Exam 1 Superior Appendicular Flashcards
Which bone is known as the small key?
clavicle landmarks
lateral end - acromial end conoid tubercle medial end - sternal end costal tuberosity subclavian groove
clavicle development
first to ossify in embryo (5-6w)
last to ossify (sternal, 21-25y)
lateral - intramembranous
medial - endochondral
scapula development
intramembranous and endochondral
scapula landmarks
acromion (akros - high, moose - shoulder)
fossae - supraspinous, infraspinous, subscapular, glenoid
supra/infraglenoid tubercle
coracoid process
scapula margins
lateral border (axillary margin)
medial border (vertebral margin)
superior border
suprascapular notch
scapula location
overlies ribs 2-7
17 muscles attach
scapula angles
humerus proximal landmarks
anatomic v. surgical neck greater tubercle lesser tubercle intertubercular groove head
humerus shaft landmarks
deltoid tuberosity
radial/spiral/musculospiral groove
humerus distal landmarks
lateral/medial epicondyle lateral/medial supracondylar crests trochlea capitulum coronoid fossa olecranon fossa
ulna landmarks
semilunar/trochlear notch coronoid process ulnar tuberosity radial notch styloid process interosseous margin supinator crest
clavicle R/L
sternal medial
conoid tubercle inferior posterior
humerus R/L
head proximal medial
olecranon fossa posterior
ulna R/L
trochlea anterior
radial notch lateral
ulna articulations
trochlea of humerus
head of radius
humerus articulations
glendoid fossa of scapula
ulna at trochlea
radius at capitulum
radius landmarks
head/neck radial tuberosity interosseous border styloid process ulnar notch dorsal tubercle
radius R/L
smooth distal anterior
styloid process lateral
radius articulations
capitulum of humerus
scaphoid and lunate of carpus
carpal bones L-M, P-D
scaphoid lunate triquetral pisiform trapezium trapezoid capitate hamate (hamulus)
base proximal
head distal
thumb 1 - pinky 5
carpus R/L
pisiform is proximal/medial
upper limb development
endochondral ossification