Exam 1 Osteology - Skull Flashcards
How many bones in the skull?
22 total
8 cranial
14 facial
other names for cranial bones
neurocranium, cranium, brain case
skull cap
facial bones
viscerocranium; not in contact with the brain, all are paired except vomer and mandible
frontal parietal occipital temporal sphenoid
nasal palatine lacrimal zygomatic maxilla inferior nasal conchae vomer
frontal fontanelle
anterior, closes by 18-24m, becomes bregma
occipital fontanelle
posterior, closes by 2m, becomes lambda
sphenoidal fontanelle
anterolateral, closes by 3m, becomes pterion
mastoid fontanelle
posterolateral, closes by 1y, becomes asterion
sagittal suture
between 2 parietal bones; perpendicular to frontal and occipital bones
coronal suture
between frontal and parietal bones
metopic suture
between 2 frontal bones, closes around 6-8y
lambdoidal suture
between parietal and occipital bones
squamous suture
between parietal and temporal bones
frontal bone parts
frontal squama supraorbital arch supraorbital foramen supracilliary ridge glabella bregma
supraorbital foramen
means smooth, hairless
aka mesophryon, antinion, intercilium
parietal bone parts
parietal foramina (emissary vein) temporal lines (temporal m.)
temporal bone parts
squamous portion
tympanic portion
mastoid portion
petrous portion
squamous portion of the temporal bone
zygomatic process
mandibular fossa
groove for posterior deep temporal a.
tympanic portion of the temporal bone
external acoustic meatus
styloid process
mastoid portion of the temporal bone
mastoid process
mastoid foramen
stylomastoid foramen
mastoid sinus
petrous portion of the temporal bone
groove for sigmoid sinus
carotid canal
internal acoustic meatus
jugular foramen
jugular foramen
located between the occipital and temporal bones
occipital bone parts
foramen magnum occipital condyles hypoglossal canal external occipital protuberance nuchal lines clivus groove for transverse sinus
greek for back of head/neck; most prominent projecting point of occipital bone
sphenoid bone parts
body greater and lesser wing anterior/posterior clinoid process foramen lacerum, rotundum, ovale, spinosum sella turcica jugum chiasmatic groove pterygoid plates
sella turcica
"Turkish saddle", houses hypophysis (pituitary) tuberculum sellae hypophyseal fossa dorsum sellae posterior clinoid process
ethmoid bone
crista galli (attaches to dura mater)
perpendicular plate
superior/middle nasal concha
maxilla parts
frontal process
zygomatic process
alveolar process
infraorbital foramen
zygomatic parts
zygomaticofacial foramen
temporal process
mandible parts
mental protuberance mental tubercle mental forman body angle ramus coronoid process lingual mandibular foramen condylar process mandibular notch
symphysis menti
fuses 1-2y
hyoid bone
greater/lesser horn
Which bones form the orbit?
frontal ethmoid sphenoid maxillary lacrimal zygomatic palatine
auditory ossicles
frontal bone development
intramembranous ossification
parietal bone development
intramembranous ossification
occipital bone development
both intramembranous and endochondral ossification
temporal bone development
both intramembranous and endochondral ossification
sphenoid bone development
endochondral ossification
ethmoid bone development
endochondral ossification
maxilla bone development
intramembranous ossification
nasal bone development
intramembranous ossification
zygomatic bone development
intramembranous ossification
lacrimal bone development
intramembranous ossification
vomer bone development
intramembranous ossification
palatine bone development
intramembranous ossification
hyoid bone development
endochondral ossification
mandible bone development
both intramembranous and endochondral ossification