Classical evidence: Rain et al Brain abnormalities in murderers indicated by PET scans Flashcards
What did rain want to do?
-Look at weather there was physical differences between criminals and non criminals
Lombroso on criminals?
Criminals had narrow sloping forehead with large ears and protruding chin
Aims of study?
-Look at direct measures of both cortical and subcortical brain function with PET scans
-Looked at a group of murders who pled not guilty by insanity
-Was thought that murders would show evidence of brain dysfunction in prefrontal cortex as well as other areas linked to violence
What is cortical?
On the cortex e.g. lobes, motor cortex and Broca’s area
What is subcortical?
Below the cortex, e.g. limbic system, thalamus and hypothalamus
Expectations of raine?
Dysfunctions expected in the prefrontal cortex, angular gyrus, amydyla, hippocampus, thalamus and the corpus callosum
-Not in caudate, putamen, globus pallidus, midbrain, cerebellum
Methodology- research methods?
Quasi- naturally occurring iv (iv NGRI murders)
PET scans- radioactive racer and glucose showing brain activity, brain scanning technique to identify areas of brain
Methodology- Experimental technique?
Matched pairs
2 people in control group matched on age sex or mental health
Methodology- Sampling method?
Opportunity sampling
Murders referred to the university of california to prove mental impairment
Methodology- sample
82 p’s
mean age 34.3
Methodology- sample detail?
6 schizophrenics
23 head injury’s or organic brain damage
3 with substance abuse
2 affective disorder
2 epilepsy
3 hyperactivity and learning disorders
2 passive aggressive or paranoid disorder
Methodology- sample iv?
41 murders
39 men
2 women
Methodology- control group?
41 ‘normal adults’ matched on age, sex and mental health
Procedure- step 1?
All p’s injected with radioactive tracers
Procedure- step 2?
All pts asked to do a continuous performance task CPT which affected areas of the brain