Exam 1: I-II Flashcards
How are white collar crime and corporate crime different from street crime?
1) WCC characterized by concealment, guile, and deceit
2) Offenders are often in positions of TRUSt, and are considered respectable
3) WCC is NOT generally subject to crj system enforcement
4) Attention paid to WCC is much less and very different
Who is Sutherland?
- The father of wcc research
- 1st to study wcc empirically
Why did Sutherland begin studying wcc?
Grew up in a time when corporations were becoming a more powerful force in the the U.S. economy.
Then, social movements exposing the abuses of corporations (muckrakers).
What did Sutherland find in his study of corporations?
1) Corporate crime was extensive/persistent
2) Offenses weren’t processed in the criminal justice system
3) More than half are habitual offenders
___________/__________ ______ in cities, increased the prevalence of wcc, because of __________.
Urbanization/population growth
What is Sutherland’s definition of white-collar crime?
“Crime by a person of high social status and
respectability in the course of his occupation”
White collar crime is?
1) Deceit, concealment, and guile
2) Motivated by economic gain/occupational success
3) People in positions of trust/don’t have criminal self-image
4) Legitimate Occupational Context
What is workplace deviance?
broader definition of wcc that includes all of those workplace acts that violate the norms or standards of the workplace, regardless of whether they’re formally defined as illegal
What are the 3 types of WCC definitions?
1) Polemical
2) Typological
3) Operational
What is the difference between Polemical and Typological?
Polemical- to challenge popular conceptions of criminality
Typological- categorize into similar categories; different behaviors have to be explain in different ways
What is the difference between Polemical and Operational?
Polemical- to challenge popular conceptions of criminality
Operational- defining something so it can be measured/observed
What is the difference between Typological and Operational?
Typological- categorize into similar categories; different behaviors have to be explain in different ways
Operational- defining something so it can be measured/observed
Sutherlands definition of wcc is Polemical, Typological, or Operational?
The FBI’s definition of wcc is Polemical, Typological, or Operational?
List the 5 types of wcc.
1) Corporate Crime
2) Occupational Crimes
3) Governmental Crimes
4) State-Corporate Crime
5) Miscellaneous
What is the difference between corporate and occupational crime?
Corporate Crime- for the benefit of the corporation
Occupational Crimes- takes place at the occupation for personal benefit
What is the difference between Governmental and State-Corporate crime?
Governmental Crimes- crimes by government themselves, and people running for office
State-Corporate Crime- states and corporations working together
What is miscellaneous wcc?
interprise crime or cybercrime
What are the 3 major definitional debates about wcc?
1) Offender vs. Offense-based
2) Individuals or Corporations?
3) Violations of CRIMINAL law, or other types of law as well?
5 concerns that scholars had about Sutherland’s use of the wcc concept?
1) conceptual ambiguity
2) empirical ambiguity
3) methodological ambiguity
4) legal ambiguity
5) policy ambiguity