Exam 3-basal ganglia Flashcards
What is the main function the basal ganglia is responsible for?
ADJUSTS activity 1. Selection of right motor program 2. Initiation of movement program 3. Simultaneously prevent non-desired motor programs
What in the brain provides input to the basal ganglia?
- Caudate and putamen (striatum) 2. Subthalmic nucleus 3. Cortical- inputs are all excitatory (glutamate)
Damage to basal ganglia generally does what?
Hypokinetic (Parkinson’s) or hyperkinetic
Damage caudate does what symptom wise?
Impair executive function and planning
What does basal ganglia have to compensate for the excitatory information received from cortex?
90% of striatal cells are GABAergic medium spiny neurons (MSN), inhibitory
2 pathways basal ganglia output
Direct: selection/initiation movement, fewer synaptic relays, Indirect: inhibits movement, more synaptic relays
The direct pathway does what to cerebral cortex
Increase excitation of cortex
The indirect pathway does what to cerebral cortex?
Decrease excitation of cerebral cortex (inhibits through GABA disinhibit subthalamic nucleus tonic activity, so enhance tonic activity of globus pallidus, continue suppress motor thalamus and cortex)
All outputs of basal ganglia are…
Inhibitory (GABA)
Does the basal ganglia directly connect with LMNs?
Name a major output area of the basal ganglia and where the info goes
Thalamus (VA/VL) -> cortex
Tonically active
Neuron that fires rapidly all the time (globus pallidus firing GABA even at rest to thalamus, so inhibit activity), thalamus (VA/VL) downstream inhibited by tonic activity
Neuron upstream of globus pallidus fires, releasing GABA, surpressing tonic activity so motor information can reach VA/VL thalamus (disinhibits thalamus)
Basal ganglia circuit from Substantia nigra represents motor from …
Head and neck
Basal ganglia circuit from globus pallidus represents motor from…
In Parkinson’s disease what pathway is damaged and how does it impair motor function?
Damaged nigrostriatal pathway- dopaminergic projection originating from substantia nigra from midbrain dopamine aids in or facilitates the initiation of voluntary movement, so impairment= hypokinetic disorder with impair movement initiation
Activation of the direct pathway does what to globus pallidus cells?
- suppress tonical activity, which free up motor thalamus to excite motor cortex
- selection and initiation of motor function
Activation of the indirect pathway does what to the globus pallidus cells?
- Tighten grip on globus pallidus inhibitory neurons on motor thalamus, so inhibit motor cortical
- Suppresion of undesired motor function
What mediates indirect pathway control?
subthalamic nucleus
What facilitates direct pathway activity?
substantia nigra (first thing damaged parkinson’s disease)