Exam 2 Pulmonary Part 1 Flashcards
Steps of the Gas exchange process
Step 1: Ventilation
Step 2: Respiration
Step 3: Transport of Gases in the circulation
Ventilation definition/patho
The process of moving air between atmosphere & the lung alveoli and distributing air within the lungs to maintain appropriate concentrations of O2 and CO2 in the alveoli
Respiration definition/patho
The process by which alveolar air gases are moved across the alveolar-capillary membrane to the pulmonary capillary bed
Transport of Gases in the circulation definition/patho
Movement of oxygen and carbon dioxide to and from the tissue cells
Ventilation anatomy
(Lobes and mediastinum)
-Conducting airways
(Upper airways, Trachea, Bronchial tree)
- Gas exchange airways
(Bronchioles) and (Alveoli (Type I and II)
Ventilation/Perfusion (V/Q) normal ratio
0.8 (More pulmonary capillary perfusion than alveolar ventilation)
V/Q <0.8 means
- A decrease in ventilation in relation to perfusion has occurred.
- Similar to right to left shunt
- More deoxygenated blood is returning to the left heart
V/Q >0.8
- A decrease in perfusion in relation to ventilation
- pulmonary emboli, cardiogenic shock
Gas Transport mechanism
- Dissolved in Plasma
(PaO2 about 3%) - Bound to hemoglobin molecules
(SaO2=oxygen saturation about 97%)
The total always equals 100%
A “Shift to the Right” on the Oxyhemoglobin Dissociation Curve means what?
- Enhances oxygen delivery to the tissues
- Hgb has less affinity for oxygen
- Releases the O2 more Readily
“Think R in the words”
A “Shift to the RIght” on the Oxyhemoglobin Dissociation Curve etiology?
- Reduced pH (acidosis)
- hypeRcapneia (PCO2 increase)
- feveR
- IncRease levels of 2,3- diphosphglycerate (2,3-DPG)
“Think R in the words”
A “Shift to the Left” on the Oxyhemoglobin Dissociation Curve means what?
- O2 not dissociated from Hemoglobing (Hgb) until tissue and capillary O2 are very low, decreasing O2 delivery to the tissues
- Hemoglobin (HgB) has more affinity for oxygen
- Hemoglobing (HgB) hoLds the O2 to itself
“Think L in the words”
A “Shift to the Left” on the Oxyhemoglobin Dissociation Curve etiology?
- AlkaLosis (pH increase)
- Low CO2
- coLd
- Low levels of 2,3-DPG
- Increased Level of carbon monoxide poisoning
“Think L in the words”
Normal A-a Gradient?
Normal A-a gradient is 10-20 mm Hg, with the normal gradient increasing within this range as the patient ages
A-a Gradient specifics
- Provides an index on the efficiency the lung is in equilibrating pulmonary capillary O2 & alveolar O2
PaO2/FiO2 normal value
- Normal value is > 286
- Lower the number, the worse the lung function
Wide A-a gradient causes
- Lung is the site of the dysfunction
ventilation-perfusion mismatching, shunting, diffusion abnormalities
What is Capnometry and Capnography?
- Noninvasive
- Measure amount of carbon dioxide present in exhaled air
(Capnography is the sensing of exhaled CO2. Carbon dioxide is produced in the body as a by-product of metabolism and is eliminated by exhaling.) - By measuring exhaled CO2, many types of pulmonary assessments can be made.
What can cause the exhaled CO2 measured from the Capnometry and Capnography increase? Decrease?
- Think respiratory failure
- Increased work in breathing (trouble breathing)
- Think perfusion, metabolic or psychological problem
- pulmonary embolism
- Diabetic ketoacidosis (DKA)
Endoscopy/bronchoscopy specifics
- Flexible or rigid
- Visualize, biopsy, aspirate material
- Sedation required
- NPO ~ 8 hrs prior
- Assess for return of cough & gag reflex before allowing pt to drink
- Complications
(Laryngospasm, pneumothorax, aspiration)
What is Thoracentesis
Aspiration of pleural fluid or air from pleural space
Thoracentesis procedure
- Stinging sensation and feeling of pressure
- Correct position (leaned over a table)
- Motionless patient
- Slow aspiration of fluid
(Limit to 1000 mL typically) - Follow-up assessment for complications
Thoracentesis complications
- Mediastinal shift
- Pneumothorax
- Bleeding
- Infection
- Subcutaneous emphysema
What is a lung biopsy
- Invasive
- Obtain tissue for histologic analysis, culture, cytologic examination
- May be performed in patient’s room
Lung biopsy follow-up care
- Assess vital signs, breath sounds at least every 4 hours for 24 hours
- Assess for respiratory distress
- Report reduced/absent breath sounds immediately
- Monitor for hemoptysis
Blood pH normal range
<7.35 is acidosis
>7.45 is alkalosis
blood PaCO2 normal range
35-45 mm Hg
Blood PaO2 normal range
80-100 mm Hg
Blood HCO3 normal range
21-28 mEq/L
When is it Metabolic acidosis
pH <7.35
HCO3 <21
pH goes does and HCO3 goes down
When is it Metabolic alkalosis
pH >7.45
HCO3 >28
pH goes up and HCO3 goes up
When is it Respiratory acidosis
pH< 7.35
PaCO2 >45
pH goes down and PaCO2 goes up
When is it Respiratory alkalosis
pH> 7.45
PaCO2 <35
pH goes up and PaCO2 goes down
Low-Flow Oxygen Delivery Systems
- Nasal cannula (1-6 L)
- Facemask:
1. Simple
2. Partial rebreather
3. Non-rebreather
Nasal cannula specifics
- Flow rates of 1-6 L/min
- O2 concentration of 24%-44%
(1-6 L/min) - Flow rate >6 L/min does not increase O2 because anatomical dead space is full
- Assess patency of nostrils
- Assess for changes in respiratory rate and depth
Simple facemask specifics
- Delivers O2 up to 40%-60%
- Minimum of 5 L/min
- Mask fits securely over nose and mouth
- Monitor closely for risk of aspiration
Partial Rebreather mask
- Provides 60%-75% with flow rate of 6-11 L/min
- One-third exhaled tidal volume with each breath
- Adjust flow rate to keep reservoir bag inflated
Non-rebreather mask
- Highest O2 level
- Can deliver FIO2 greater than 90%
- Used for unstable patients that may require intubation
- Ensure valves are patent and functional
High-flow oxygen delivery systems
- Venturi mask (COPD patients/precise)
- Face tent
- Aerosol mask
- Tracheostomy collar
- T-piece
Venturi mask specifics
- Adaptor located between bottom of mask and O2 sources
- Delivers precise O2 concentration—best source for chronic lung disease
- Switch to nasal cannula during mealtimes
T-Piece specifics
- Delivers desired FIO2 for tracheostomy, laryngectomy, ET tubes
- Ensures humidifier creates enough mist
- Mist should be seen during inspiration and expiration
Noninvasive Positive-Pressure Ventilation (NPPV)
- Uses positive pressure to keep alveoli open, improve gas exchange without airway intubation
CPAP specifics
- Delivers set positive airway pressure throughout each cycle of inhalation and exhalation
- Opens collapsed alveoli
- Used for atelectasis after surgery or cardiac-induced pulmonary edema; sleep apnea
High flow nasal cannula specifics
- Optiflow
- Flow rate up to 60 L/min
- Heated, vaporized air
- FiO2 up to 100%
Transtracheal Oxygen Delivery (TTO)
- Long-term delivery of O2 directly into lungs
- Small flexible catheter is passed into trachea through small incision
- Avoids irritation that nasal prongs cause; is more comfortable
- Flow rates prescribed for rest, activity
surgical incision into trachea for purpose of establishing an airway
Trancheotomy nursing care
- Prevention of tissue damage
- Check cuff pressure often
- Air must be humidified
- Maintain proper temperature
- Ensure adequate hydration
- Assess the patient
- Secure tracheostomy tubes in place
Endotracheal tube: Intubation procedure
- Correct placement
Auscultate x5
Auscultate epigastric area
Abdomen, anterior & laterally on each side - Inspect chest expansion
- End-Tidal CO2 Detector
- CXR is used to validate the depth of the ETT
3-4 cm above carina
NOT too far down and into the right mainstem
Endotracheal tube: nursing care
- Check cuff pressure
- Subjective:
Monitor by touch
- Objective: Monitored every shift by RT 14 – 20 mmHg or 20-30cm H2O Minimal air leak technique Minimal occlusion volume technique Too high – tracheal damage Too low - aspiration around cuff leak
- Suction
Modes of ventilation: AC (assist control) or CMV (continuous mandatory ventilation)
- If pt initiates breath, machine delivers preset tidal volume for every breath
Modes of ventilation: PRVC, (a variation of CMV)
Pressure-Regulated Volume Control
Modes of ventilation: Combination of volume and pressure features
- Delivers a preset tidal volume using the lowest possible airway pressure
- Airway pressure will not exceed preset maximum pressure limit
- Used in patients with airway resistance or decreased lung compliance such as ARDS
Modes of ventilation: Bi-level positive airway pressure
- Pre-set inspiratory pressure
- Expiratory pressure
Two levels
(a range for positive end-expiratory pressure (from PEEPHigh to PEEPLow).)
Modes of ventilation: SIMV (Synchronous intermittent mandatory ventilation)
- If pt initiates breath, machine allows pt to breath in own Tidal Volume
Ventilator settings: Pressure support
- A set amount of pressure delivered when patient initiates own breath. Assists movement of air through ventilator tubing in order to augment patient’s own tidal volume.
- Works at the beginning of Inspiration
Ventilator settings: PEEP (Positive end expiratory pressure)
- Positive airway pressure applied at end of expiration. to keep alveoli open and facilitate oxygen transport.
- Works at the end of Expiration
Ventilator settings: Tidal Volume
- Amount of air it takes to inflate the lungs with each breath.
- Takes approximately 10-15 ml/kg.
Ventilator settings: Minute ventilation
- Amount of gas moved in or out of lungs per minute
- Normal is 5-8 liters/minute
Ventilator settings: I: E ratio
- Inspiration to expiration ratio
- Normal to start at 1:2
- Longer (1:4) in people with COPD to prevent “breath stacking”
Ventilator settings: Peak Inspiratory Pressure
- Amount of pressure it takes for ventilator to deliver tidal volume or breath.
Ventilator settings: Percent of inspired O2 (Fi02)
- Percent or fraction of oxygen delivered by the ventilator
Complications of mechanical ventilation
- Excessive pressure in the alveoli (barotrauma)
- Excessive volume in the alveoli (volutrauma)
- Shearing due to repeated opening and closing of the alveoli (atelectrauma)
- Inflammatory immune response (biotrauma)
EX: pneumothorax, subcutaneous emphysema,
Prevention of complications from mechanical ventilation
- Plateau pressure kept < 32 cm H2O
- PEEP should be used
- Tidal Volume set at 6-10 ml/kg
Troubleshooting alarms: Low pressure limit
- Tubing disconnected
- Circuit leak
- Cuff deflated
Troubleshooting alarms: Low exhaled VT
- Leak in the system
- Poor cuff inflation
- Leak through chest tube
Troubleshooting alarms: Temperature
- Sensor malfunction
- Sensor picking up outside airflow
Troubleshooting alarms: Apnea
- Sedation
- Neurologic
- Metabolic
Troubleshooting alarms: High respiratory rate
- Not tolerating weaning
- Neurogenic/ metabolic
- Anxiety
- Pain
Troubleshooting alarms: Mechanical Ventilator failure
- Check electrical outlet
- Needs replacement