Exam 2: V Flashcards
____________ come before the crime and reduce guilt about committing a crime
_________ come after a crime occurs
What are the 5 types of neutralizations?
1) Denial of Injury
2) Denial of Victim
3) Denial of Responsibility
4) Appeal to Higher Loyalty
5) Condemning the Condemners
Which type of neutralization is this:
no one was hurt
Denial of Injury
Which type of neutralization is this:
there’s no victim or victim deserved it
Denial of Victim
Which type of neutralization is this:
It was an accident or it wasn’t my fault or someone else did it
Denial of Responsibility
Which type of neutralization is this:
I did it for my family/friends/employees/ the greater good
Appeal to Higher Loyalty
Which type of neutralization is this:
Points out hypocrisy of crj system
Condemning the Condemners
Which type of neutralization is this:
My crime didn’t hurt anyone
Denial of Injury
Which type of neutralization is this:
Top CEOs say “I didn’t know”
Denial of Responsibility
Which type of neutralization is this:
Regulation/Laws intervene too much in business procedures
Condemning the Condemners
What are 2 other forms of neutralization?
1) Everyone else is doing it
2) Entitlement
What are two types of accounts?
1) Excuses
2) Justifications
What is the difference between excuse and justifications?
Excuses- admit behavior, but deny responsibility
Justifications- admit responsibility, but positively interpret it
Who wrote the original strain theory? Who revised it?
Merton= original Agnew= revision
According to Merton’s version, what is strain?
Crime comes from people who aspire to make money, but are blocked from doing it by legitimate means
What are the 5 modes of adaption to strain, according to Merton?
1) Innovation
2) Conformity
3) Ritualism
4) Retreatism
5) Rebellion
What is self-control theory?
All types of crime were caused by the presence of low self-control
Who created self-control theory?
Gottfredson and Hirschi
Routine activities theory requires what 3 elements?
1) The presence of motivated offenders
2) The absence of capable guardians
3) The availability of suitable targets
Who created routine activities theory?
Cohen and Felson
Which adaption to strain is this:
accept the goal of society and follow legitimate means to attain goals
Which adaption to strain is this:
accept the goal of financial success but replace legitimate means with illegitimate means
Which adaption to strain is this:
Do not accept the goals of society but o through the motions of engaging in the means prescribed by society
Which adaption to strain is this:
wcc who accept neither the goals of society nor the means to attain those goals
Which adaption to strain is this:
workers who reject the goals and means of society and replace the societal=prescribed goals and means with their own goals and means
What are the 3 types of strain according to Agnew?
1) Failure to Achieve Positively Valued Goals
2) Actual/Anticipated Removal of Positively Valued Stimuli
3) Actual/Anticipated Presentation of Negative Stimuli