[Exam 1] Chapter 12 - Nursing Management During Pregnancy Flashcards
Preconception Care: What is this?
Promotion of the health and well-being of a woman and her partner before pregnancy. Goal is to identify and modify biomedical, behavioral, and social risks to a womens health
Preconception Care: Primary care for all womens of childbearing age by nurses should include what?
A routine assessment of a womans reproductive goals and planning
Preconception Care: For women not intending a pregnancy soon, preconception care should focus on
contraception counseling
Preconception Care: Folic Acid should be at how much per day?
400-800 mcg per day
Preconception Care: What vaccines should a women get?
Influenza if during flu season
Rubella and Varicella Vaccines if no evidence of immunity
TDaP if missing
Preconception Care: New insight reveal that early embryo is extremely sensitive to signals from
gametes, trophoblastic tissue, and periconception maternal lifestyles
Preconception Care and RF for Adverse Pregnancy Outcomes: Preconception care can reduce what outcomes?
Maternal and infant mortality, preterm briths, and low-birth-weight infants
Preconception Care and RF for Adverse Pregnancy Outcomes: What percentage of women do not take folic supplements?
Preconception Care and RF for Adverse Pregnancy Outcomes: Period of greatest environmental sensitivity is between what days?
17-56 days
Preconception Care and Nursing Management: How can Isotretinoins affect fetus?
Accutane, high risk of congenital malformations which may include craniofacial, cardiac, and CNS injuries
Preconception Care and Nursing Management: How can Alcohol Misuse affect fetus?
Fetal alcohool syndrome and other alcohol related birth defects
Preconception Care and Nursing Management: How can Antiepileptic drugs affect fetus?
(Valporic Acid). if prescribed, should be prescribed to a lower dose
Preconception Care and Nursing Management: Key areas of complete health history and physical examination include what?
Underlying medical conditions
Reproductive health data
Sex practices
Lifestyle practices
First Prenatal Visit: What occurs in the initial visit?
Idel time to screen for factors that might place the woman and her fetus at risk for problems such as preterm delivery
First Prenatal Visit: What two ways can prenatal care be delievered?
Individually or in a group format termed centering.
First Prenatal Visit: How does the centering pregnancy model of group prenatal care work?
Involves group of up to a dozen women meeting for 10 sessions for 1.5-2 hours each .
First Prenatal Visit: International Association of Diabetes recently issues what recommendation for first prenatal visit?
Measure fasting plasma glucose, HbA1c or random plasma glucose. If okay, test again at 24-28 weeks for gestational diabetes with 2 hour 75 g oral glucose tolerance test
First Prenatal Visit: Threshold for fasting plasma glucose?
126 mg/dL
First Prenatal Visit: Threshold for Hemoglobin A1c level?
First Prenatal Visit: Threshold for random plasma glucose?
200 mg/dL
First Prenatal Visit and Comprehensive Health Hx: What comprehensive information is obtained?
Age, menstrual history, prior obstetric history, past medical and surgical history, psychological screening, genetic screening, and medication or drug use
First Prenatal Visit and Comprehensive Health Hx: Initial health history includes questions about what three major areas?
The reason for seeking care,
clients past medical, surgical, and personal history
Clients reproductive history
First Prenatal Visit and Reason for Seeking Care: Urine or blood test is performed to test for what?
Evidence of human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG)
First Prenatal Visit and Past History: Why is it important to ask about past history?
Because conditions experienced in past may recur or be exacerbated during pregnancy
First Prenatal Visit and Past History: What should you ask about personal history?
Her occupation, possible exposure to teratogens, exercise and activity, recreational patterns, and use of different therapies.
First Prenatal Visit and Past History: What changes will smoking cause on fetus?
Nicotine causes vasoconstriction in mother, leading to reduced placental perfusion
First Prenatal Visit and Reproductive History: What does this typically include?
Menstrual, obstetric, and gynecologic history.
First Prenatal Visit and Reproductive History: History begins with what?
Description of womans menstrual cycle, including her age, number of days in cycle, typical flow, adn any discomfort experienced
First Prenatal Visit and Reproductive History: What does the end point date provide?
Timing of specific maternal and fetal testing throughout pregnancy, gauges fetal growth parameters, and provides well established timelines
First Prenatal Visit and Reproductive History: What is the Nagele Rule?
Used to estimate date of birth.
Subtract 3 months from her LMP and then add 7 days to the first day of the LMP. Then add one year to the date.
Margain of error is plus or minnus two weeks
First Prenatal Visit and Reproductive History: What may cause Nageles rule to be irregular?
If woman concieves while breast feeding or before her regular menstrual child is established after childbirth
First Prenatal Visit and Reproductive History: What device is a more accurate way to determine gestational age?
First Prenatal Visit and Reproductive History: What does obstetric history provide?
Information about womans poast prenancies, including any problems encountered during pregnancy, labor, birth, and postpartum
First Prenatal Visit and Reproductive History: What is Gravid?
state of being prenant
First Prenatal Visit and Reproductive History: What is gravida/gravidity?
total number of times a woman has been pregnant, regardless of whether pregnancy resulted in termination
First Prenatal Visit and Reproductive History: What is Nulligravida?
Woman who has never experienced pregnancy
First Prenatal Visit and Reproductive History: What is Primigravida?
Woman pregnant for the first time
First Prenatal Visit and Reproductive History: What is Secundigravida?
Woman pregnant for the second time
First Prenatal Visit and Reproductive History: What is Multigravida?
Woman pregnant for at least third time
First Prenatal Visit and Reproductive History: What is Para?
Number of times a woman has given birth to a fetus of at least 20 gestational weeks, counting multiple births as one event
First Prenatal Visit and Reproductive History: What is Parity?
Refers to the number of pregnancies, not the number of fetuses, carried to the point of viability regardless of outcome
First Prenatal Visit and Reproductive History: What is Nullipara?
Woman has not produced viable offspring
First Prenatal Visit and Reproductive History: What is Primipara?
Woman who has given birth once after a pregnancy of at least 20 weeks,
First Prenatal Visit and Reproductive History: What is Multipara?
Woman who has had two or more pregnancies of at least 20 weeks gestation resulting in viable offspring.
First Prenatal Visit and Reproductive History: What are teh sayings used for Obstetric History terms?
First Prenatal Visit and Reproductive History: What does GTPAL stand for?
Gravida Term Births Preterm Births Abortions Living Children
First Prenatal Visit and Reproductive History: Example of GTPAL
Mary Johnson is pregnant for fourth time
She had one abortion at 8 weeks
Has daughter born at 40 weeks and son born at 34 weeks
Gravida = 4, Para = 2
TPAL = 1112
First Prenatal Visit and Physical Exam - Preparation: What do you instruct them to do at start?
Put on gown. Ask them to empty their bladder. Clean-Catch sent to lab for urinalysis to detect possible UTI
First Prenatal Visit and Physical Exam - Preparation: How do you begin the physical exam?
By obtaining VS including BP, RR, Temp, Pulse. Also measure height.
First Prenatal Visit and Physical Exam - Preparation: What may elevated bP suggest?
Pregestational hypertension.
First Prenatal Visit and Physical Exam - Head n Neck: What do you check for here?
Palpate for enlarged lymph nodes. Note any edema of nasal mucosa or gingivitis. Palpate thyroid gland
First Prenatal Visit and Physical Exam - Chest: Why may murmur be heart?
Because of increase in blood volume.
First Prenatal Visit and Physical Exam - Chest: HR change?
Change by 10-15 bpm starting at 14-20 weeks.
First Prenatal Visit and Physical Exam - Chest: What does Estrogen affect in chest?
Promotes relaxation of ligaments and joints of ribs, resulting increase in anteroposteior chest diameter . Expect increase in RR
First Prenatal Visit and Physical Exam - Chest: What does estrogen and progesterone do to breasts?
Make the breasts feel full and more nodular, with increased sensitivty to touch . Blood vessels are more visible.
First Prenatal Visit and Physical Exam - Abdomen: What should you inspect it for?
Striae, scars, shape, and size. May reveal striae gravidarum and linea nigra.
First Prenatal Visit and Physical Exam - Abdomen: Where can fundus be palpated at 12 weeks?
At the symphysis
First Prenatal Visit and Physical Exam - Abdomen: Where can fundus be palpated at 16 weeks?
Midway between symphysis and the umbilicus
First Prenatal Visit and Physical Exam - Abdomen: Where can fundus be palpated at 20 and 36 weeks?
20= Palpated at umbilicus
36 = fundus is just below the xiphoid process
First Prenatal Visit and Physical Exam - Extremities: What should you inspect legs for?
Palpate for edema, pulses and varicose veins.
First Prenatal Visit and Physical Exam - External Genitalia: They should be free form what?
Lesions, discharge, hematomas, varicosities , and inflammation upon inspection
First Prenatal Visit and Physical Exam - Internal Genitalia: How should cervix appear?
Should be smooth, ,long, thick, and closed. Cervix will be softened (Goodell) Uterine Isthmus softened (Hegar sign) and Chadwick sign
First Prenatal Visit and Physical Exam - Internal Genitalia: Once examination of internal genitalia complete, spulum removed and what ahppens?
Bimanual exam of uterus to confirm size of uterus and to palpate of ovaries, they should be small and nontender
First Prenatal Visit and Physical Exam - Pelvic Size, Shape, Measurement: Size and shpe divided into what four types?
Gynecoid, Android, Anthropoid, an dPlatypelloid
First Prenatal Visit and Physical Exam - Pelvic Size, Shape, Measurement: Why are internal pelvic measurements important?
Determines the actual diameters of the inlet and outlet through which the fetus will pass.
First Prenatal Visit and Physical Exam - Pelvic Size, Shape, Measurement: What three measurements are assessed?
Diagonal conjugate, true conjugate, and ischial tuberosity.
First Prenatal Visit and Physical Exam - Pelvic Size, Shape, Measurement: What is the diagonal conjugate?
Distance between anterior surface of sacral prominence and the anterior surface of inferior margin of the symphysis ubis. Measurement usually 12.5 cm or greater represents anteroposterior diameter of pelvic inlet.
First Prenatal Visit and Physical Exam - Pelvic Size, Shape, Measurement: What is the true conjugate?
Measurement form anterior surface of the sacral prominence to the posterior surface of the inferior margin of the symphysis pubis
First Prenatal Visit and Physical Exam - Lab Test: What is urine analyzed for?
Albumin, glucose, ketones, and bacteria casts
First Prenatal Visit and Physical Exam - Lab Test: What do blood studies include
Hgb, Hct, RBC, WBC, Blood Typing, Rh Factor, glucose screening, and sti
First Prenatal Visit and Physical Exam - Lab Test:
Levels of Hgb, Hct, RBC, WBC, and platelet count
Hgb is 12-14
Hct is 42%
RBC is 4.2-5.4 million
WBC is 150,000-450000
Follow-Up Visits: How often must they come in for checkup?
Every 4 weeks up to 28 weeks
Every 2 weeks from 29-36 weeks
Every week from 37 weeks to birth
Follow-Up Visits: What assessments occurs at each follow up?
Weight and BP
Urine testing for protein, glucose, ketones
Fundal height
Assessment for quickening/fetal movement
Assessment of fetal HR
Follow-Up Visit Intervals and Assessments: How should they screen and test for gestational diabetes?
Oral glucose test. Disagreement is wih how many grams of glucose ingested and how long afterward blood drawn.
Use oral 50g glucose following by 1 hour-plasma glucose determination
Follow-Up Visit Intervals and Assessments: When is screening for gestational diabetes done?
Between 24-28 weeks unles screening warranted for first trimester (obesity, >25 years old, family hx of diabetes)
Follow-Up Visit Intervals and Assessments: What happens if results from glucose is more than 130-140 ?
Further testing, such as 3=hour 100-g glucose tolerance test
Follow-Up Visit Intervals and Assessments: Edema in what parts of the body could be signs of gestational hypertension?
Pertibial edema, periorbital edema, edema of hands
Follow-Up Visit Intervals and Assessments: What to do if mother Rh negative
Antibody titer evaluated. RhoGAM is given. It is used to prevent development of antibodies to Rh+ red cells whenever fetal cells are known or suspected of entering maternal circulation
Follow-Up Visit Intervals and Assessments: What to ask at 28 weeks for preterm labor risk?
Ask if experiencing signs of uterine contractions, dullbackache, feeling of pressure in pelvic area, increased vaginal discharge, and vaginal bleeding
Follow-Up Visit and Fundal Height Measurement: What is the McDonald method?
Distance measured with tape measure from top of pubic bone to the top of the uterus with client lying on her back
Follow-Up Visit and Fundal Height Measurement: When does fundus reach umbilicus?
20 weeks
Follow-Up Visit and Fundal Height Measurement: Fundal measurement should equal number of weeks of gestation until week what
Follow-Up Visit and Fetal Movement Determination: Mothers first perception of fetal movement occurs when and is termed what?
In 2nd trimester, and is termed “quickening”, described as gentle fluttering
Follow-Up Visit and Fetal Movement Determination: Decreased Fetal movement may indicate what?
Asphyxia and FGR
Follow-Up Visit and Fetal Movement Determination: What is the fetal movement counting method?
Used by mother to quantify her fetus movement. Should be performed in side lying method
Follow-Up Visit and Fetal Movement Determination: Wha tis the Count to 10 method?
Woman focuses of fetus movement and records how long it takes to document 10 movements. If longer than 2 hours, contact health care provider