Exam 1 Embryology Flashcards
usually occurs in ampulla of Fallopian tube
occurs when sperm penetrates oocyte (zone pellucid, corona radiata)
when the oocyte is fertilized and has all 46 chromosomes
replicated cells of zygote
after fertilization, repeated divisions of zygote
around day 3, 12-16 blastomeres
when the morula enters the uterine cavity, around day 4, and fluid enters separating inner mass and outer layer
inner layer of cells of blastocyst, embryo
outer layer of cells of blastocyst, placenta
when blastocyst attaches to the epithelial lining of the uterus, around day 6
trophoblasts proliferate into 2 layers
single nuclei of cells with defined membranes, from trophoblasts
mass of multi-nucleated cells fused together
week 2
bilaminar disc forms (epiblast, hypoblast)
amniotic sac from epiblast
yolk sac from hypoblast
day 10
conceptus completely embedded
lacunae develop in syncytiotrophoblast
beginning of uteroplacental circulation
day 15, primitive streak forms along midline of epiblasts; bilaminar becomes trilaminar
trilaminar disc
epiblasts migrate medially towards primitive streak, replaces hypoblasts to become endoderm. Migrating cells become mesoderm, epiblast become ectoderm
when neural plate create a groove, and becomes neural tube
invagination of cells from primitive node
caudal to cranial aspect of embryo
axis for embryo, rigidity
development of vertebral bodies
neural plate
notochord induces overlying ectoderm to thicken; gives rise to CNS
paired blocks of mesoderm formed bilaterally along neural tube; week 4
bone tissue of vertebral column from somites
muscle of the trunk from somites
dermis of the skin from somites
pharyngeal pouches
5 pairs of pockets, separated by pharyngeal arches; from in the walls of the future throat
intramembranous ossification
- bone formation from mesenchyme pithing a membranous sheath
- mesenchyme condenses, vascularizes, osteoblasts form and deposit osteoid
- produces most of the flat bones of the skull, most of the clavicle
- role in thickening, developing, remodeling of long bones
endochondral ossification
- bone formation that occurs on pre-existing cartilage
- primary ossifications centers are in diaphysis of long bones, ossify by birth
- secondary centers are cartilaginous and ossify in the first few years of life
- produces vertebrae, ribs, scapulae, pelvic bones, bones of limbs
neurocranium base ossification
calvaria ossification
intramembranouse from pharyngeal arches 1-2
vertebral ossification
- sclerotome becomes vertebral arches, endochondral
- primary ossification centers (3): one at the centrum, 2 at each vertebral arch
- secondary ossification centers (5): spinous process, TPs, superior and inferior annular epiphysis
appendicular ossification
- limb buds from mesenchymal condensations during week 5
- week 6: mesenchyme to hyaline cartilage by chondrification
- primary centers ossify during week 8
What happens to the notochord?
becomes nucleus pulposus of IVD