Exam 2: Lecture 13 Forebrain Flashcards
parts of the diencephalon (4)
Epithalamus: pineal gland
Thalamus: many important functions
Subthalamus: involved with basal ganglia
Hypothalamus: many functions ⇒ autonomic regulation
what does the hypothalamus do for functions? (5)
autonomic regulation for:
- Temperature regulation
- Feeding and drinking
- Circadian rhythms
- Aggression and flight
- Sexual activity
–> release hormones into the blood that act on the pituitary gland which dumps stuff into the bloodstream to cause hormonal signals (vasopressin, oxytocin, etc.)
pituitary stalk
where the pituitary gland is attached to the hypothalamus
What can be seen in the images of the thalamus? (5)
- reticular nucleus
- 3rd ventricle
- inter thalamic adhesion
- corpus callous
- internal capsule
thalamic reticular nucleus
the thalamus is surrounded by a thin outer shell of neurons and relays many things
the thalamus relays everything but what?
internal medullary lamina
sheets of axons running through the middle of the thalamus
- These separate different thalamic nuclei (groups of neurons)
- divides the thalamus into 3 regions
intralaminar nuclei
clusters of neurons in the axons of the internal medullary lamina
3 types of nuclei in the thalamus
- specific nuclei
- association nuclei
- nonspecific nuclei
specific nuclei
(tract specific) relay specific sensory or motor information to specific regions of cortex ⇒ visual thalamus projects to visual cortex
- Associated with somatosensory or motoneurons in the cerebral cortex
- Relay the information from one point to another
Functions of association nuclei
relay information from association thalamus to association cortex ⇒ respond to more than one type of sensory stimulus
- Neurons in the pulvinar nucleus of the thalamus may respond to both visual and auditory stimuli
- Association nuclei project their axons to association cortex in the posterior parietal lobe
nonspecific nuclei
have diffuse (all over) projections to cortex ⇒ respond to 1+ sensory stimuli
- Thalamic neurons in these regions may also respond to more than one stimulus
- They project widely throughout the cerebral cortex not just to association cortex and include the intralaminar nuclei
inter thalamic adhesion
where the two thalamus halves touch, nothing goes on here
what surrounds the outside of the thalamus
reticular nucleus
what runs like a band through the middle (white band)
Internal medullary lamina
what does the medial geniculate nucleus do?
relay hearing from the thalamus
what does the lateral geniculate nucleus do?
relay vision from the thalamus
what does the anterior and ventral lateral nucleus do?
relay motor from the thalamus
what does the ventral posterior medial nuclei do?
touch and pain
- also relays head and face information from the thalamus
what does the ventral posterior lateral nuclei do?
relay information from the thalamus to the rest of the body
relay nuclei
send axons to the cerebral cortex
- projections are ipsilateral (same side)
where do the visual, motor, and associated thalamus go?
go to the visual, motor, and associated cortex