Exam 1 Flashcards
Availability heuristic
Comes to mind easily biased by faulty thinking
Present bias
Focus on instances when something is present or did occur more than it is present
Confirmation bias
Focusing on evidence we like. Ignore or fail to notice disconfirming evidence
Confirmatory hypothesis testing
Asking biased questions to get expected answers
Bias blind spot
Biased about being biased
Authoritative drawbacks
May not be knowledgeable.
Without comparisons group.
Biased by Prexsisting view
Set of methods used to collect info(data) about phenomena through systematic data collection and observations and measurements.
Empirical approach
Evidence from the senses or from instruments that can help senses
Math models
Quantitative implementation of a theory with a set of definitions and equations describing numerical values. Relationships between variables and constants. How variables change with inputs.
Domain of a theory
Scope of a theory is a range of situations to which theory may be legit applied
Wide domain preferred but harder to test
Explains within its domain the fewest possible assumptions
Theory data cycle
Theory incorporates previous research findings and generates research question
Theory supported or revised based on data
Agrees with preditiction of theory
Data consistent
Strengthens tested theory
Does not prove theory is correct
Contradicts theory
Data inconsistent
Theory refined or rejected
Strong inference
Test theories by conformational and dis conformational strategies together
Putting different predictions against each other
Example: cupboard theory v contact comfort theory
Empirical. Rational. Testable. Parsimonious. General. Tentative. Rigourously evaluated
May be legit academic disciplines applying other systematic techniques to generate knowledge
Pseudoscience earmarks
Sensationalistic claim Acecdotal evidence. Jargon No evidence No attempt to falsify Not building base Fail to specify conditions Situation specific
Nazi medical experiments
On 1000 of concentration camp prisons
Us officials studied the effect of radiation through experiments on vulnerable population often without knowledge
Tuskegee syphilis study
Us Public Health Service enrolled 400 low income African American male infected with syphilis. Denied treatment for 40 years.
Ethical issues. Belmont report.
Respect for persons
Little Albert ethical issues
Respect for person: not informed
Beneficence: distress. Long term damage.
Justice: explotation
Nuremberg code
Response to nazi experiments
10 pts guiding permissible human research
Declaration of Helsinki
Most recently revised. More detailed ethical principles led to IRB
Belmont report
Core ethical principles
APA ethical standard
Addresses add. Unique issues with research
Proposals must be screened
Ensures researche meets ethical standard
Protects researchers from liability arising from research part.
Respect for persons
Informed consent
Risks v benefits
Summary of APA stand. 8
Infromed consent must be obtained. Protect research participants. May be waived. Avoid excessive inducements. Deception allowed. Dehoax as soon as possible. Given timley feedback.
APA ethical standards animals
Trained researchers
Researcher responsible.
Reduce and minimize discomfort, infection
Painful procedures allowed only if other methods not avail and justified by scientific value
Anesthisia used
Humane methods when euthanizing subjects
3 R’s
Replacement: alternative to animals
Refinement: modify to minimum distress
Reduction: adopt designs w/ fewest number animals
Primary source
Full report of a study. Methodological details
Empirical articles
Secondary source
Summaries info from a primary source
Popular and substantive.
Good starting points
Biased or incomplete
Scholarly journal
Current research findings and theoretical thinking
Detailed results
Review journal articles: summarize and synthesize published studies
Most up to date info
Attending is frontiers science and meet others
But expensive
Why read empirical journal
Critically evaluate research
Up to date
Ideas for new research
Heuristic value
Source for generating new research ideas