Evaluation of genetic explanations of OCD Flashcards
Name an advantage of genetic explanations
There is supporting evidence that genetic factors are somewhat important
Family and twin studies by Nestadt et al (2000) identified 80 patients with OCD and 343 of their first degree relatives
They then compared them with 70 control patients without mental illness to 300 of their relatives
They found that people with a first degree relative with OCD were 5 times more likely to have the illness themselves in comparison to the general population
Name another advantage of genetic explanations
There is supporting evidence to show that genetic explanations are significant
Billet et al conducted a meta-analysis of 14 twin studies of OCD found that on average identical (Monozygotic) twins were more likely to develop OCD if their co-twin had the disorder rather than diozygotic twins (non-identical)
This shows evidence of a clear genetic base for OCD but that fact that concordance rates are not 100% (measure of genetic similarity) means that environmental factors are important diathesis stress model
Name a disadvantage of genetic explanations of OCD
OCD may be culturally transmitted through observing the behaviours of others as predicted by the social learning theory
Alternatively, family members might be vulnerable to OCD because of the stressful environment rather than genetic factors
Name a disadvantage of the biological approach
There are alternative explanations as to why OCD develops such as the two process model
Such explanations are supported by treatment called ERP (exposure and response prevention) which is fairly similar to SD
Studies have reported high success rates Albucher et al 1998 reported that between 60% and 90% of adults with OCD have improved considerably using ERP
Name an evaluation point for OCD
There is real world application
If a parent has a form of the COMT gene the mother’s fertilised eggs could be screened thus giving the parents the choice to abort those eggs with the genes (this could raise ethical issues)
This assumes that there is a simple relationship between a disorder and genes and this may not always be the case
Applying biological therapies is therefore complex and controversial than it may first appear