brendgen Flashcards
to investigate whether social agression such as ignoring others, spreading rumours could be caused by genes or the environment
to investigate if social agression had the same cause as physical agression
to investigate if one type if agression led to another
sample a01
consisted of 234 twin pairs from Quebec, new born study
140 dz 94mz
only 123 sets of twins were DNA tested
the rest were selected to mz or dz based on appearance
44mz males 50 mz females 41 dz males 32 dz females
sample a03
- high internal validity, large sample size therefore any anomalies won’t impact validity of findings….
- low internal validity as only 123 were DNA tested rest were allocated based on appearance therefore could be misjudged and decreasing validity of findings- inaccurate …..
- although of the 123 that were DNA tested condition accurately ack ed ip 94% of the time
procedure A01
twins were studied from 5-60 months but main part of procedure was when children were 6 years of age..
spring term, so that children knew each other well as well as teachers knowing children well
gathered through peer and teacher ratings
teacher ratings consisted of responding to statements based on how much they agreed on a 3 point scale.
e.g. social agression ‘ to what extent does the child try to make others dislike a child ‘ physical ‘ to what extent does the child get into a fight, peer ratings, children were given pictures of all of classmates and had to circle 3 in response to a statement- e.e. ‘ gets into fights ‘
procedure A03
triangulation: 2 perspectives/ 2 sources adding validity eliminating bias …
although questionnaires prone to social desirability bias ….
standardised procedure, same statements had to reopens to same scale and pictures etc, circling pictures, ranking chiders based on statements on a scale≥….
results A01
found that physical agression characterised by genes but social agression more likely be due to the environment
MZ physical agression r=0.72 strong positive correlation
twins 82% nomination social agression
62% physical aggression
A03 results
strength: quant data, percentages and number of nominations and circled children, numerical can be statistically analysed for signignificance
weakness: correlational no cause and effect could be other factors such as e.g. MZ twins identical if one is naught both get confused to be naughty, stereotyped to be naughty therefore could be rated based on stereotype decreasing validity
applied to real life, if social agression due to environ teach children not to be socially aggressive, teaching at a young age include and play with others and reward positive social behaviour e.g. star charts