Exam 2: Genetic Code and Translation Flashcards
situation of having of only a single functioning copy of a gene is not enough for normal function, so that the loss of function mutations cause a dominant phenotype
what is the one gene, one enzyme hypothesis
gene typically specifies a protein in a one-to-one relationship
evidence to support the one gene, one enzyme hypothesis: why make mutants (beadle and tatum)
- beadle and tatum exposed Neurospora to radiation to introduce mutations
- descendants of the irradiated spores were taken and grown on complete medium (sugar, salts, aas, vitamins)
- once each spore had established a growing colony, piece of colony was transferred into another tube containing minimal medium (sugar, salts, biotin)
- few colonies could not grown on minimal medium and were nutritional mutants that would eventually die bc they could not make a particular essential molecule out of the minimal nutrients
- complete medium would “rescue” the mutant
evidence to support the one gene, one enzyme hypothesis: pinpointing the broken pathway
to figure out which metabolic pathway was “broken” in each mutant beadle and tatum:
- grew each mutant on minimal medium supplemented with either the full set of aas or the full set of vitamins/sugars
- if the mutant grew on the vitamin medium but not the aa medium, it must be unable to make one or more vitamins
- if a mutant grew on minimal medium containing all 20 aas they would next test it in 20 different vials, each containing minimal medium plus one of the 20 aas. if a mutant grew in one of these vials, they knew the aa in that vial must be the end product of the pathway disrupted in the mutant
one gene one enzyme hypothesis today:
- some genes encode proteins that are not enzymes (enzymes are just one category of protein; many non-enzyme proteins in cells, and these proteins are also encoded by genes)
- some genes encode a subunit of protein, not a whole protein (a gene encodes one polypeptide, meaning one chain of aas. some proteins consist of several polypeptides from different genes)
- some genes don’t encode polypeptides, some genes encode functional RNA molecules rather than polypeptides
proteins are _ consisting of aas linked by _
polymers; linked by peptide bonds
primary structure:
aa sequence (order of aas as they are attached)
secondary/tertiary structures:
folding of primary sequence establishes catalytic site, contact points for dna binding proteins; folded structure of polypeptide that makes protein function and is critical to tertiary structure
two or more polypeptide chains associate to from _ structure
what does auxotroph mean
an auxotroph is an organism with a mutation that prevents synthesis of a nutritional component (an aa) necessary for growth; beadle and tatum created
beadle and tatum concluded that
each enzyme was encoded by a single gene that was mutated, thus a single gene encodes a single enzyme
aa are joined together by
peptide bonds (carboxyl group of one aa is covalently attached to the amino group of another aa)
spliceosome and ribosome have multiple _
subunits; quaternary structure come together to make the machine
polymer that consists of only one kind of monomers is called:
polymer which consists of more than one kind of monomers is called:
the poly-U experiment: how nirenbery and mattaei developed a method for identifying the aa specified by a homopolymer
- synthetic RNA made of only uracil units to 20 test tubes each with 1 radioactively labeled aa and 19 unlabeled aas
- synthetic RNA made of multiple units of uracil instructed a chain of aas to add phenylalanine; the poly-U served as a messenger directing protein synthesis
- proved that messenger RNA transcribes genetic information from DNA, directing the assembly of aas into complex proteins
how did the nirenberg and matthae break the genetic code
- using the poly-U as a model, identified nucleotide combinations for the incorporation of other aas
- found that the coding units for aas contain 3 nucleotides
- combining four nucleotides in three-letter codes yeilded 64 possible combinations (4x4x4)
how many stop codons?
what is the start codon?
AUG methionine
how many sense codons??
61; remaining 61 codes for 20 aas thus there are more than one codon for one aa
why is there degeneracy of the genetic code
although each codon is specific for only one aa or stop signal, the genetic code is degenerate because a single aa may be coded for by more than one codon
synonymous codons:
codons that specify the same aa
isoaccepting tRNAs:
different tRNAs that accept the same aa but have different anticodons
degenerate code:
aa may be specified by more than one codon