Exam 1 (Ch.1) Flashcards
What is the most played sport on Earth?
Badminton because of its popularity in China (national sport) and Asia (heavily promoted)
What is the earliest documented sporting events?
- Pan-Hellenic Games in 776 BC
- Celebrated every 4 years
- Held in Olympia
- Occurred after the crops were gathered and people had free time
What is the origin of the word sport?
derived from the word “disport” meaning to “carry away from” or “diversion” or “display” or “amausmenet
What was America’s first “National Past time”?
horse racing (because of the popularity of gambling)
What sports evolved from England’s club sports managed by England’s elite?
Tennis and Golf
How big was the modern sport industry by 2011?
$411 Billion
What is the NASC?
National Associations of Sport Commissions; offers a certified sport event executive (CSEE) certification for host members who complete educational session
What is the CSEE?
Certified Sport Event Executive Certification of NASC members who complete education sessions
What is an event?
a carefully crafted experience delivered to make an impact on the person in attendance
What is typically considered the most import of the economic, social, or psychological benefits from events?
What is the definition of sport?
competitive and non-competitive active pursuits, involving skill, strategy, and chance in which human beings engage simply for enjoyment of training or to raise their performance to levels of publicly acclaimed excellence
What types of Sport tourism are there?
- event sports tourism (SuperBowl)
- active sport tourism (hospitality industry; golf courses, ski resorts, country clubs)
- nostalgia based tourism (sport hall of fame, sport museum)
What types of DMO’s are there?
- Sports Commissions
2. CVB’s (Convention and Visitor’s Bureaus)
How does an event planner leverage an event?
- by encouraging visitor spending especially in the host community
- by lengthening their stay
What types of sporting events or there?
- Mega Events
- Multisport Events
- Multiple Location Events
- Cross-Cultural Events
- International Events
- Youth Events
Mega Evnts
short term, high profile events capable of having a significant impact on their host area (SuperBowl)
Multisport Events
competitions in a host city or host region in a variety of sports
Multiple Location Events
competitions that take place in several cities usually the events are managed with venue specific staffs (FIFA World Cup)
Cross-Cultural Events
involve interactions between different cultural groups. Importance in understanding and appreciating cultural norms and differences (Olympics)
International Events
international in nature such as the NFL playing games in London or the World Baseball Classic
Youth Events
a growing market (23 mil in 1997-44 mil in 2008). Sponsors see these as opportunities to reach young consumers while they are making branding decisions
Major events for people with disabilities?
- Paralympics
- Deaflympics
- Extremity Games
- Special Olympics
Today, we note that sports…
has its own set of rules, a continuum of elite competition to recreational sport for all, and is characterized by its playful character
European setlers became concerned with…
health and fitness
Working in event management field requires these skills:
- Time management
- Preparing and managing a checklist of activities
- Proficient technology skills (blogging, etc.)
- Written communication
- Interpersonal skills
Active Sport Tourism
involves resorts and other segments of the hospitality industry such as golf courses and ski resorts
Motivation for sport toruists
interacting with family, escape, vicarious achievement
Athletes serve as… Spectators represent…
athletes serve as actors, and spectators represent the audience. The event planner also functions as an actor. The stadium serves as the theater
For RHO’s, the VENUE is…
the most important factor for determining a site for a non-fixed sporting event that travels between venues