Exam 3 Bacterial Diseases of the Skin Flashcards
Trauma to any tissue of the body which allow microbes to infect the deeper tissues of the body
Pus-filled pockets in the skin resulting from bacterial infection
Abscesses are often called this, but it is not the same as acne
Large, painful raised nodular extension of folliculitis into surrounding tissue
Furuncle or boil
Coalescence of several furuncles, extends deeper into tissues and can spread and involve multiple organs/systems
A type of skin abscess that involves the hair follicle
Folliculitis involving the eyelid base
Abscesses and folliculitis is most likely caused by this genus of bacteria
This species is the most predominant bacteria found on the skin
Staphylococcus epidermidis
This species of Staph is most likely to cause infection
Staphylococcus aureus
This is when you transfer infection from one part of the body to another
This organism causes Hot Tub Folliculitis
Pseudomonas aeruginosa
Swim”pseud” for swimming
What is the appearance of Hot Tub Folliculitis
Small pimples on stomach, buttocks, arms, and legs from 6 hrs to 5 days after hot tub
When does Hot Tub Folliculitis go away?
On its own 7-10 days later
This disease has characteristic reddening of skin, large blisters, and skin peels off in sheets
Staphylococcal Scalded Skin Syndrome
In scalded skin syndrome, describe the fluid in the blisters
Fluid lacks bacteria or WBCs
What is the organism responsible for scalded skin syndrome
Staphylococcus aureus
Scalded skin syndrome is predominant in which age group?
What is the main diagnosis of scalded skin syndrome?
Sloughing of skin
What is the treatment for scalded skin syndrome?
Antibiotics and usually requires hospitalization
Describe the prevention of scalded skin syndrome?
Prevention is difficult given prevalence of S aureus
This is skin infection involving top layers of skin, red patches, pus-filled vesicles, and common in children
Describe the pus-filled vesicles in impetigo
Fluid contains bacteria and WBCs
This disease is a fiery red rash with raised borders, 80% on legs, and skin will be hot and red
What is the pathogen that causes 80% of impetigo and some erysipelas
S aureus
What is the pathogen that causes most of erysipelas and some of impetigo
Streptococcus pyogenes
What is the name for pus-filled vesicles that crust
How is impetigo and erysipelas transmitted?
Person-to-person contact or via fomites
What is the age group of those infected by impetigo?
What is the age group of those infected by erysipelas?
Infants and young children or elderly patients
What is the diagnosis for impetigo?
Presence of vesicles
This is a very serious disease that starts with big, purplish-red blisters and will eventually destroy muscle and fat tissue
Necrotizing Fasciitis
What is the fatality rate of necrotizing fasciitis?
Greater than 50%
What is the organism that in most cases causes necrotizing fasciitis?
S pyogenes (main pathogen in erysipelas)
How is necrotizing fasciitis spread?
Pathogens enter through breaks in the skin and is spread person to person
What is the major treatment for necrotizing fasciitis?
Antibiotics and amputation
This form of acne contains dead and dying bacteria and sebum
This is the most severe form of acne
Cystic acne
What is the main pathogen of acne causing 85% of acne in adolescents and young adults?
Propionibacterium acnes
Is propionibacteria considered normal microbiota?
This disease is from contact with an infected cat
Cat scratch disease
Describe some signs and symptoms of cat scratch disease
Bump or blister at site of injury, lymph node swelling near site of scratch or bite
Another term for bump
Another term for blister
Another term for lymph node swelling
What is the organism that causes cat scratch fever?
Bartonella henselae
What is the primary virulence factor of cat scratch disease
Endotoxin (Lipid A from Gram -)
This infection is in 2/3 of burn victims, produces a blue-green pigment, and purulent matter in wounds
Pseudomonas infection
What is the term for the blue-green pigment
What is the causative agent of pseudomonas infection
Pseudomonas aeruginosa (same as hot tub folliculitis)
Describe the pathogenesis of pseudomonas infection
Opportunistic infection in burn victims
What is the main diagnosis of pseudomonas infection?
Pyocyanin discoloration
What is the treatment for pseudomonas infection?
Difficult to treat due to multidrug resistance
What is the prevention for pseudomonas infection?
Prevention is difficult but typically does not occur in healthy individuals
In this condition 90% of individuals develop non-itchy spotted rash on trunk and appendages including soles and palms
Rocky mountain spotted fever
In 50% of individuals with rocky mountain spotted fever, they will develop this
Petechiae (minor hemorrhage)
What is the organism that causes rocky mountain spotted fever?
Rickettsia rickettsii
What is the most severe and common Rickettsial illness?
Rickettsia rickettsii
Rocky mountain spotted fever is transmitted to humans via what vector?
Tick bite
What are the primary months for rocky mountain spotted fever
Summer - June and July
Describe the diagnosis of rocky mountain spotted fever
Early diagnosis is crucial, 5% of patients die even with treatment
This disease has painless, raised nodules at the site of infection which spreads to form painless, swollen, black, crusty ulcers
Cutaneous anthrax
Painless, swollen, black, crusty ulcers
When untreated, anthrax is fatal in how many patients?
What is the pathogen of anthrax
Bacillus anthracis (endospore)
How is cutaneous anthrax contracted?
Direct contact with anthrax spores
What is the prevention of cutaneous anthrax?
Control of disease in animals and effective vaccine
This condition has intense pain at site of infection, necrosis, abundant foul-smelling gaseous products, and presence of gas bubbles
Gas gangrene
How soon do patients typically die from gas gangrene?
Often within 1 week
shock, kidney failure, and death
What is the pathogen that causes gas gangrene?
Clostridium perfringens
What does clostridium perfingens secrete that is so deadly?
11 toxins that cause irreversible damage
How is gas gangrene contracted?
From a traumatic event and the endospore is introduced into wound
What is the fatality rate of gas gangrene?
Greater than 40%
What is the treatment of fas gangrene?
Rapid treatment, administration of antitoxin and penicillin
What is the prevention of gas gangrene?
Proper cleaning of wounds