correlations Flashcards
a correlation is the measurement of thee extent to which pairs of related values/ 2 variables tend to change together - measuring got see if 2 covairables are related in any way
correlations aren’t a research method in itself but explain the relationship between 2varibles in statistical terms e.g. from either primary data, by the researcher itself or secondary data e.g. hospital records
can be collected from various research method such as observations, questionaries, experiments and analysed to see if there is a relationship between variables
always the use of quantitative data
don’t use iV and DV but coaribales such as sleep and mood
co variables are usually plotted on a scatter graph
point 1
strength: high control over ppt variables as both of the covariables are provided by the same set of data and same person / sample therefore reducing effect individual differences on validity of correlation
weakness: although cause and effect cant be established, for example agression and sleep, cant concede that less sleep leads to more agression as haven’t got control other other variables such as diet and age, only a relationship between co variables, circular argument- decreasing validity
point 2
can be seen as easily replicable, studies which develop correlational findings often can be easily replicated e.g. via questionnaire, standardised questions therefore can replicate to test for consistency of correlation adding to reliability
can show a relationship between 2 variables that was not expected which can lead to further research in this field e.g. sleep and agression which can then potentially be scientifically proven through experimentation and help develop scientific developments
although, some correlations may use secondary data which limits the reliability and validity as they may cant be sure exactly what was controlled for e.g. exact standardised procedure and if any bias’s were included decreasing credibility of correlational research
brengen found strong + correlation between agression and MZ twins
Volkow found the extent to which cocaine occupied dopamine correlated positively with the cause if the cocaine high
dabbs et positive correlation between high levels of testosterone and violent criminals