Exam 2 Flashcards
Lack of perfusion
Pump problem
cariogenic shock
Cardiogenic shock - History Findings
- massive MI
- dilated cardiomyopathies
- tamponade
- myocarditis
- Toxin
Cardiogenic shock - physical exam
pulmonary edema = wet lungs
Cardiogenic shock - treatment
ICU and cardiology
Plumping - pipe problems
Types of distributive
septic, neurogenic, anaphylaxis
Septic - history
fever, infection, gram-negative
Septic - physical findings
bounding pulses
Septic - later stages
urine output goes down, pulse quickly goes to crap, body shutting down
Septic - treatment
treat the infection
- head or cervical or spine injury
- lose of SNS tone to everything below the level of the injury
- poor profusion below injury
Neurogenic - physical findings
Neurogenic - treatment
Anaphylaxis - history
bee sting, food, penicillin
- IgE cause of initial part of reaction
- airway starting to close down
- kill people is the cardiovascular collapse
- airway is second most common cause of death
Anaphylaxis - physical findings
from anaptyctic shock blood pressure is going to crap
Anaphylaxis - treatment
- epinephrine causes vasodilation
- Benadryl and xanax
- steroids = longer benefit
Fluid problems = not enough
Hypovolemic - history
- trauma
- dehydration
- burns
- sweating
- urinating a lot
- vomiting
- diarrhea
- bleeding
- third space in fluids
Hypovolemic - physical findings
- dry lungs
- respiratory rate and heart rate are elevated
Aortic stenosis - common causes
senile degeneration and calcification -calcified after age 65 congenitally bicuspid aortic valve -calcified around age 30 rheumatic fever -commissure calcify in 3rd or 4th decade
Aortic Stenosis
- systolic ejection murmur - throughout
- NARROW pulse pressure
Aortic insufficiency (regurgitation) - common cause - infection
bacterial endocarditis