Ethics, Rules of Conduct & Professionalism Flashcards
RICS Motto
There is measure in all things
RICS Mission Statement
-Qualify and equip professionals to the highest level
-Promote and enforce standards
-Lead solutions to the major challenges facing the built environment through professional expertise
Royal Charter
-Initially establishes RICS and what its all about
-Fellows and Professional Members
-effectively like the constitution
-Granted by the Privy Council
-Self regulated
-Internally monitored and inspected
10 Bye-Laws set out the governance of the institution
RICS 5 Principles of Better Regulation
RICS 5 Ethical Standards
When first introduced
-High level of service
-Promoting trust
-Treat other with respect
-Take responsibility
Why have the Rules of Conduct
-Framework that we can all work to and for the client to understand a level of service.
-A professional guide for individual institution members
How many Rules of Conduct for Members are there
-Ethical behaviour
-Information to RICS
How many Rules of Conduct for Firms are there
-Professional Behaviour
-Training & CPD
Complaints Handling
-Clients Money
-PI Insurance
-Arrangement to cover incapacity
-Use of designations
-Information to RICS
Working outside the RICS Rules of Conduct
-Verify facts and remind of duties
-Inform RICS specifying conflict of interest and corrective action taken (if known)
New Rules of Conduct
1 - Honest, integrity and comply with proffes obligations
2 - Main profes comeptence with necessary expertise
3 - Mem/Firms must provide good quality service
4 - Treat each other with respect
5 - Act in public interest and take responsibil for actions
CPD Requirements
48 Hours Per Year pre-chartered
20 Hours Per Year post-chartered
Insurances for a Firm
Professional Indemnity Insurance - Protects employees from claims against the individual from third parties.
Employers Liability - Covers legal / compensation from claim from Employees
Public Liability - Claims against a business
Recent News Article
WLCA’s to convince councils full demo required. M&S Ox Street.
Trade off emitting Co2 now or future when tech may be improved particularly in demo of relatively new developments.
Planning Authorities dont have expertise / resources to fully scrutinise proposals as newly introduced.
5 Rules of Firms Example in Practice
Current President
Anne Gray
Structure of RICS
Where is the HQ
Other professional groups
What is the royal charter