[Exam 3] Chapter 57: Management of Patients with Female Reproductive Disorders (Page 1686-1696) Flashcards
What is Candidiasis?
A fungal or yeast infection, caused by strains of Candida
Candidiasis: What can change this from an asymptomatic state to active?
The use of antibiotics agents decreases bacteria, therby altering the natural proctective organisms
Candidiasis: This occurs more often in what conditions?
Pregnancy or wht a systemic condition such as diabetes or HIV
Candidiasis: Clinical manifestations of this?
Vaginal discharge that causes itching and subsequent irritation.
Candidiasis: How is diagnosis made?
Microscopic identifcation of spores and hyphae (long, branching filamentous structurs) on a glass slide
Candidiasis: How to treat this?
Antifungal agents . Agents inserted into vagina with applicator at night
Bacterial Vaginosis: What is this caused by?
Overgrowth of anaerobic bacteria and Gardnerella vaginlis normally found in vagina and absence of lactobacilli
Bacterial Vaginosis: Risk factors for this?
Douching after menses, smoking, or multiple sex partners
Bacterial Vaginosis: Signs and Symptoms here?
Does not produce discomfort
Didscharge is heavier than normal and gray/yellowish in color
Bacterial Vaginosis: WWhat makes this unique?
Characteized by fishlike odor that is noticeable during sexual intercourse
Trichomoniasis: What is this?
Flagellated protozoan that causes a common STI called trich.
Trichomoniasis: Signs of this?
Vaginal discharge that is thin (frothy), yellow to yellow-green color with odor, malodorous and very irritating
HPV: Where can this be found?
Lesions of the skin, cervix, vagina, anus, penis, and oral cavity
HPV: What symptom does this cause?
Condylomata (warty growths) that can appear on the vulva, vagina, cervix, anus
HPV: Best way to prevent it?
Recommends routine vaccination of boys and girls 11-12 year sof age before becoming sesxually active