evolution Flashcards
evolution is small changes in the population over time in order to pass down genes
natural selection is where those with favourable characteristics are more likely to survive and reproduce
evolutionary explanations of aggression suggests that aggression serves as an important function of survival and reproductive potential
the more aggressive an animal was the more likely they surivive and pass on their genes and the more aggressive especially males, more likely to find a mate as they are seen to have capabilities to protect child
competition arises when resources are limited and animals must compete in order to survive and reproduce
point 1
male ancestors were aggressive in order to compete against other male competition to ensure reproductive success, also to defend themselves and their children and catch food, these genes, competitive, aggressive are then passed on via offspring, natural selection
buss used a sample of 37 different cultures and found that males valued sexual purity most and females value faithfulness. meaning males want to ensure of reproductive success whereas females want males to use his resources on her and protect her. they also found that females are most jellies of emotional infidelity- having deeper connection with someone else, as it could mean he might leave and leave her with her cild with no resources
although Harris found that there isn’t any gender differences in infidelity, and both males an dfemlaes see this as unnaceptable challenging evolutionary approach, not applicable to modern society
point 2
another explanation of agression in males is that males are motivated to acquire high status to have access to mates and resources for survival. females are attracted to high status males because they guarnteesurvival off her offspring. for example birds that have long tails are best at catching food and flying therefore females will be more attracted as her offspring can inherit this. therefore low status males may participatein high risk strategies to show females they can protect her and her offspring
strength:dally and Wilson reviewed murders and found the motive behind most was status. in mist cases the victim and offender were of low status without a mate and were competing to achieve a higher status than the other.
reductionist, sugegests bhevauoour such as mate selection is dispositional- evolution ignore situational =, more likely to go for someone have increased contact with
if the evolution theory suggest that individuals may become aggressive due to sexual jealousy if start to see signs of e.g. over protective, checking phone, location, restriction going out could be a sign of a agressive relationship, male has to maintain influence over female prevent her leavingg - indicate need for counselling prevent aggressive relationship