Exam 1 Flashcards
Basic research
a type of research that may have limited direct application but in which the researcher has careful control of the conditions
ecological validity
the extent to which research emulates the real world
the chapter or section of research report that explains what the results mean
the anticipated outcome of a study or experiment
internal validity
the extent to which the results of a study can be attributed to the treatments used in the study
external validity
the generalizability of the results of a study
paradigm crisis phenomenon
the development of discrepancies in a paradigm leading to proposals of a new paradigm that better explains the data
a critical evaluation of research on a particular topic
descriptive research
a type of R that attempts to describe the status of the study focus. common techniques are questionnaire, interviews, normative surveys,case studies, job analyese, obserfation reseearch, developmental studies, and correlations studies
experimental research
a type of R that involves the manipulation of treatmetns ina attempt to establish cause adn effect relastionships
applied esearch
a type of r that has direct value to practitioners but in which the researcher has limited control over the reearch setting
hydrostatic weighting
a technique for measureing body compostition in which body density is computed by the ratio of a person weight in air and the loss of weight underwater
a process of careful and systematic inquiry
scientific method of problem solving
a method of soling problems that uses the following steps 1 defining and delimiting the problem 2 forming a hypothesis 3 gathering data 4 analyzing data 5 interpreting the results
an unscientific method of problem solving in which people cling to certain beliefs regardless of a lack of supporting evidence
a description of data or a study that is based on objective observations
independent variable
the part of the experiment that the resercher is manipulating; also called the experimental varibale or treatment variable
dependent variable
the effect of the independent variable;also called the yield
normal science
an objective manner of study grounded in the natural sciences that is systematic, logical, empirical, reductive, and replicable
qualitative research
a reaserch method that often involve intensive, long term observation in a natural setting precise and detailed recording f what happens tin the setting and the interpretation and analysis of the data using description narratives and quotes charts and tables. also called ethnographic, naturalistic
a characteristic of normal science that assumes that complex behavior can be reduced, analyzed, ad explained as parts that can then be put back together to understand the whole.
analytical research
a type of research that involves in depth study and the evaluation for available information in an attempt to explain complex phenomena can be categorizated in the following way; historical, philosophical, reviews, and research synthesis
research proposal
a formal preparation that includes the introduction, literature review, and proposed method for conducting a study
closed loop theory
a theory of motor skill learning advanced by adams taht proposed that information received as feedback from a movement is compared with some internal reference of correctness.
secondary sources
sources of data in research in which authors have evaluated and summarized previous research
primary sources
first hand sources of data in research original studies
-journal articles are the most valuable
poster session
a method of presenting researh at a conference iin which the author places summaries of his or her research on the wall or on a poster stand and answers question form passerby.
Schema theory
a theory of motor skill learning advanced by R.a schmidt as an extension of adams closed loop theory the theory proposed to unify two more general explanations under one theoretical explanation
varability of practice
a tenet of motor skill learning advanced by r.a. schmidit the states that the practice of a variety of movement experiences facilitate transfer to a new movement when compared with practicing a single movement
annotated bibliography
a list of resources that provides a brief description of the nature and scope of each article or book.
a general term that encompasses microflim, microfliche and any form of data storage on which the pages of a book, journal or newspaper are photgraphed and reduced in size.
extraneous variable
a factor that could affect the relationship between in independent and dependent variable but that is not included or controlled
operational definition
an observable phenomenon that enables the researher to test empirically whether the predicted outcome can be supported
research hypothesis
a hypothesis deduced from theory of induced from empirical studies that is based on logical reasoning and predicts that outcome f the study
nul hypothesis
a hypothesis used primarily in the statistical test for the reliability of the results that says that there are no differences among treatments; or no relationship among variables
shortcomeing or influence that either cannot be controlled or s the result of the delimitation imposed by the investigator
a limitation imposed by the researcher in the scope of the study; a choice that the researher makes to define a workable research problem