Event-study, Kothari & Warner + MacKinlay Flashcards
What does event studies examine?
Event studies examine the behavior of firms’ stock prices around corporate events
What is the relationship between event studies and testing market efficiency?
Event studies serve an important purpose in capital market research as a way of testing market efficiency. Systematically nonzero abnormal security returns that persist after a particular type of corporate event are inconsistent with market efficiency. Ac- cordingly, event studies focusing on long-horizons following an event can provide key evidence on market efficiency
What does an event study seek to establish?
An event study seeks to establish whether the cross-sectional distribution of returns at the time of an event is abnormal (i.e., systematically different from predicted).
What is the typical specific null hypothesis to be tested in event study?
Typically, the specific null hypothesis to be tested is whether the mean abnormal return (sometimes referred to as the average residual, AR) at time t is equal to zero.
What is the cumulative average residual method (CAR)?
The cumulative average residual method (CAR) uses as the abnormal performance measure the sum of each month’s average abnormal performance. (abnormal = the difference between actual and expected performance)
What is an Type I error in event study?
A Type I error occurs when the null hypothesis is falsely rejected
What is an Type II error in event study?
A Type II error occurs when the null is falsely accepted
What does it mean that event study tests are joint tests?
event study tests are joint tests of whether abnormal returns are zero and of whether the assumed model of ex- pected returns (i.e., the CAPM, market model, etc.) is correct. Moreover, an additional set of assumptions concerning the statistical properties of the abnormal return measures must also be correct.
What does abnormal return mean?
These are the differences between actual returns (what actually happened) and expected returns (what should have happened based on a model).
Example: If a stock is expected to rise by 2% but rises by 5%, the abnormal return is +3%.
What are the two joint tests in event study?
Event studies simultaneously test two things:
Are the abnormal returns actually zero?
This checks if the event had any effect.
The assumptions about the statistical behavior of abnormal returns must hold true. -
Is the expected return model correct?
This means the method used to calculate “expected returns” (e.g., CAPM or market model) needs to work properly. If the model is wrong, the abnormal returns might be misleading.
The model used to calculate expected returns (e.g., CAPM) must be correct.
What model can you use pre-event to predict expected market returns?
You use a model (like CAPM) to predict expected returns based on market trends.
What is a t-test used for in event study?
A t-test is used to determine if the average abnormal return (across several securities or over time) is significantly different from zero.
What are the assumptions for the T-test?
Normal distribution and independence.
Normal Distribution: The abnormal returns are assumed to follow a bell-shaped curve (normal distribution).
Across time: Abnormal returns for one day shouldn’t depend on those of another day.
Across securities: Abnormal returns for one stock shouldn’t depend on those of another stock.
What can be the problem with small samples in event studies?
When the number of observations (stocks or days) is small, you can’t rely on the central limit theorem (which usually helps data behave normally when sample sizes are large).
In small samples, these assumptions need to be checked carefully because violations can make the t-test results unreliable.
What is the Brown-Warner simulation?
its a method used in event study research to test the reliability of event study methods. The idea is to use simulations with actual financial return data to understand how well event study tests work.
Instead of analyzing real-world events, the method uses randomly selected securities (stocks) and random event dates.
If everything is working correctly, these randomly created “events” should show no abnormal performance (because they are random and unrelated to any real event).