4: factorial designs Flashcards
why add another factor (IV)?
- Found effect of Factor A on DV
- All EVs were controlled
- But what if we purposely changed one of EVs (Factor B)?
- Would the effect of Factor A on the DV generalize to a different context or would it change?
> If the effect of Factor A differs as the level of Factor B is changed, then the lines will not be parallel
recall example explains why adding another variable is better
• Found effect of Factor A on DV
• e.g., longer recall intervals decrease
probability of correct recall
- All EVs were controlled
- e.g., participants in all conditions distracted during the recall interval
- Would the effect of Factor A on the DV generalize to a different context or would it change?
- e.g., what if some participants were not distracted during recall interval?
• Longer intervals decrease recall if distracted
• Longer intervals have little effect on recall
when not distracted
Visual search: feature (pop-out) (recall example)
- Feature search: The target stimulus “pops out” because a single feature sets it apart from distractors
- According to FIT, preattentive stage where single feature is analyzed in parallel across visual field
- Prediction: “pop out” effect from parallel processing means that increasing set size will NOT have an effect on RT to find target
visual search: conjunction (recall example)
• Conjunction search: The target stimulus is set apart from distractors by a combination (conjunction) of
- According to FIT, attentive stage where features are bound for each object in series (i.e., one-by-one)
- Prediction: effortful search that requires moving attention from object to object (serial search) means that increasing set size will increase mean RT to find target
Visual search: Testing for intercation (recall example)
- The effect of set size (IV1) on reaction time (DV) differs depending on the type of search required (IV2): an interaction between IVs
• Feature (pop-out) search: no effect of set size on RT
• Conjunction search: increasing set size increases RT
-Graphical analysis: The lines showing the effect of set size on RT will have significantly different slopes between the two search types
factorial designs
- Adding a second independent variable to an experiment results in a factorial design
• Contains two factors (IVs), each with two or more levels
•m and n are the number of
levels of each factor
-An m x n (“m-by-n”) factorial design has m*n conditions
• Design can be between subjects, within-subjects, or a
combination (mixed design)
• Each condition yields a cell mean for a given dependent variable
factorial designs: Main effects
-The main effect of each factor is the separate effect of
that factor while ignoring the other factors
- Represented by differences in the marginal means for each level of that factor
• Average across levels of other factors - Analogous to a separate experiment with only that IV
• But values of other factor(s) set to multiple levels in each condition
• Interpretation of main effects is complicated if there is an interaction
Main effects of factor A (columns)
-Calculate the mean score for each level of Factor A (e.g., Search Type)
• Collapsing across levels of Factor B (e.g., Set Size)
-Compare resulting marginal means (column means) to determine main effect of Factor A (Search Type)
-Analogous to conducting a single factor experiment with only Factor A (Search Type) as the independent
• But collapsing (averaging) across levels of all other factors
Main effect of factor B (rows)
-Calculate the mean score for each level of Factor B (e.g., Set Size)
• Collapsing across levels of Factor A (e.g., Search Type)
-Compare resulting marginal means (row means) to
determine main effect of Factor B (Set Size)
- Analogous to conducting a single-factor experiment with only Factor B (Set Size) as the independent variable
• But collapsing (averaging) across levels of all other factors
factorial designs: Interactions
-An interaction between factors is when the effect of one factor changes based on the level of another factor
-Simple main effect is the effect of one factor at a given level of the other factor
• There is an interaction when simple main effects differ
-Interactions are best interpreted graphically
simple main effect
- Simple main effect is the effect of one factor (e.g., Search Type) at a given level of the other factor (e.g., Set Size)
- Search Type x Set Size interaction: the effect of Search Type changes at different levels of Set Size
•Simple main effect of Search Type differs among levels of Set Size
high order factorial designs
-More than two factors (e.g., independent variables) are
included in a higher-order factorial design
-As factors are added to an experimental design, its
complexity increases (more conditions)
• Number of subjects required (between-subjects factors) or duration
of experiment (within-subjects factors) increases
• Number of possible main effects and interactions increases, complicating their interpretation
• e.g., A x B x C design has three main effects and four interactions, including a three-way interaction