Exam 3: integumentary system Flashcards
3 layers of skin from top to bottom
epidermis cell composition and function
squamous cells: protection and production of melanin K: keratinocytes LL: langerhans cells, lamellar granules MM: synthesizes melanin, merkel cells B: basal cells
dermis cells
collagen, elastin fibers, blood vessels and capillaries
Composed of papillary layer (our fingerprints)
what makes up 80% of the dermis and is made of a thick dense irregular connective tissue
reticular layer
hypodermis fct
fat storage, insulation, energy storage, shock absorbtion
nail fct + location
protection, toes+fingers
where does the nail grow
sweat gland fct + location
protects skin, thermoregulation and excretion: dermis
sebaceous glands
secrete sebum to lubricate and protect skin: epidermis
by what are sebaceous glands surrounded by
epidermal cells
hair follicles fct + location
anchor hair and grow more hair: in dermis
in what do hair grow
thick vs thin skin
Thick skin: hairless, feet+hands+fingers+toes, dermis thinner, epidermis thicker, no skin appendages except sweat glands
Thin skin: hairs, dermis thicker, epidemris thinner
skin cancer cause and symptom
cause: uv
symptom: abcde rule
eczema cause and treatment
cause: genetics, environment, stress
symptom: red spot, itching, dry swollen skin
alopecia cause and treatment
cause: genetics, stress, hormonal change
symptom: hair loss
temperature regulation in human
see loop