Evidence for Big Ban Flashcards
Cosmic Background Radiation
If big bang occurred, what did scientists calculate that the entire universe should be awash with?
Universe should be awash with microwave radiation of a particular frequency. Like the ‘afterglow’ of the early, hot explosion
HAs the CMB radiation been discovered, confirmed and found to be exactly as predicted?
Yes, the tv static
Universe is expanding:
- Distant galaxies moving away from us.
- More distant, faster moving away
- Consistent with idea of an outward expansion of the Universe.
- Rate of expansion points back a time when the universe was in one point.
How do they measure movement of distant galaxies?
by their radiation, showing a ‘red-shift’ of wavelength and frequency
The Doppler Effect:
Effects all types of waves.
Stationary object in doppler effect:
waves same in all direction
MOving object in doppler effect;
waves in front get ‘bunched up’ and their wavelength is shortened. The waves behind get “stretched” and the wavelength is lengthened.
Visible light waves: red and blue?
longer waves are red
short waves are blue
What is the doppler effect use?
powerful evidence for expansion of universe