exam 2 questions Flashcards
causes pre-odontoblasts to line up align basal lamina
found in odontogenic zone
odontoblast cell layer
cell free zone
cell rich zone
parietal plexus (raschkow’s plexus)
found in pulpal core
type I and III collagen
extracellular matrix
blood vessels
nerve tissue
each fiber gives ____branches to raschow’s plexus
most fibers are ___________ nerve endings
free unmyelinated nerve endings
tomes granular layer is comprised on
hypomineralized interglobular dentin
clinical case with cupped occlusal surfaces, defects on lingual enamel and exposed dentin
ask if they eat acidic foods
cementicles can be _____, _____ or ________
and the number of them ______ with increasing age
embedded attached free
what causes gingival cysts
rests of serres
where is cementum thinnest:
thickest: apex
what fibers give fast sharp localized pain:
dull pain:
sharp: a-delta
dull: c fibers
sympathetic branches are from
superior cervical ganglion
what nerve provides sensory afferent innervation
where are interradicular fibers found:
in multirooted teeth
function=resist vertical and lateral force
lateral periodontal cyst arise from
epithelial rests of malassez
which is more calcified
peritubular or intertubular
peritubular more
intertubular less
mature odontoblasts can make _____ dentin. damage to these cells cause subodontoblastic stem cells to differentiate and make _________
secondary dentin
teritary dentin
case study: insert tooth back in alveolar bone
what reparative cell mechanism is most likely to happen?
alveolar bone secretes cells and fuses cementum to one
significant= ankylosis (severe)
slight- undiff cells from PDL regenerate tissue and PDL restored
case study: pt comes in after crown is plaed and has inflammed gums. there is .5mm distance what do you tell them
the biological width has been compromised
T/F: Raschkow’s plexus does NOT form before roots are completely developed