Exam 2 (5,6,8,9) Flashcards
Status incongruity hypothesis
Assumption that gender role violating women are viewed negatively because they are seen as too dominant, while gender role violating men are viewed negatively because they are seen as too low in status. These perceptions violate the gender status hierarchy, and make people uncomfortable.
Status incongruity hypothesis effects from people being uncomfortable
women/men are ridiculed, discriminated against
Self-fulfilling prophecy:
Interpersonal process in which a perceiver’s expectation about a target influences the target’s behavior in such a manner that the target’s behavior fulfills the perceiver’s expectation.
Same sex sexual behavior measured by how many species and primates
450 species; 33 primates
Sexual Orientation change efforts is a name for what now
conversion therapy
Pederastic relationship
ancient greek gayish sugar daddies n sugar babies
Sambia people of Papua New Guinea do what to become men?
Ingest semen of older male
Internalized homophobia
LGB peeps internalize negative messages from a larger culture
common tern for sexual desire
sexual desire physiological responses
heightened physiological arousal thats regulated by gonadal hormone and neurotransmitters
term for love
Early stages of love name
passionate love
passionate love
arousal, urgent longing, obsessive thinking
hormones of passionate love
elevated dopamine and norepinephrine
later stages of love name
companionate love
companionate love
calm, warm, emotionally close feelings of intimacy
pair bonding system:
motivated co-parenting
Sexual double standards
young women gotta wait till marriage to fuck but guys are encouraged to in order to be considered a man
Scale of sexualities
Phase models
identity development is character by emotional, psych, social, and behavior phase
Unexplored commitment
lack of conscious thought about whether to adapt a hetero identity
exploration phase
some sexual minorities explore same sex attractions
identity uncertainty
orientation is unclear, possibly from self denial
milestone models
milestones experienced by most sexual minority individuals
Alfred Kinsey
made a scale of sexuality, (Kinsey Scale) not on a scale (ace, aro, pan, poly)
Dodd (yearbook)
looked a yearbook photos and said that around 4th grade girls out smiled boys
Tsai (leader pics)
compared pics of leaders of countries and saw that countries w focus on cultural
Leaders of countries w cultural focus on emotional expression, show less smiles in pics
Visual Dominance
looking more at a person while speaking to them and looking away while being spoken to
How do communal vs agentic traits account for person space
Higher agentic traits call for more personal space
which group of people have the most observed space?
men with other men bc no homo
who touches who more?
women touch other women the most, they are seen as more affectionate
How do relationships account for touch?
When not in relationships, men touch women more
While in relationships, women touch men more
Who is seen as more verbally and non verbally expressive
How does touch impact sports?
Sports teams that have physical touch tend to have better scores
Why do teams that embrace each other have better scores?
Affirmative touch
Affirmative touch
releases oxytocin (bonding and coordination)
in what cultural examples do men touch
latin men kiss on cheek, SE Asia men hold hands as pals
Power pose
Dominate pose that can give feelings of confidence
what kind of pose do women typically have
restrictive pose
Vacharkulksemsuk: (posture)
They observed speed dating and looked at body postures; found out that expansive body postures are seen as more attractive (than smiling or laughing) for either sex.
Van Loo lamp; Rydell (video of dominance)
Showed a video of either men or women in a dominate posture, and the had men and women take an exam.
Men were unaffected by the sex of the dominate person;
Women did worse w a male dominated video and better w a women dominated video
Point light display
computer generated joint thingy
How do we use point light displays?
To show movements without revealing sex; showed that people can distinguish a man or woman by how their joints move when they walk ;
also can do a good job guessing sexual orientation if sex is already known
How do the sizes in sex differences vary from verbal to non verbal communication
Nonverbal sex differences are larger
Nancy Henley
Said that Sex differences in communication result from power and status differences
Does empirical evidence support henley? Why or why not?
No; she claims that the high and lows of status and race (confound variables) wouldn’t matter but bet bc they do.
Display rules
when it is socially appropriate to show certain emotions in certain situations
Elfenbein & Ambady (recognizing emotion)
Meta analysis showing people recognize anger and happiness better than any other basic emotion
also detect it best with their own ingroups
Merten (2005) (sex diff emotion recognition)
Cross-culturally, women recognize basic emotions better than men
-these sex different were GREATER in countries w better eco+political equality
What was the main theory behind Merten’s theory (detecting emotions sex diff)
-this shows that there must be a “detecting emotions” gene(s), and its universally expressed and has adaptation to culture
main girl emotions expressed
warmth/ vulnerability
Boy emotions expressed
Pride and anger
How are the main girl and boy emotions recorded ?
Self-reporting, which doesn’t always prove true in observation! Peeps may be influenced by gender stereotypes
Brody (emotional sex differences)
Says that emotional sex differences result from a combo of biological and sociocultural
-sociocultural plays the primary role
How does Brody’s theory apply to boys n girls emotional development
- boys learn to suppress emotions due to high arousal in youth
- girls learn to express due to gender roles
How do girls and boys tend to show/suppress emotion
Girls: Have other-oriented positive emotions, and suppress negative emotions
Boys: Show more out-ward focused emotions (anger) than girls
Both have a very small difference! Were more alike than different
Simpson and Stroh: (managers)
Women managers suppress anger and show positive emotions, while men managers show their anger.
How do display rules impact gender roles?
Women touch each other and men dont, and thats socially appropriate; touching softly is a low power emotion
How does mens touching seem impacted by progression to egalitarianism
ok so when were more equal dudes touch less bc they want to remain dominate
Emotional Contagion
can be subconscious, like smiling when your taking a picture of people and you smile back at them.
Attributional Ambiguity:
Difficulty attributing negative treatment to sexism
Hostile Sexism tends to be confronted more why
Combated more because women can get angry about it – not attributional ambiguity
Pluralistic ignorance:
when a person feels that they are the only one who is offended and wont speak up about it because the feel alone about their feelings
Diffusion of responsibility
Feeling like its not MY responsibility to fight this/make the whole word better
What intersectional group tends to have their competence questioned the most ?
Black women
Intersection invisibility hypothesis
Intersectional people are ignored or disregarded
Finkle and Eastwick (speed dating)
Randomly assigned both makes and females as rotators or sitters for a speed dating
Men who were rotators were more attracted to the women than the women were the men
Women who were rotators were equally attracted to men as men were with women
Orgasm gap
Women orgasm less often than men
Which group of partners caused one person to orgasm the least
Wen having sex w straight men