Exam 1: Infectious Disease Flashcards
Rubeola (Measles) Causes
-RNA Virus
Rubeola (Measles) Prevention
MMR Vaccine
Rubeola (Measles) Precautions
Airborne Isolation Precautions**
How is Rubeola (Measles) treated?
-Symptomatic Treatment
How is rubeola (measles) spread?
Air, Direct contact
MMR Vaccine
- 2 doses: 1st at 1 y/o and 2nd between 4-6 y/o (before kindergarten)
Clinical Manifestations of Rubeola (Measles)
- Respiratory: 10 days after exposure; cough and runny nose.
- Koplik spots
- Rash
Koplik Spots
-Small, blue-white spots with red base that cluster near the molars at the buccal mucosa.
Rubeola (Measles): Rash description
- Deep-red macular rash that begins on the face and spreads to the trunk and extremities
- Lasts 6-7 days
Complications of Rubeola (Measles)
Considered rare
- Secondary infection: Otitis media, bronchopneumonia, croup
- CNS: ecephalitis
- Premature birth or miscarriage (if you are pregnant, you should not be in contact with children who have rubella)
Rubella (German Measles) Causes
-RNA Virus
Prevention of Rubella (German Measles)
What are manifestations of rubella (German measles)?
- Asymptomatic until appearance of rash
- Rash: pinkish rose maculopapular that appears on face, scalp and neck first and then spreads
- Older children may report viral illness complaints.
Rubella (German Measles) Treatment
-Supportive Treatment (once you get this, you can’t prevent complications, can only support any s/s that pop up)
What are complications of rubella (German measles)?
- Mild thrombocytopenia
- Encephalitis
- Congenital rubella (neurologically devastating to child)
How is rubella (German measles) spread?
Droplet transmission
Erythema Infectiosum (Fifth Disease) is caused by
Parvovirus B19
How is erythema infectiosum (fifth disease) transmitted?
- Airborne particles
- Respiratory droplets
- Blood/blood products
Erythema Infectiosum (Fifth Disease)
- Mild systemic disease
- Disease is benign and self-limiting.
Clinical Manifestations of Erythema Infectiosum (Fifth Disease)
- Intense red rash on cheeks (“slapped cheek rash)
- Lacy appearance rash on trunk and extremities
Erythema Infectiosum (Fifth Disease) Complications
No complications associated with it, only symptomatic
Treatment for erythema infectiosum (Fifth disease)
Prevention of erythema infectiosum (fifth disease)
NO VACCINE available
Chicken Pox is caused by
Varicella-zoster virus
Chicken Pox: Incubation period
10-21 days
Chicken Pox: Infectious Period
1-2 days before onset of rash and until all lesions are crusted over
How is chicken pox transmitted?
- Direct contact
- Droplet
- Airborne particles
*Airborn precautions