Exam 3 Drugs Lower GI Flashcards
Drugs that affect lower GI
Aminosalicylates are _________ compounds with __________ action.
Aminosalicylates exert what kind of effect on the bowel
a topical anti-inflammatory
What is used to treat Crohn’s disease and ulcerative colitis
Most common reactions of Aminosalicylates
abdominal pain, nausea, and diarrhea
What do Antidiarrheals do?
Decrease intestinal peristalsis (usually increased when patient has diarrhea)
Examples of Antidiarrheals
Antidiarrheals treat what?
Used in treatment of diarrhea
Antidiarrheals Contraindications
- When diarrhea is associated with organism that can harm intestinal mucosa
- Can cause additive CNS depression
(some are narcotic based)
Antiflatulents do what?
Reduces amount of intestinal gas
Example if Anti-Flatulents
Simethicone (Mylicon)
Charcoal = absorbent that reduces amount of intestinal gas
Laxatives what is their action?
- Relief of constipation
- Prevent straining at stool
- Preparation prior to rectal or colon exams, prior to surgery or x-ray of bowel
Laxative - Types
Bulk forming
What does a bulk forming laxative do
Adds bulk and water
Stimulates peristalsis
Evacuates bowel
Example = Metamucil
Laxative types
- Emolients
2. Irritants and Stimulants
Examples of Emolients
Example = Colace, Surfak
Examples of Irritants and Stimulants
Examples = Cascara Sagrada, Senekot
Emolients do what?
Soften stool = prevents straining while having BM
Irritants and Stimulants do what?
Causes intestinal irritation and increase in peristalsis
Saline Laxatives DO what?
- Water pulled into intestine
2. Increases pressure in bowel with resulting increase in peristalsis
Examples of Saline Laxatives
Milk of Magnesia, Magnesium Citrate, and Fleet’s Enema
Laxatives – Saline Adverse Reaction
Prolonged use = loss of water and electrolytes
Abd pain, N,V
Dependent on laxatives to have bowel movement
Nursing Process Laxatives Antidiarrheals
- May be ordered given after each loose bowel movement
- Usually give two after first loose bowel movement and one with each loose bowel movement thereafter.
- Do not exceed 8 tablets in a 24 hour period.
Nursing Process monitor for
relief of symptoms
Nursing Process Laxatives
Gives bulk producing or fecal softening laxatives with full glass of water followed by additional glass of water