Evaluation of raine et al Flashcards
methodology and procedures- standardised procedures?
This is a strength
Used matched pairs and all p’s complete cpt
Negatives of quasi experiment?
The iv was naturally occurring, it’s difficult to establish a true cause and effect because the criminal behaviour as not manipulated by researchers, therefore we can’t say that is caused by brain activity
Methodology of raines study- use of pet scans?
Strength that pet scans were used
Ensuring objective measurement of brain activity, whilst completing the task
Useful as it allows for accurate levels of the brains whilst people are alive
Accurate and objective measurement that can’t be used via post morton that allows brain activity
Methodology and procedure- matched pair?
Because rain matched ps on characteristic’s such as age sex and mental health
Therefore less participant variables
matched pairs weekness?
Not matched in all characteristics like ethnicity
Meaning confounding and extraneous variables are there
Methodology and procedure sample?
Weekness as the study only contains murderes so therefore it lacks population validity due to the sample oberlpoking individuowe to go commit wd crimes in other natures
Samples overlook muttered who haven’t been declared as murderes
Ethics of study- Valid consent?
A weekness as theirs a lack of this becaude can non murderes give convent if their vulnerable
However this topic can be extremely difficult to study so even though theirs no valid consent, do the findings remove the ethical issues
Ethics- right to withdrawal?
Was it made clear to the prisoners that set could say no and did they understand what the study was about
Ethics- protection from harm?
P’s where kept on medication two weeks prior to reaserch
Could the study’s CPT be difficult stressful and even damaging
Social implications- Could it be used to identify criminal behaviour befote it occurs?
We’re now aware of brain area linked to behaviour depending on activity levels, specifically in the prefrontal cortex so this could suggest that someone’s more likely to demonstrate anti social behaviour
Impacting to society because it opens up the door to screen for brain abnormalities in ares which could be used as a preventative measure for individuate believer to be at risk if commting these crimes
Social implications- result on judicial system?
Reaserch says it’s biological so could we get less harsh scentences
Social implication- school?
self fufilling prophecy
Social implication- Hospitals?
Strain on NHS as we can’t scan everyone for precautions
Alternative evidence evaluation psychologist?
Raine and yang 2009
James Fallon
Tiihoen at al 2015
Alternative evidence- Raine and yang?
Meta anyalyasis of 43 imaging study’s regarding an antisocial and violent behaviour
Finding a link between reduced pre frontal activity in antisocial/violent individuals
Supporting raines research as it should us that internal factors like the brain can cause violent activity
Therefore this is a strength because it supports rain study that murderes and it’s reliable