Exam 3: I-II Flashcards
What is the difference between organized crime and syndicate crime?
organized crime- crime in which there’s more than one offender and the offenders are and intend to remain associated with one another for the purpose of committing crimes
syndicate crime- crime committed for financial gain by loose, but firmly established groups of people
List the characteristics of organized crime.
1) Not ideological
2) organized hierarchy
3) limited membership
4) violence
5) division of labor
6) monopolistic
7) governed by rules & regulations
8) self-perpetuating
9) profits made illegally
10) provide illegal goods/services desired by the public
11) corruption
12) code of secrecy
13) long-term planning
How is organized crime different from terrorist groups?
organized crime: 1) $ motivations 2) extensive network (legitimate) 3) violence (not public) targeted/retaliating 4) assist communities (resources)
terrorist groups:
1) political & ideological motivations
2) no need to network
3) Public Actions/Violence (random)
How is organized crime similar to terrorists groups?
1) Specialization of positions
2) violence
3) use of fear to accomplish goals
4) justifications
5) leader (hierarchical authority)
6) mission/codes of conduct
What is enterprise crime?
Enterprise crime- result from the relationships between organized crime figures and legitimate business ppl or political officials
What did organized crime groups look like before the 1920’s? Who was involved? What sorts of crimes did they commit?
Small local street gangs
Voting fraud/intimidation of opponents
After prohibition organized crime groups exploded
_____ caused the Mafia to loos a lot of power
Who are the new gangs in the US?
Motorcycle Gangs
Blood and Crips
Organized crime groups are very _________-_________
What is racketeering?
operating an illegal business or scheme in order to make a profit, perpetuated by a structured group
In term of organized crime, legitimated OC businesses help provide?
1) money-laundering
2) covey shelter for employees
3) Make $ legitimately
What are the three causes of organized crime?
1) opportunity factors
2) the criminal environment
3) the skills/access required to carry out the criminal activity
Increasing oc infiltration of legitimate business is beneficial for oc groups because?
1) money laundering
2) tax shelter
3) legit $
4) they can retire respectably
5) make them look legitimate
According to Walter’s article “environmental crime and organized crime” what are 5 key areas?
1) Illegal dumping of waste and hazardous substances
2) Illegal trade in endangered species and wildlife
3) Illegal logging and trade in protected woodlands
4) illegal, unregulated, and unreported fishing
5) illegal trade in ozone-depleting substances
What is self-regulations?
“private policing directed at one’s own company or professional peers.”
What are the 3 parts of self-regulation?
1) components
2) operations
3) top management
Why is self regulation good?
1) Bc companies can hide things from LE.
2) Bc law enforcement can’t be everywhere
3) prevents crime against your company
4) moral obligation to be good public CEO’s
5) pre-empt stricter gov’t controls
6) maintain a good reputation.
Why is self regulation bad?
1) company can grow complacent
2) employees can pick & chose what they like.
3) lack of accountability.
Why do corporations participate in self-regulation?
1) more thorough/better knowledge: ppl know what’s going on in company.
2) more access to employees
3) tough sanctions: sanctions that are certain
4) need “enforced self-regulation”
Why are gatekeepers important?
1) GK know what to look for in terms of compliance.
2) the public trusts opinion of GK.
3) saves us $$$
4) assumes they’re unbiased.
What do gatekeepers do?
Educate, advise and monitor financial industry of businesses.
Why do gatekeepers fail?
1) GK might have a financial interest in company that they’re supposed to be monitoring.
2) GK might have ongoing relationships with others or internally.
How do regulations affect gatekeepers?
1) reduce COIs (conflict of interests)
2) encourage whistleblowing
3) board/audit committee oversight: over company
4) strengthen internal controls
5) more training: making sure we train GK & how to handle cases.
what are the 2 functions of gatekeepers?
1) educate & advise
2. ) Reputational intermediaries
What are the conflicts of interest for gatekeepers?
- ) social factors
2. ) lack of legal accountability
What did the Sarbanes-Oxley Act do?
- passed in reaction to corporate scandals that created strict strategies to prevent WCC.
- It doubled the prison sentences from up to 10yrs-20 years for managers who falsified financial statements.
- the act addressed the need for improved ethics training, corporate governance strategies, and understanding of internal control efforts.