Exam 2 Pictures Flashcards
What is depicted in this graph?

Hunting response or CIVD
What is the name of this modality and what effects does it have on the body

This a picture of a game ready machine and it has metabolic effects on the body to slow inflammatory activity
What type of cryotherapy is being used in this picture

A cold pack
What type of cryotherapy is being used in this picture

Ice cup massage
What type of cryotherapy is being used in these pictures

controlled compression units
What type of cryotherapy is being used in this picture

Vapocoolant and brief icing
Fill in the Blanks:

What is being depicted in this picture?

A low load with a prolonged stretch being done on a patient with a contracture that doesn’t allow him to fully extend his leg
What type of histologic response is happening to this tissue

What type of histologic response is happening to this tissue

Severe Redness
What type of histologic response is happening to this tissue

Mottled Skin
What is this a picture of?

UV wavelength bands
Correctly Identify the Factors of UV Radiation

1: Distance
2: Angle of incidence
3: Power

What is this a picture of?

Erythema from UV
What is this called and how is it treated?

Plaque Psoriasis, it is treated with medication and UV radiation
What is this a picture of?

Actinic skin damage
What is being determined in this picture?

MED: Minimal Erythemal Dosage
What is this a picture of?

A monofilament testing the somatosensory system of patients during anodyne therapy
What is this a picture of?

Anodyne therapy
What is this a picture of

Scanning laser doppler image of someone with poor circulation on the right foot, and imporved circulation after using anodyne therapy on the left foot. (Our left, not the patients left)
Label the ultrasound compression-rarefaction wave

1: transducer
2: compression
3: rarefaction
what is this a picture of

an ultrasound machine
What is this a picture of

ultrasound production by piezoelectric crystal
Which parameter of ultrasound is depicted in this picture

What is depicted in this graph?

A continuous ultrasound
What is depicted in this graph

a pulsed ultrasound with 20% duty cycle
Label the picture correctly

1: Transducer
2: ERA
What is this a picture of?

Beam nonuniformity Ratio of 6:1
What is this picture showing

Cavitation and microstreaming
What is being depicted in this graph

The graph is showing the relationship between temperature and frequency of ultrasound. A higher frequency will give off more heat, but won’t reach deep tissue. A lower frequency will give off less heat but reach deeper tissue
What is this picture showing

Ultrasound on a contracture with gravity and additional weight forcing the leg into extension
What is this picture showing

the use of ultrasound with wound care
What is this picture showing

stroking applications for ultrasound
Fill out the chart