DSM-5 & Medication Flashcards
What are the categories of Bi Polar Disorders?
BiPolar 1 - Meet the criteria for a manic episode which is followed by major depressive episodes. Can be Mild, Moderate or Severe
BiPolar 11 - The same as BiPolar 1 but there has never been a manic episode - elevation for more than a week
Cyclothymic Disorder - have the mood swing but don’t meet criteria for hypomanic, manic or major depressive episodes
Other specified BiPolar
Suicide risk more than 15 times the average population
What are the criteria for Bi-Polar 1 disorder?
Meet the criteria for a manic episode which is followed by major depressive episodes.
Manic episode includes; elevated mood & increased energy for at least a week (lifetime) - eg (3 or more) (4 if only mood irritable) increase esteem, grandiosity, decreased need for sleep flight of ideas etc cause marked impairment in life ie work etc and not attributed to substance abuse.
Substance Use Disorders - what are the criteria?
Dependence Tolerance Impact if Life Unable to quit or cut back Reduced Effect of Substance Time spent to get the substance
What are the number of symptoms required for a Mild, Moderate and Severe substance use disorder?
Mild 2-3
Moderate 4-5
Severe 6+
Acute Stress Disorder
- Specific Stressor – witnessed in person or exposed to
- Same symptoms as PTSD but only diagnosed up to 4 weeks
- If the stressor occurred more than 4 weeks ago – would be PTSD
What are the symptoms of PTSD?
Specific Stressor or trauma • Actual or threatened death, serious injury, sexual violation, direct exposure or witnessed, or repeated exposure to details of events (e.g., Police officers) • Intrusive symptoms o Flashbacks o Nightmares • Avoidance Symptoms o Avoiding things that remind them of the trauma • Negative Changes in mood o Negative self-evaluation o Detached o Numb
What is the difference between PTSD and acute stress disorder?
The symptoms resulting from the stressful even last longer than 4 weeks
What are the symptoms of adjustment disorder?
• Not about a traumatic event
• Can be any stressor (e.g., losing job, relationship breakdown) thay have a strong
reaction to
• Does not include intrusions or nightmares
• Do not meet criteria for PTSD
• Symptoms need to start within 3-months of the stressor and dissipate 6-months
after the stressor
What are the symptoms of Somatic Symptom Disorder?
• One or more somatic symptoms that are distressing or result in significant
disruption to daily life
• Excessive thoughts about somatic symptoms
• Persistent high levels of anxiety about health
• Excessive time / energy devoted to these health concerns
What are the symptoms for MDD?
Depressed mood • Loss of interest or pleasure • Weight loss • Sleep disturbance • Fatigue • Difficulty concentrating/focussing • Restlessness or being slowed down • Thoughts of death/suicide\Feeling worthless o Symptoms for > 2 weeks
What are the symptoms of Persistent Depressive Disorder
Met criteria for MDD – symptoms have persisted for 2+ years
What are the symptoms for Schizophrenia?
• 2 or more of the following for at least one-month (or longer), and at least one of
them must be top 3
o Delusions
o Hallucinations
o Disorganised Speech
o Grossly disorganised or catatonic behaviour
o Negative symptoms (diminished emotional expression)
Excessive anxiety and worry occur more days than not for at least 6-months about a number of events or activities
Social Anxiety Disorder
Social Phobia
• Disproportionate fear and/or anxiety in social settings
o Feels judged or scrutinised
Panic Disorder
Recurrent panic attacks
• Persistent worry about having more panic attacks
• Changes in behaviour in response to attacks (e.g., avoiding unfamiliar situations)
Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD)
Obsessive thoughts (unrealistic) • Compulsive behaviours to combat obsessive thoughts
Bulimia Symptoms?
- Weight can be inconsistent – usually of average weight
* Binging and purging
Anorexia criteria?
- Significantly low body weight
* Always consult/communicate with GP for medical review
Binge Eating Disorder
• Similar criteria to bulimia without the purging
ADHD criteria
Neurodevelopmental disorder
• Hyperactivity
• Impulsive behaviour
• Attention problems
Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) criteria?
- Deficits in social communication and social interaction across multiple contexts
- Restricted, repetitive patterns of behaviour, interests, or activities
- Symptoms present in early developmental period
- Cause significant impairment in social, occupational, and or other important areas of functioning
- Not better explained by ID
Oppositional Defiance Disorder
• Rebellious against power/authority
• Obvious defiance in behaviour
Conduct Disorder
Burning things • Tormenting others • Harm or torture of animals • Criminal activity • Little regret / remorse • Like to feel power over others • Use manipulate others
- Pervasive instability of relationships, self-image, and affects
- Impulsivity, self-damaging behaviours
- Recurrent suicidal behaviour
- Chronic feelings of emptiness
- Inappropriate/intense anger
Bipolar Disorder criteria both l and ll
• Bipolar I – one or more manic or mixed episodes and one or more major
depressive episodes
• Bipolar II – one or more depressive episodes accompanied by at least one hypomanic episode (less severe)
Substance Use Disorder Criteria?
• Symptoms are the same – what changes is the type of substance o Dependence o Tolerance o Impact on life o Unable to quit or cut back o Reduce effect of substance o Time spent to get the substance
- Mild: 2 – 3 symptoms
- Moderate: 4 – 5 symptoms
- Severe: 6+ symptoms
What are the ADHD medications?
- Methylphrenidate = Ritalin
- Dexamphetamine
- Stimulant medication
• Methylphrenidate = Ritalin
• Dexamphetamine
• Stimulant medication
“Concerta” is a long-acting Ritalin
These drugs are for which disorder?
Anti-depressants for MDD
SSRI’s o Lovan o Lexapro o Pristiq o Symbalta o Sertriline
SSRI’s would be used for which type of Disorder?
Major Depressive Disorder
What are some of the names for SSRI’s for MDD?
o Lovan o Lexapro o Pristiq o Symbalta o Sertriline
Anxiety & Pancic require what type of medication?
x • Benzo’s (Benzodiazepines) o Lorazepam o Temazepam o Valium o Xanax § Highly addictive! § Dangerous if taken in high doses § Client should not come off Benzo’s abruptly or without medical support – can be fatal!
Benzodiazepines are medications for which conditions/disorders?
Anxiety and Panic
What are the names of some drugs which are Benzodiazepines?
Benzo’s (Benzodiazepines) o Lorazepam o Temazepam o Valium o Xanax
Medication for schizophrenia & psychosis
• Clozapine (for when Olanzapine and respiradone don’t work)
• Respiradone – lots of side effects (older med
Bipolar Medication
- Lithium
* Mood Stabalisers
What is Lithium and Mood Stabilisers used for?
• Which conditions are each of the below drugs for?
SSRIs (Lovan, Zoloft, Lexapro) • • Lithium and other mood stabilizers: • • Olanzapine, Clozapine, Risperidone: • • Ritalin (methylphenidate): CONERTA is RITALIN long release • • Benzodiazepines (Valium, Xanax);
- SSRIs (Lovan, Zoloft, Lexapro) depression and anxiety
- • Lithium and other mood stabilizers: bipolar disorder
- • Olanzapine, Clozapine, Risperidone: schizophrenia, psychosis
- • Ritalin (methylphenidate): ADHD- CONERTA is RITALIN long release
- • Benzodiazepines (Valium, Xanax); panic, anxiety. If client
- stops abruptly or increases dose, call GP immediately.