Exam 1: Cell signaling Prt 1&2 Flashcards
What is Cell signaling? What does it consist of?
- Communication process that governs activites of cell & cooridnates action
* Growth, development, and lactation
* Reproduction
* Maintenance of internal environment
* Energy production, utilization, and storage
What are the three stages of cell signaling?
- Reception
- Transduction
- Response
What are some biochemical signals?
- Hormones
- Growth factors
- Nutrients
- Neurotransmitters (acetylocholine,etc)
What are some mechanical signals?
- Pressure touch: sensory cells in skin
- Sound waves: sensory cells in ear
- Stretch: skeletal muscle
What does Autocrine mean?
A cell targets itself
What does Paracrine mean?
Action on a nearby cell
What does Endocrine mean?
Cell targets a distant cell through the bloodstream
How exactly does a cell recognize cells and how does it elicit a response?
1.The answer is receptors
2.Providing specfic recognition of signaling molecule (ligand)
3.Interaction with ligan leads to a biological response
What are 3 membrane receptors?
- Ion channel receptor
- G-protein-coupled
- Enzyme-linked receptors
What are Ion channel-linked receptors?
- Legand binds
- Opens a channel through the membrane that allows specific ions to pass through
G-couples recptor general mechanism goes in what order?
2.Receptor (near GDP)
3.-> GTP
4.to Enzyme
5.Having Active 2nd messenger or Inactive 2nd Messenger
6.Effects on cellular function (Gene expression, Enzyme activity, Ion or metabolite transport)
How do G-protein coupled receptors work? (general idea)
It goes in this order:
1. First messenger->
2. G-protein coupled transmembrane receptor->
3. Signal amplification->
4. Second messenger->
5. Cellular response
What can PKA do in terms of responses?
- Can activate transcription factors, affecting gene expression
- Can phosphorylate enzymes, causing a change in activity
How do Enzyme-linked receptors work?
Starts with:
2.Signal induces receptor dimerization (activated)
3.Allows proteins to phosphorylate each other
4.Phosphorylated sites act as docking sites
What is needed to activate downstream signaling?
Adaptor protein