Exam 2 Flashcards
what is the name of the process by which the bilaminar germ disc is converted to a trilaminar germ disc?
what is Gastrulation?
the process by which a bilaminar germ disc is converted into a trilaminar disc
what is the beginning of Morphogenesis?
Gastrulation is the beginning of morphogenesis
the Embryo can be referred to as?
the Gastrula
Rapid development of the embryo from the trilaminar embryonic disc during the third week is characterized by?
- the appearance of the primitive streak
- Development of the Notochord
- Differentiation of the three germ layers
what are the genes that play a role in gastrulation?
- Bone morphogenetic proteins
- SHH- sonic hedgehog
- Tgifs
- Wnts
what are the three layers of the Gastrula from top to bottom?
- Embryonic Ectoderm- Top layer
- Embryonic Endoderm- Middle Layer
- Embryonic Mesoderm- Bottom layer
Embryonic Ectoderm gives rise to what parts of the body?
- Epidermis
- Central and peripheral nervous systems
- Eyes
- Internal Ears
- and as neural crest cells, develops many connective tissues of the head.
The Embryonic Endoderm is the source of what parts of the body?
- epithelial linings of the respiratory and alimentary (digestive) tracts
- the glands opening into the gastrointestinal tract
- the glandular cells of associated organs, such as the liver and pancreas
The Embryonic Mesoderm gives rise to the most body parts, what are they?
- skeletal muscles
- blood cells and the lining of blood vessels
- all visceral smooth muscular coats
- serosal linings of all body cavities
- ducts and organs of the reproductive and excretory systems
- most of the cardiovascular systems
the parts of the trunk formed by the Embryonic Mesoderm?
all connective tissue, including cartilage, bones, tendons, ligaments, dermis, and stroma (connective tissue) of internal organs
the thick band of epiblast cells that converge caudally in the midline of the disc on/around the 15th day?
the primitive streak, which has a caudal and cranial end.
what is the thickened round area at the cranial end of the bilaminar disc?
Primitive Node
The narrow grrove that runs down the primitive streak?
Primitive Groove
At the end of the Primitive Groove in the Primitive node is the?
Primitive Pit
the appearance of the primitive streak divides the embryo into what directions/part?
- Cranial part
- Caudal part
Epiblast cells migrate through the primitive streak, moving into the layer between the ________ and ________.
epiblast and hypoblast
this displaces the hypoblast
during the migration of epiblast cells, the cells from the deep epiblast area form?
part of the mesenchyme becomes which embryonic layer?
the middle layer
Embryonic Mesoderm
the epiblast cells displaced the hypoblasts to form what layer?
the endoderm
the ectoderm is formed from the remaining _______ cells?
remaining epiblast cells
what is a Sacrococcygeal Teratoma?
- remaining remnants of the primitive streak
- Gives rise to a tumor
- most common tumor in newborns
- pluripotent cells
on the 22-24 day the notochord detahes from the endoderm and retreats into the?
this process changes the notochord into a chord with a canal
the Body Mesoderm extends over all of the germ dics except in what two areas?
Porchordal (prechordal) plate- cranial end
Cloacal Plate-Caudal plate
the Cloacal plate is at the caudal end of the embryo and forms the?
primitive anus
the cloacal membrane/plate disintegrates in the 7th week to form the openings of the?
genital tracts
the functions of the notochord?
- support of growing embryo
- induction of a neural plate
- disappears when vertebrae forms
- small portion persists- nucleus pulposus
what is vasculogensis?
formation of vascular channels
what is angiogenesis?
formation of vessels
what genes regulate intrauterine growth?
methylation of DNA plays a role in the __________ and ___________ of endogenous genes?
imprinting and expression
which genes regulate the cells of the epiblast to cause involution into the primitive streak and placement between the epiblast and the hypoblast layer.
zygotic genes
the organizer of the embryo?
primitive node
factors such as B-catenin and members of the transforming growth factor, from the maternal effect genes induce the epiblast to form the?
primitive streak
what defines the left and right side of the embryo?
the primitive streak
which genes play a role in development of handed asymmetry?
nodal genes
cell lineage studies have shown epiblast cells to be?
pluripotent can develop into?
almost any cell type of the embryo
what is the support system of the developing embryo?
what is the primary inducer of the overlying ectoderm to form the neural plate?
The Notochord
the notochord is the primordial axis of the embryo around which the _______ _________ forms
axial skeleton
the process of conversion of the neural plate from a neural tube happens in what week?
the fourth week
the process of converting the neural plate to the neural tube starts with folding, which is called?
neurulation, it creases ventrally along its mid-line and develops a neural groove.
when the neural folds curl and become concave and the edges of the folds meet and fuse. this forms?
a neural canal
the edges of the neural folds make contact on the ___ day of development?
22nd day
the newly formed neural canal communicates with the amniotic cavity through large opening called?
cranial and caudal neurophores
these neurophores close by the 26th day
the neural tube differentiates into?
brain and spinal cord
neural crest cells differentiate into?
sensory ganglia
medulla of the adrenal glands
pigment cells of the body
the ganglia of what cranial nerves are partly derived from the neural crest cells?
it also forms the neurolemma sheaths of the peripheral nerves
interruption of the neural tube closure is the underlying cause of?
spinal bifida and anencephaly
abnormalities of the neural tube closure affect the development of?
nervous system
vertebral arch
cranial vault
on each side of the notochord, thickened areas become the?
paraaxial mesoderm
the lateral area on each side of a notochord becomes the?
lateral mesoderm
the mesoderm layer between two areas of mesoderm?
intermediate mesoderm
the main ectoderm layer gives rise to?
central nervous system peripheral nervous system sensory epithelia of the ears,eyes, and nose epidermis and appendages (hair and nails) mammary glands pituitary glands subcutaneous glands enamel of teeth
the main mesoderm layer gives rise to?
connective tissue cartilage bone striated and smooth muscles heart,blood, and lymphatic vessels kidneys ovaries, testes, genital ducts serous membrane lining the body cavities spleen and cortex of the suprarenal glands
the main endoderm layer gives rise to?
- epithelial lining of the digestive and respiratory tracts
- parenchyma of the tonsils
- thyroid and parathyroid glands, thymus, liver and pancreas, epithelial lining of the urinary bladder and most of the urethra
- epithelial lining of the tympanic antrum and pharyngotympanic tube
the paraxial mesoderm breaks up into bea dshaped blocks called?
42-44 pairs are formed
they are loacted on the sides of the neural tube
the 42-44 somites are distributed into what six groups and distributed how?
- occipital 4 pairs
- cervical 8 pairs
- thoracic 12 pairs
- lumbar 5 pairs
- sacral 5 pairs
- coccygeal 8-10 pairs
what are somites?
segemented mesodermal tissue along the neural tube, which gives rise to vertebral column, voluntary muscle, connective tissue, skin.
when the cells of each germ layer divides, the migrate and differentiate to form various organ systems. this is known as?
ectodermal derivatives include?
central nervous system peripheral nervous system autonomic nervous system sensory epithelium epidermis and derivities pituitary
the ectorderm breaks into two sections called the?
body ectoderm and neuroectoderm
the neuroectoderm breaks into two sections called the?
neural crest cells and the neural tube
the neural tube gives rise to?
brain and spinal cord
cns and pns