Exam 3, CIS Pales, Heart Failure Flashcards
63 female with SOB mid sternal chest pain, sudden onset, constant 10/10 to L arm
dyspnea is moderately severe with cough
+hysterectomy and aorto-femoral bypass
20 pack year Hx smoking
PMI 7th ICS, tachy, b/l crackles, trace edema
AMI Unstable angina CHF PE aortic dissection pleuritis, pneumonia myocarditis pyscho somatic takotsubo pneumothorax GERD
Why is PMI displaced
L ventricular hypertrophy
63 female with SOB mid sternal chest pain, sudden onset, constant 10/10 to L arm
dyspnea is moderately severe with cough
+hysterectomy and aorto-femoral bypass
20 pack year Hx smoking
PMI 7th ICS, tachy, b/l crackles, trace edema
What tests to order
echo EKG troponins CXR CBC and CMP
63 female with SOB mid sternal chest pain, sudden onset, constant 10/10 to L arm
dyspnea is moderately severe with cough
+hysterectomy and aorto-femoral bypass
20 pack year Hx smoking
PMI 7th ICS, tachy, b/l crackles, trace edema
echo shows left sided dilated cardiomypathy
AMI causing Acute CHF
63 female with SOB mid sternal chest pain, sudden onset, constant 10/10 to L arm
dyspnea is moderately severe with cough
+hysterectomy and aorto-femoral bypass
20 pack year Hx smoking
PMI 7th ICS, tachy, b/l crackles, trace edema
what medications are appropriate for use at this time
aspirin, morphine, oxygen, NTG(monitor because BP is low)
betablocker ACEI etc..
COPD patient getting worse
paroxsymal dyspnea, LE edema, abdominal distention, +COPD, DM, HTN, HLD, CAD
+appendectomy, cholescystectomy, heart cath
85% O2 on O2, JVD, S4, tachy, dec breath sounds b/l with bibasilar crackels
shifting dullness positive, extremities 2+ edema b/l
Ddx dyspnea?
COPD excacerbation
R sided HF
COPD patient getting worse
paroxsymal dyspnea, LE edema, abdominal distention, +COPD, DM, HTN, HLD, CAD
+appendectomy, cholescystectomy, heart cath
85% O2 on O2, JVD, S4, tachy, dec breath sounds b/l with bibasilar crackels
shifting dullness positive, extremities 2+ edema b/l
Ddx LE swelling?
Venous insufficiency**
lymph obstruction
nephrotic syndrome
most common cause lower extremity edema
venous insufficiency
COPD patient getting worse
paroxsymal dyspnea, LE edema, abdominal distention, +COPD, DM, HTN, HLD, CAD
+appendectomy, cholescystectomy, heart cath
85% O2 on O2, JVD, S4, tachy, dec breath sounds b/l with bibasilar crackels
shifting dullness positive, extremities 2+ edema b/l
Ddx for cough?
pulm edema
3 most common causes of cough
post nasal drip
most common cause abdominal distention
what is significance of precordial heave
Large R ventricle
COPD patient getting worse
paroxsymal dyspnea, LE edema, abdominal distention, +COPD, DM, HTN, HLD, CAD
+appendectomy, cholescystectomy, heart cath
85% O2 on O2, JVD, S4, tachy, dec breath sounds b/l with bibasilar crackels
shifting dullness positive, extremities 2+ edema b/l
What tests do you order
positive deflection in V1 could mean what on EKG
RAD, posterior MI, R ventricular hypertrophy
COPD patient getting worse
paroxsymal dyspnea, LE edema, abdominal distention, +COPD, DM, HTN, HLD, CAD
+appendectomy, cholescystectomy, heart cath
85% O2 on O2, JVD, S4, tachy, dec breath sounds b/l with bibasilar crackels
shifting dullness positive, extremities 2+ edema b/l
what medications should be used or not used in patient
probably not beta blocker. but has preivous MI so do want.
Patient with swollen legs
Lymphedema - Filariasis
22 y.o male cold Sx malaise and extreme fatigue. b/l leg swelling and SOB, gain 25 Lb, rash on back. no PMH, mom has lupus
BP100/50 HR 135 pulse 89
O2 RA 90%
JVD, PMI displaced, 2/6 systolic murmur tachy
dec lung sounds and b/l basilar crackles
3+ pitting edema b/l, erythematoud macular papular rash
Why is there a difference between HR and pulse (pulse deficit)?
HR too fast for ventricle to fill so cannot propel wave to extremities
what could cause 2/6 systolic murmur
infectious myocarditis dilating the heart
stretches annulus around valve
mitral regurg
22 y.o male cold Sx malaise and extreme fatigue. b/l leg swelling and SOB, gain 25 Lb, rash on back. no PMH, mom has lupus
BP100/50 HR 135 pulse 89
O2 RA 90%
JVD, PMI displaced, 2/6 systolic murmur tachy
dec lung sounds and b/l basilar crackles
3+ pitting edema b/l, erythematoud macular papular rash
how could rash connect to CHF syndrome
systemic viral infection
could be rheumatic fever
22 y.o male cold Sx malaise and extreme fatigue. b/l leg swelling and SOB, gain 25 Lb, rash on back. no PMH, mom has lupus
BP100/50 HR 135 pulse 89
O2 RA 90%
JVD, PMI displaced, 2/6 systolic murmur tachy
dec lung sounds and b/l basilar crackles
3+ pitting edema b/l, erythematoud macular papular rash
What test would you order
22 y.o male cold Sx malaise and extreme fatigue. b/l leg swelling and SOB, gain 25 Lb, rash on back. no PMH, mom has lupus
BP100/50 HR 135 pulse 89
O2 RA 90%
JVD, PMI displaced, 2/6 systolic murmur tachy
dec lung sounds and b/l basilar crackles
3+ pitting edema b/l, erythematoud macular papular rash
Echo results: EF 37%, dilation atria and ventricle, moderate mitral regurg
most likely Dx
infectious myocarditis
coul dbe lupus myocarditis– need to biopsy rash
infectious myocarditis
could be lupus myocarditis– need to biopsy rash
What medications should we use?
Beta blocker
Aldosterone antagonist
45 female with passing out, SOB, chest pain, LE edema
few weeks ago normal exercise stress test
NTG caused syncope
BP 110/80 4/6 holosystolic crescendo decrescendo murmur dec with valsalva
aortic stenosis
what does normal exercise stress test indicate
no CAD