Exam 2 - Endocrine pancreas Flashcards
What happens when low blood glucose?
- pancreas ALPHA cells release glucagon
- goes to liver
- liver releases glucose into blood
What happens when blood glucose is too high?
- pancreas BETA cells release insulin
- fat cells take in glucose from blood
Functions of insulin
- to decrease blood glucose levels
- affects CHO, fat, and protein metabolism
- goes to most tissues, adipose tissue, liver and muscle, and liver
What id diabetes mellitus?
- chronic, systemic disorder of the metabolic system characterized by hyperglycemia and altered metabolism of carbs, proteins, and fats
- can result from defects in insulin secretion, action, or both
Diabetes mellitus is the leading cause of what?
-blindness, renal failure, and non-traumatic lower limb amputation
Type 1 vs type 2 diabetes
Type 1: (5-10%) autoimmune response. destruction of BETA cells. cannot produce insulin
Type 2: (90%) improper utilization due to inadequate tissue response to insulin (insulin resistance) and/or the lack of insulin production
Type 1 clinical presentation
- acute onset
- typically younger, thinner
- prone to produce keytones
- used to be call “juvenile onset”
- pancreas no longer produces insulin
- insulin needed for survival!
Type 2 clinical presentation
- typically older and overweight
- associated with metabolic syndrome
- “adult onset” old term
- pancreas produces insulin but the body cannot use it correctly
- family hx, ethnicity, obesity, age, HTN, smoking, etc
Diabetes: additional classifications
- genetic defects
- genetically associated syndromes
- endocrine disorders
- infections
- steroid induced*
- *Gestational: develop during pregnancy
- *Pre-diabetes (impaired glucose tolerance)
Normal fasting glucose
normal = 60-110 mg/dl
Pre-diabetes fasting blood glucose and after 2 hr
fasting = 110-125 mg/dl
2 hr after oral test = 140-199 mg/dl
Diagnosis of DM
- fasting level: >126 mg/dl
- > 200 mg/dl random sample plus symptoms of hyperglycemia
- > 200 mg/dl 2 hrs post oral test
Hemoglobin A1C
-reflects avg blood glucose over 2-3 months
normal: < 5.6%
pre: 5.7 - 6.4%
diabetes: >6.5%
Diabetic ketoacidosis
- fats are used for energy when glucose not available
- keytones are breakdown product of fat metabolism
- accumulate in blood, exreted by kidney and lungs
- lead to metabolic acidosis
**when fats used as primary energy - can lead to atherosclerosis and heart disease
Hyperglycemia warning signs
- glucose in urine
- frequent urination
- unusual thirst
-others: extreme hunger, fatigue, weakness, dizziness, numbness in hands and feet
DM: treatment (Type 1 and 2)
Type 1: insulin therapy. (pump/injections)
Type 2:
-diet, exercise, oral agents, insulin
Management of type 1 vs type 2
type 1: need to monitor food and match with insulin injections
Type 2: life changes.
benefits of exercise on DM
- prevent type 2
- improves sensitivity and control
- weight loss
- heart fitness
- lower BP
- improve cholesterol
- overall health improvement
Hypoglycemia (blood glucose and symptoms)
-blood glucose 70 mg/dl or less
- inc sympathetic activity (sweating, etc.)
- dec glucose to brain (headache, etc.)
Treating hypoglycemia (mild vs moderate vs severe)
- Mild and moderate = 15-15 rule (15g of fast acting sugar, 15 min weight, retest. repeat if needed)
- severe = glucagon injection
DM: long term complication
Macrovascular: Atherosclerosis, PVD, CAD
Microvascular: Nephro, neuro, and retinopathy