ETHICS - Young People Flashcards
What age is a person considered a minor?
Minor: legally someone under the age of 18
If you are working with a 7 year old - who is considered the client?
Working with children (0-8 years): the parent is the client in relation to the psychological service
What age bracket is the parent considered as the client?
Working with children (0-8 years): the parent is the client in relation to the psychological service
Who is considered as the client for children aged 8-14 years
Working with older children (8-14): Concepts of consent and confidentiality more complex. In the therapeutic setting it is still the parent who is the client. However, it is vital that parent and psychologist develop an agreement regarding confidentiality and consent in the relationship between child and psychologist.
At what age does the law consider a child is a minor?
For the law under 18 is a minor
What are some important consideration when it comes to confidentiality for children aged 8-14yrs?
8 - 14 issues of consent get more complex however legally the parent is still the client and has all the rights and responsibilities - consent and confidentiality to the paretn not to the child; however in terms of appropriate service delivery - upto 14 negotiate limits of confidentiality - some things could be kept confidential if it was not something that affected their safety or somone elses - it os clear legally - if you go to court a 13 yr or 14 yr old eg drug taking - running way from home and at risk; self hard; suicidal ideation and you did not disclose - you would be in a lot of trouble in court - its not ok to keep those things confidential up to the age of !$ yrs ;
What if a child who is 13 yrs disclosed some risky information? Would you tell the tell the parents if the child wanted you to keep things confidential?
IF UNDER 14 it is absolutely clear you let the parents know
Why would you tell a parent of a 15yr-16yr old if they were at risk and the child didn’t want you to tell?
Really hard to argue that the 15-16yr old at risk is a mature enough to deal with that risk - without the help of the parents
EXAM: behaviours of concern and what do you have to do in that case
E.g. 17yr old abused by someone in the family - talk to young person as to what they need to do - but explain what you need to help - child safety, a safe place
IF THEY TALK ABOUT UNDER 16 and this young person is reporting bullied, under pressure for sexual relations; by their peers; feeling hipless; don’t know how to make better; friend suicided
What must you do in these scenarios?
YOU MUST ; do a risk assessment and talk to the parents UP TO 16 and they are high risk- legally they wont be considered a mature minor
Always think about worst CASE scenario - IMAGINE YOURSELF IN COURT - will what I am deciding stand up in court
If it’s a 17yr old and I don’t want my parents to know - what would you do?
you would have had to mental health- refer mental health service - ring and send a fax to acute mental health in your area
Most 17 yr. old’s would prefer you inform the parents
Psychiatrist - will tell parents and they will send ambulance and they probably live their
Document every step of the way what you are doing
If parents are abusive DON’T tell parents
If at risk and impaired? What do you need to consider when it comes to consent?
Can they give consent i.e. Intellectual disability
Assess whether they can understand everything
Someone might be temporarily not able to give consent
What if they have psychotic episode or not remembering where they are
Talk to someone who can make decisions for them
Could do an involuntary admission
What should you do if a child is 16 or under and there is a rick of harm?
RULE if under 16 -
Principal and boss should be aware,
Risk assessment,
Safety plan
Parents informed
Tell kids everything about parents say - you don’t have to hide that - if parents ask you to be confidential say that I can’t do that
You CANT be yes to everything we need to be clear what our OBLIGATIONS are
What if you have a13yr old who is very private and really doesn’t want you to tell the parents about her self harming?
13yr old at risk TELL THE PARENTS
What would you do if one of the separated parents does not give consent?
PARENTS DON’T HAVE TO CONSENT TO TREATMENT - THEY CAN SAY NO - you can make a judgement after further investigation
Both parents consent is desirable however not legally required p.216
If one consents and one doesn’t - Depends on court orders - puts child in difficult situation - must be in the court orders. - you may needs a copy of the court orders
If there’s no court orders and kids don’t have contact with Dad - always a chance Dad will want to find out and if the kids are under 16
Who’s interests are paramount in the parent-child relationship, especially where there is a conflict of interest btw the parent and child?
consider parent-child relationship = right to autonomy- however the interest of the child is paramount
Other therapists and clients
You must clarify with young persons if they have been to a therapist previously and discuss