratory muscles and the breathing cycle.
Control of Breathing
A. Central control of breathing (brain stem and cerebral cortex)
- Medullary respiratory center
- is located in the reticular formation.
-Input to the dorsal respiratory group comes from the vagus and glossopharyngeal nerves.
The vagus nerve relays information from peripheral chemoreceptors and mechanoreceptors in the lung. The glossopharyngeal nerve relays information from peripheral chemoreceptors.
-Output from the dorsal respiratory group travels, via the phrenic nerve, to the diaphragm.
Control of Breathing
B. Ventral respiratory group
- is primarily responsible for expiration.
- is not active during normal, quiet breathing, when expiration is passive.
- is activated, for example, during exercise, when expiration becomes an active process.
- Apneustic center
- is located in the lower pons.
- stimulates inspiration, producing a deep and prolonged inspiratory gasp (apneusis). - Pneumotaxic center
- is located in the upper pons.
- inhibits inspiration and, therefore, regulates inspiratory volume and respiratory rate. - Breathing can be under voluntary control; therefore, a person can voluntarily hyperventilate or hypoventilate.
- Hypoventilation (breath-holding) is limited by the resulting increase in Pco2 and decrease Po2. A previous period of hyperventilation extends the period of breath-holding.
Physiology of the GI tract
Requires the following activities:
GI tract is designed to provide the body with nutrition.
Requires the following activities:
- Movement of food through GI tract
- Secretion of digestive juices and digestion of the food
- Absorption of the digestive products, water and electrolytes
- Circulation of blood through the GI organs to carry away the absorbed substances
- Control of these functions by nervous and hormonal systems
Physiology of the GI tract
The alimentary tract
Oral cavity – first breakdown of food
Esophagus – passage of food
Stomach – storage, second breakdown of food
liver, pancreas, gall bladder, small and Large intestine – digestion, absorption
Physiology of the GI tract
Principles of GI motility
GI wall – major and minor muscle layers, valves
Electrical activity
Structures and innervation of the GI tract:
1- Mucus membrane: is composed of specialized
epithelial cells for secretion or absorption
2- Muscularis mucosa: is the wide spread muscle fiber
layer beneath the lamina propria, its contraction causes
a change in the surface area for secretion/absorption.
3- Muscle layer: composed of inner circular and outer longitudinal muscle layers:
Circular muscle: contraction decreases the diameter of the lumen of the GI tract
Longitudinal muscle: contraction causes shortening of a segment of the GI tract
4- Serosa (adventitia): is the external peritoneal covering layer.
Intrinsic (enteric) innervation
of the digestive tract:
Digestive system is supplied by 2 different plexuses (parasympathetic):
1- Submucosal plexus of Meissner
2- Myenteric plexus of Auerbach
They integrate and coordinate the
motility and secretory and endocrine
functions of the GI tract.
Sympathetic fibers are interspersed
between the two mentioned plexus.
Extrinsic innervation of the GI tract:
Sympathetic and Parasympathetic
Efferent fibers: carry information from the brainstem and spinal cord to the GI tract
Afferent fibers: carry sensory information (chemoreceptors, mechanoreceptors) from
the GI tract back to the brainstem and spinal cord.
Sympathetic and Parasympathetic
Efferent fibers: carry information from the brainstem and spinal cord to the GI tract
Afferent fibers: carry sensory information (chemoreceptors, mechanoreceptors) from
the GI tract back to the brainstem and spinal cord.
Extrinsic innervation of the GI tract:
Vagus N. and pelvic splanchnic N.
Excitatotry on GI function.
Preganglionic fibers synapse in the
Myenteric and submucosal plexuses.
Vagus (CNX): sends information to
the esophagus, stomach, pancreas,
intestine down to the upper parts of
the large intestine.
Pelvic splanchnic nerve (S2-4):
Carries information to the lower
parts of the large intestine and
pelvic organs.
Extrinsic innervation of the GI tract:
Originate from spinal cord.
coming via abdominal splanchnic
nerves (T5- L2).
Preganglionic cholinergic fibers
synapse in prevertebral ganglia.
Postganglionic adrenergic fibers
leave the prevertebral ganglia
and synapse in the myenteric
and submucosal plexuses.
They inhibit peristalsis and
gastric secretion and cause
pyloric contraction.
They also convey pain (in stomach).
Direct postganglionic adrenergic innervation of blood
vessels and some smooth muscle cells also occurs.
Gastrointestinal Motility:
Contractile tissue of the GI tract is unitary smooth muscle.
Exceptions: pharynx, upper 1/3 of the esophagus, and the external anal sphincter, all
of which are striated muscle.
Contraction of the circular muscle: leads to a decrease in diameter of that segment
of the GI tract.
Contraction of the longitudinal muscle: leads to a decrease in length of that segment
of the GI tract.
Phasic contraction: are found in esophagus, gastric antrum, and small intestine which
contract and relax periodically.
Tonic contraction: are found in lower esophageal sphincter, the orad stomach, and the
ileocecal and internal anal sphincters
Physiology of the GI tract
Slow waves
- are oscillating membrane potentials inherent to the smooth muscle cells of some parts of the GI tract.
- They occur spontaneously
- They originate in the interstitial cells of Cajal, which serve as the pacemaker for GI smooth muscle.
- They are not action potentials, although they determine the pattern of action potentials and, therefore, the pattern of contraction.
Mechanism of slow wave production:
is the cycle of activation and deactivation of the cell membrane.
Depolarization ( Ca2+ inward) during each slow wave brings the membrane potential of smooth muscle cells closer to threshold and, therefore, increases the probability that action potentials will occur.
Action potentials are produced on the top of the background of slow waves, which then initiates contraction of the smooth muscle cells.
The repolarizing phase of slow wave is K+ outward.
Frequency of slow waves:
*Varies along the GI tract, but is constant in each part.
*Is not influenced by neuronal or hormonal input. However, the
frequency of the action potentials that occur on the top of the slow
waves is modified by neural and hormonal influences.
- Lowest in stomach and highest in duodenum.
- 3-12/minute varying by place:
Stomach at 3, duodenum at 12, ileum at 9/minute.
Physiology of the GI tract
Spike potentials
They are the action potentials
Triggered at -40 mV. Resting membrane potential floats between -50 to -60 mV.
The number of spikes triggered is proportional to the rise above threshold and time above threshold. (i.e., bursts of 1-10)
The AP of GI muscle is 10-40 times as long as that in the large nerve fiber. (10-20 ms).
Caused by the calcium-sodium channels
Physiology of the GI tract
Resting Membrane Voltages
Normal is an average (50-60) of -56 mV
Depolarization: Stretching Acetylcholine Parasympathetic stimulation Specific gastrointestinal hormones
Sympathetic stimulation
Physiology of the GI tract
Calcium Ions and muscle contraction:
Acts through calmodulin not troponin C as the calcium regulator to coordinate the myosin/actin filament binding
Physiology of the GI tract
Tonic contraction of GI smooth muscle:
In GI smooth muscle, even sub-threshold slow waves produce a weak contraction. Thus, even without the occurrence of action potential, the smooth muscle is not completely relaxed, but exhibits basal contraction, or tonic contraction.
It is under a baseline contraction that is controlled by
1) nervous (non-slow wave associated spikes)
2) hormonal input
3) to an unknown extent by calcium entry with the variable resting membrane potential
Peristalsis happens relative to this tone.
Hormonal control of GI motility
from mucosa of jejunum in response to fats, increases contractility of gallbladder to release bile and concomittantly decreases stomach contractilty (hold fats still for digestion)
Hormonal control of GI motility
from mucosa of duodenum in response to acid, has a mildly inhibitory effect on GI motility to moderate acid load to small intestine
Hormonal control of GI motility
Gastric inhibitory peptide
from mucosa of upper small intestine in response to fats (lesser to carbs) to decrease motor function (peristalsis) when the upper small intestine is already full!
Functional Types of movement in GI tract
Propulsive – peristalsis, “forward flow”
Mixing – movement within the biomass of the digesting contents themselves
Propulsive – peristalsis, “forward flow”
Stimulation is primarily distension (only 2-3 cm is required). Coordinated contraction of circular and longitudinal muscles.
Functional Types of movement in GI tract
Propulsive – peristalsis, “forward flow”
Stimulation is primarily distension (only 2-3 cm is required). Coordinated contraction of circular and longitudinal muscles.
Functional Types of movement in GI tract
Mixing – movement within the biomass of the digesting contents themselves
Mixing movements are very regional.
If a sphincter is present then peristalsis creates churning but little absorption is done around sphincters so little other dynamics of movement are important.
Local constrictive contractions occur under submucosal plexus control every few centimeters creating chopping and churning to increase contact between the biomass and the gut wall.
Defects in Meissner’s plexus lead to malabsorption.
Chewing, swallowing, and esophageal peristalsis:
*Lubricates food by mixing it with saliva.
*Decreases the size of food particles to facilitate swallowing and to begin the
digestive process.
Chewing, swallowing, and esophageal peristalsis:
*The swallowing reflex is coordinated in the medulla (by CNIX and CNX).
Events involved in swallowing:
1- the nasopharynx closes and breathing is inhibited.
2- laryngeal muscles contract: glottis closes and larynx is elevated.
3- peristalsis begins in the pharynx, upper esophageal sphincter relaxes
(to propel the food towards and into the esophagus).
Chewing, swallowing, and esophageal peristalsis:
Esophagus & esophageal motility:
- 25- 30 cm long, propels food into the stomach
- It is about 40cm from the incisor teeth.
*It has 3 narrowings:
1- upper sphincter (prevents air entering esophagus)
2- Aortic narrowing (crossed by aortic arch)
3- Diaphragmatic narrowing (in the E. hiatus)
*Starts at the level of C6 vertebra (cricoid cartilage)
*It lies on the vertebral column
*accompanied by R&L vagus nerves
*passes through esophageal hiatus of diaphragm
at the level of T10.
(Aorta at T12 and IVC at T8 levels pass through
the diaphragm).
*Ends below the diaphragm
*Distal part of the esophagus may act as
a sphincter preventing gastric acid to enter
into the esophagus.
*Cardia: where esophagus enters the stomach
Sympathetic & parasympathetic (vagus)
Chewing, swallowing, and esophageal peristalsis:
Esophagus & esophageal motility:
Intraesophageal pressure and motility
Intraesophageal pressure:
*Because the esophagus is located in the thorax, intraesophageal pressure
equals thoracic pressure, which is lower than atmospheric pressure.
*A balloon catheter placed in the esophagus can measure intrathoracic pressure.
Esophageal motility:
The following sequence of events occurs when food moves down the esophagus:
1- upper esophageal sphincter relaxes to permit food to enter the esophagus.
2- upper esophageal sphincter then contracts to prevent food reflux into pharynx.
3- a primary peristaltic contraction creates an area of high pressure behind the
food. The peristaltic contraction moves down and gravity accelerates movement.
4- a secondary peristaltic contraction clears the esophagus of any remaining food.
5- relaxation of lower esophageal sphincter mediated by VIP through vagus N.
6- receptive relaxation of the orad region of the stomach to allow the food bolus
into the stomach.
Clinical tips:
Gastric Reflux
may occur if the tone of the lower esophageal sphincter is decreased and gastric contents reflux into the esophagus. This may cause heart burn.
Clinical tips:
retrosternal pain, neuromotor disorder of the lower
esophageal sphincter (LES). Decreased cells in the myentric plexus (analogous to
Hirschsprung’s disease), dysphagia for solid and liquid.
Dilated proximal esophagus and aperistalsis, increased LES pressure.
Dorsal view of the esophagus:
Esophagus is the continuation of Pharynx.
13- superior
14- middle
15- inferior constrictor muscles of the pharynx.
1- cervical portion of the esophagus
10- Vagus nerve
Esophageal atresia
when distal end of the
esophagus is closed.
Tracheoesophageal fistula
when there is a hole
(connection) between esophagus and the trachea.
Milk from the newborn esophagus finds its way into the
respiratory tract causing severe respiratory problems.
frequently at transition between epithelia.
Esophageal Cancers
Low in North America.
High in Iran and China (irritation of the mucosa
e.g.: hot tea, Opium, etc…)
Hiatal hernia:
protrusion of part of the stomach into the mediastinum
through the esophageal hiatus of the diaphragm. Often painful and mixed with
other chest pains including the cardiac ischemia
2 main types: sliding and paraesophageal types.
Sliding hiatus hernia (A): when abdominal part of the esophagus and cardia and even
part of the fundus slide up through the esophageal hiatus. *Regurgitation and heart burn
Paraesophageal hiatus hernia (B): Cardia doesn’t move but part of the fundus and
peritoneum passes through the esophageal hiatus. *Usually no regurgitation
Surgery reinforces the barrier to reflux that the lower esophageal valve normally provides.
In most cases, the operation performed to correct gastroesophageal reflux is a procedure called
“fundoplication.” The upper portion of the stomach (the fundus) is wrapped (plicated)
around the lower portion of the esophagus and anchored securely below the diaphragm.
Radiofrequency Treatment
Using an endoscope supplied by electrodes: the radiofrequency energy causes tiny burns at
G-E junction that heal and form scar tissue. The scar tissue actually tightens the weak valve.
Stomach is the most dilated part of
the alimentary tract between the
esophagus and the lesser intestine.
It has a “J” shape and lies in the
upper left quadrant of the abdomen.
But, Its shape and position varies in
different individuals.
It is an intraperitoneal organ.
It has anterior and posterior surfaces
and right and left borders.
It is a food reservoir and is involved
in enzymatic digestion.
**Parts of stomach:
Stomach has 4 parts and 2 curvatures: Parts of stomach: Cardia (1) Fundus (3) Body (5) Pyloric part (6) (its wide part, the pyloric antrum leads into the pyloric canal). Pylorus ends as a thickened structure, called: Pyloric sphincter (7).
8- Lesser curvature of the stomach
9- Angular notch
10- Greater curvature of the stomach
4- Cardiac notch.
Orad region: includes the fundus and the
proximal body, receives the ingested food.
Caudad region: includes the antrum and
distal body, mixes the food and propels
it into the duodenum.
Muscle layer of the stomach:
Muscle layer, tunica muscularis, is the motor of
the stomach and consists of bundles of smooth
muscle fibers.
Like that of the intestine, it has inner circular
(AB1) and an outer longitudinal (A2, 3) fibers.
*In addition, stomach has a 3rd layer, oblique (4)
fibers (in pyloric and lesser curvature it is missing).
C, D and E are 3 main types of stomach
Motor functions of the Stomach
Three main functions
Storage (volume)
Chyme (mechanical digestion in the presence of gastric acid)
Controlled rate of passage and quality of digestion of food to duodenum
***Gastric mucosa (A1):
Has numerous gastric folds and pits (2). Gastric glands
(3) open into the pits. The mucosa and pits are covered
by columnar epithelium (4). Epithelial cells produce mucus
which protects the epithelium against auto-digestion.
**Glands in the body and the fundus
are elongated and contain 3 types of cells: Mucoid cells (6), Chief cells (7) in body/fundus, produce pepsinogen and Parietal cells (8) in body/fundus, produce HCl and the intrinsic factor for VitB12 absorption in the ileum.
is produced by G cells mainly in pyloric antrum
stimulate acid secretion and growth of parietal cells.
**Zollinger-Ellison syndrome: gastrin secretion by
non-beta cells of the pancreas (multiple ulcers in stomach).
*Secretin by duodenum inhibits HCl secretion
- pepsinogen
is a protein-splitting enzyme activated
by HCl of the stomach into pepsin to break the food.
*Endocrine cells
of mucous membrane (1.2% of all)
mainly in antrum, produce: histamine, somatostatin,
gastrin, serotonin.
Secretion of gastric juice: 2 phases:
Nervous secretion: by vagus nerve, activated by
taste, smell and sight (even if stomach is empty).
Gastric (digestive) phase secretion:
stimulated by food ingestion.
HCl required for conversion of pepsinogen into pepsin
HCl required for conversion of pepsinogen into pepsin
Clinical point
deficiency of HCl leads to deficiency of pepsin which impacts the protein digestion and absorption
IF = intrinsic factor
carries vitamin B12 to ileum for absorption
Clinical point
deficiency of HCl leads to deficiency of pepsin which impacts the protein digestion and absorption
IF = intrinsic factor
carries vitamin B12 to ileum for absorption
Clinical point
deficiency or destruction of parietal cell leads to anemia
Clinical point
deficiency or destruction of parietal cell leads to anemia
Goblet cell
secretes mucus for formation of chyme
Goblet cell
secretes mucus for formation of chyme
Chyme is mixing of food content with enzymes
Chyme is mixing of food content with enzymes
Pepsinogen is inactive form
Pepsinogen is inactive form
G cell secretes gastrin
gastrin has direct effect on parietal cell which stimulates the HCl secretion
G cell secretes gastrin
gastrin has direct effect on parietal cell which stimulates the HCl secretion
Clinical point
over secretion of HCl inhibits gastric secretion
Clinical point
over secretion of HCl inhibits gastric secretion
when first hormone controls second hormone secretion
example: histamine increases HCl secretion
example: serotonin controls HCl secretion
example: somatostallin inhibits other gastric hormone secretion
when first hormone controls second hormone secretion
example: histamine increases HCl secretion
example: serotonin controls HCl secretion
example: somatostallin inhibits other gastric hormone secretion
Clinical point
over secretion of histamine may lead to gastritis or gastric ulcer
receptor: H2(histamine receptor)
treatment: H2 blocker to reduce histamine effect to control the HCl secretion
Clinical point
over secretion of histamine may lead to gastritis or gastric ulcer
receptor: H2(histamine receptor)
treatment: H2 blocker to reduce histamine effect to control the HCl secretion
I cell and CCK
CCK functions:
contraction of gall bladder for bile secretion into common bile duct
relaxes sphincter of oddi AKA ampulla of Vater(located in second part of duodenum) which releases bile and pancreatic enzymes
increases pancreatic enzymes and bicarbonate secretion into second part of duodenum
(very important)prevents/inhibits early gastric emptying when the chyme(food) has fat in duodenum
fatty foods need longer time to absorb and digest
I cell and CCK
CCK functions:
contraction of gall bladder for bile secretion into common bile duct
relaxes sphincter of oddi AKA ampulla of Vater(located in second part of duodenum) which releases bile and pancreatic enzymes
increases pancreatic enzymes and bicarbonate secretion into second part of duodenum
(very important)prevents/inhibits early gastric emptying when the chyme(food) has fat in duodenum
fatty foods need longer time to absorb and digest
S cell secretes secretin
secretin decreases gastric acid secretion and increases bicarbonate which exist in bile and also increases pancreatic bicarbonate secretion
pancreatic bicarbonate which is released into duodenum is to neutralize the acidic media
S cell secretes secretin
secretin decreases gastric acid secretion and increases bicarbonate which exist in bile and also increases pancreatic bicarbonate secretion
pancreatic bicarbonate which is released into duodenum is to neutralize the acidic media
GIP(below #3 in picture)
sensitive to oral glucose
GIP secretion stimulates beta cell in pancreas for secretion of insulin
decreases gastric acid secretion
GIP(below #3 in picture)
sensitive to oral glucose
GIP secretion stimulates beta cell in pancreas for secretion of insulin
decreases gastric acid secretion