Evaluation of Muscle Function Flashcards
this method is used to evaluate the muscle strength
Manual Muscle Test
movement that is away from the floor
against gravity
movement that is parallel to the floor
it is a form of resistance
what are the general principles of MMT
- Preparation
- Muscle Grades
- Substitution
- Procedure
the mat for testing must be ____ surface
which side should be tested first when only 1 side is affected
unaffected side
what is the maximal repetition for testing muscle strength
if there is presence of pain, swelling and mm spasm, MMT is still possible provided there is assistance and precaution
-test would not be accurate
ROM should be tested first before MMT
there is a possibility that the pt has limited ROM but normal mm strength
identify what mm grade is being identified
no mm contraction is felt
0 - zero
identify what mm grade is being identified
part moves through complete ROM against gravity and maximal resistance
5- normal
identify what mm grade is being identified
-less than 50% ROM against gravity
-complete ROM with gravity minimized c slight resistance
2+ Poor plus
identify what mm grade is being identified
complete ROM with gravity-minimized
2 Poor
identify what mm grade is being identified
-observed contraction but no motion
1 trace
identify what mm grade is being identified
more than 50% ROM against gravity
3- fair minus
identify what mm grade is being identified
complete ROM against gravity with moderate resistance
4 good
identify what mm grade is being identified
complete ROM against gravity
3 fair
P- (inc ROM; Gravity minimized
P+ (less than 50% ROM; Gravity minimized; slight resistance)
F- (more than 50% ROM; against gravity
F+ (complete ROM; against gravity; slight resistance)
6 steps procedure for testin
- position
- stabilize
- palpate
- observe
- Resist
- grade
which hand should be at the origin of the mm for stabilization
proximal hand
which hand provides resistance
distal hand
identify the abnormal muscle tone
absence of tone; absence of deep tendon reflexes
identify the abnormal muscle tone
decreased in normal mm tone (low tone)
identify the abnormal muscle tone
increase in mm tone
tone that is caused by injury of the brain
Cerebral hypertonia
tone that results from injuries of the spinal cord that is not velocity-dependent
spinal hypertonia
a motor disorder characterized by velocity-dependent increase in tonic stretch reflex; exaggerated tendon jerks
type of spasticity characterized by repetitive contraction in antagonistic muscle in response to rapit stretch
identify the abnormal muscle tone
simultaneous increase in mm tone of agonist and antagonist mm
type of rigidity
there is constant resistance is felt throughout the ROM when part is moved slowly and passively
lead pipe rigidity
type of rigidity
rhythmic give in resistance occurs
cogwheel rigidity
two types of rigidity that occur after TBI that occur immediately after injury and last for few days or weeks or worst no recovery
decerebrate and decorticate rigidity
type of rigidity
where there is rigid extension posturing of all limbs and neck
decerebrate rigidity
type of rigidity
flexion hypertonus in UE and Extension tone in LE
decorticate rigidity
scales used to manually rate spasticity
ashworth scale
modiefied ashworth scale
ashworth scale grade when there is marked increase in mm tone and limb easily flexed
ashworth scale grade when limb is rigid in flex/ext