Evaluation for Movement Functions-Traditional Flashcards
it is the ability to control one’s body effectively in performing an occupation
Motor control
motor control approach where there is a sequence
in traditional MC, the approach is top-down
bottom up kase focus more sa cx factors before occ. perf
which among the 2 motor control is task oriented and focuses on the occ perf before client factors
what is the sequence in traditional approach
- motivation to move
- long term memory is searched
- program is developed (motor plan)
- program is executed
- knowledge of results (feedback)
- program is stored for future use
approach where reflex is okay and means that there is hope and movement
brunnstrom approach
what do we evaluate in brunnstrom approach
- sensation
- effect of tonic reflex
- effect of associated reactions on mvmt
- level of recovery of voluntary mc
type of reflex:
S: flex neck
R: flex of limbs
STNR (symmetrical tonic neck reflex)
type of reflex
S: head rotate to one side
R: extend on i/L Extremities; flex on c/L extremities
ATNR (asymmetric tonic neck reflex)
type of reflex S: prone R: flex S; supine R: extend
tonic labyrinthine reflex
type of reflex
S: rotation of upper trunk to one side
R: flex of i/L UE and extension of i/L LE
tonic lumbar reflex
they are automatic responses of involved limb that results from action occurring in some other parts of body
associated reaction
ARS where there is elevation of affected arm
soque’s phenomenon
ARs when unaffected limb is resisted, affected limb will move
raimiste’s phenomenon
what are the stages of recovery for Arm
- flaccidity (no response to all)
- Synergies can be elicited reflexively
- beginning voluntary mvmt only in synergy (knee to ear)
- there is some movement away from synergy
- independent movement
- isolated jt mvmt freely performed
3 things to ask cx to do in Stage 4 in stage of recovery for ARM
- hand behind back
- arm to forward horizonal position
- pronate/supinate with elbow at 90 deg
3 things to ask cx t do in Stage 5 stage of recovery of arm
- arm to side horizontal
- arm forward then overhead
- pronate/supinate with full elbow extension
what are the stages of recovery of HAND
- flaccidity
- little to no active finger flexion
- grasps, no voluntary ext or release
- semi-voluntary finger ext, lateral prehension c thumb release
- palmar prehension cylinder/sphere grasp
- all types of prehension
this type of approach where presence of reflex means impairment
Bobath approach
use this to eliminate abnormal tone and dysfunctional mvmts
manual techniques
movement control problems occur to to this 4 reasons
- loss of postural control
- loss of selective movement control
- abnormal tone
- sensory disturbance
What do you observe during bobath evaluation
- behavior
- typical posture
- preferred movement pattern
- spontaneous use
- performance of ADLs
- Abnormal tone and coordination