Ethics, Rules of Conduct and professionalism Flashcards
What are the RICS Global Professional and Ethical Standards?
- Act with integrity
- Always provide a high standard of services
- Act in a way that promotes trust in the profession
- Treat others with respect
- Take a responsibility
What does it mean to Act with integrity?
* honest and straightforward in all you do
* being trustworthy
* being open and transparent in the way your work
What would an independent person think of my actions?
What does it mean to Always provide a high standard of service
This means always ensuring that your client, or others to whom you have a professional responsibility, receive the best possible advice, support or performance of the terms of engagement you have agreed.
* be clear about services you are providing, act within you scope of competences
What does it mean to Act in a way that promotes trust in the profession
This means acting in a manner, both in your professional life and private life, to promote you, your firm or organisation you work for and the profession in a professional and positive way.
* Do my actions promote the profession in the best light possible?
What does it mean to Treat others with respect?
This means treating people with courtesy, politeness, and consideration, no matter their race, religion, size, age, country of origin, gender, sexual orientation or disability. It also means being aware of cultural sensitivities and business practices.
* How would I feel if somebody treated me this way?
What does it mean to take responsibility?
This means being accountable for all your actions – don’t blame others if things go wrong, and if you suspect something isn’t right be prepared to do something.
Give me an example when you have acted with integrity?
I acted with integrity when the during the site visit I rejected the Contractor’s QS invitation for lunch. Although it was most likely just a friendly invitation it could have been perceived or suggested as an improper obligation as I was due to assess their AfP
Give me an example when you provide a high standard of service
On Project Winchester, I was asked by the Project Director to carry out some ad hoc analysis of market testing to assist our procurement team. I politely suggested to ask for additional resources outside of our project team as the current workload would not allowed me to complete my duties.
Give me an example when you Acted in a way that promotes trust in the profession
I always keep my promises, specifically regarding the deadline. If I can not meet the deadline, I always communicate any potential issues with advance.
Give me an example when you treat others with respect.
When conducting difficult negotiations in order to agree the cost of the change with the Contractor, I always treat all people with politeness and listen to their point of view.
Give me an example when you have taken responsibility?
On Project Winchester, when an issue arose I always tried to find a solution not a person to blame. When I made a calculation error in my assessment of CE - I have communicated this back to the Contractor regardless if they noticed it.
What are the rules of Conduct for Firm?
Part I – General
1. Interpretation – ‘Providing a surveying service to the public’, ‘Contact Officer’, ‘Firm’
2. Communication –
Part II – Conduct of Business
3. Professional behaviour - A Firm shall at all times act with integrity and avoid conflicts of interest and avoid any actions or situations that are inconsistent with its professional obligations.
4. Competence - A Firm shall carry out its professional work with due skill, care and diligence and with proper regard for the technical standards expected of it.
5. Service - A Firm shall carry out its professional work with expedition and with proper regard for standards of service and customer care expected of it.
6. Training and Continuing Professional Development (CPD) - A Firm shall have in place the necessary procedures to ensure that all its staff are properly trained and competent to do their work.
7. Complaints handling - A Firm shall operate a complaints-handling procedure and maintain a complaints log. The complaints-handling procedure must include an Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) mechanism that is approved by the Standards and Regulation Board.
8. Clients’ money - A Firm shall preserve the security of clients’ money entrusted to its care in the course of its practice or business.
9. Indemnity - A firm shall ensure that all previous and current professional work is covered by adequate and appropriate indemnity cover which meets standards approved by the Standards and Regulation Board.
Part III – Firm Administration
10. Advertising - A Firm shall promote its professional services only in a truthful and responsible manner.
11. Solvency - A Firm shall ensure that its finances are managed appropriately.
12. Arrangements to cover the incapacity or death of a sole practitioner - A Firm which has a sole principal (i.e. a sole practitioner or a sole director in a corporate practice) shall have in place appropriate arrangements in the event of that sole principal’s death or incapacity or other extended absences.
13. Use of designations - A Firm registered for regulation must display on its business literature, in accordance with the Standards and Regulation Board’s published policy on designations, a designation to denote that it is regulated by RICS.
14. Information to RICS - A Firm shall submit in a timely manner such information about its activities, and in such form, as the Standards and Regulation Board may reasonably require.
15. Cooperation - A Firm shall cooperate fully with RICS staff and any person appointed by the Standards and Regulation Board.
What are the requirements that Mace is obligated as RICS firm
Mace is obligated to comply with RICS rules of conduct for firms.
What are requirement to register to be regulated by RICS firm?
- Offer professional services in surveying disciplines to professional, corporate, institutional and other clients who rely on such services.
- Have at least 25% principals (a senior manager, partner or owner), who are qualified RICS professionals (MRICS, FRICS, AssocRICS).
- Agree to observe and comply with RICS Rules of Conduct for Firms, including working to RICS standards.
How do you comply with Mace policies?
I comply with the following policies:
* Drugs and Alcohol Policy - I never attend work while unfit through alcohol.
* Antibribery and corruption policy - I always ensure that any gifts are in line with mace policy
* Data protection policy - I do not share any personal data with third parties.
What is Mace Code of Ethics and how do you comply?
Mace Code of Ethics sets out the standards of behavior expected of all Mace employees in everything we do. Include:
* COMPLIANCE WITH ALL LAWS IN THE JURISDICTIONS IN WHICH WE OPERATE - zero tolerance approach to criminal offence
* zero-tolerance approach to bribery in any way in connection with its business, anywhere in the world, both with public officials and those in the private sector.
* conflict of interest - All business decisions should be based on what is ethical and in the best interests of Mace and not on the basis of personal considerations, relationships or business interests.
I comply but working in line with these policies and in addition I am required to complete an ethical assessment every 6 month and notify any issues.
What is a conflict of interest?
A conflict of interest is a situation in which a person or organization is involved in multiple interests, financial or otherwise, and serving one interest could involve working against another.
What types of conflict of interest are you aware of?
A. Party Conflict - a situation in which the duty of an RICS member (working independently or within a non-regulated firm or within a regulated firm) or a regulated firm to act in the interests of a client or other party in a professional assignment conflicts with a duty owed to another client or party in relation to the same or a related professional assignment (a ‘Party Conflict’)
B. Own Interest Conflict - a situation in which the duty of an RICS member (working independently or within a non-regulated firm or within a regulated firm) or a regulated firm to act in the interests of a client in a professional assignment conflicts with the interests of that same RICS member/ firm (or in the case of a regulated firm, the interests of any of the individuals within that regulated firm who are involved directly or indirectly in that or any related professional assignment) (an ‘Own Interest Conflict’)
C. Confidential Information Conflict - a conflict between the duty of an RICS member (working independently or within a non-regulated firm or within a regulated firm) under paragraph 2.2 to provide material information to one client, and the duty of that RICS member (working independently or within a non-regulated firm) or of a regulated firm under paragraph 2.1 to another client to keep that same information confidential (a ‘Confidential Information Conflict’).
What is information barrier?
‘Information Barrier’ means: the physical and/or electronic separation of individuals (or groups of individuals) within the same firm that prevents confidential information passing between them.
What is informed consent?
‘Informed Consent’ means: consent given willingly by a party who may be affected by a Conflict of Interest, that party having demonstrated to the RICS member working independently or within a non-regulated firm or regulated firm concerned that the party understands:
(a) that there is a Conflict of Interest or a significant risk of a Conflict of Interest and
(b) the facts known by the RICS member (working independently or within a non-regulated firm or within a regulated firm) or the regulated firm that are material to the Conflict of Interest and
(c) what that Conflict of Interest is or may be and
(d) that a Conflict of Interest may affect the ability of the RICS member (working independently or within a nonregulated firm or within a regulated firm) or a regulated firm to advise or act fully in the interests of a client.
Give me an example when you experience conflict of interest?
I have not been directly involve in a conflict of interest, but whilst working on GMS during the procurement of the main contract - Mace interiors was listed as on the framework. As this would cause the potential conflict of interest with Mace consultancy PM/CM, Mace interiors decided not to bid for the work.
What is Mace Quality Management Procedure?
sets out the key procedures in order to ensure the quality of services we providing. Including:
* requirement for peer reviews
* issuing QMS forms
* record keeping
* availability for an internal audit
* Client’s focus - service excellence strategy
What is RICS CPD Policy for member?
CPD requirements for members:
*All members must undertake a minimum of 20 hours CPD each calendar year (January to December).
* Of the 20 hours at least 10 hours must be formal CPD.
* All members must maintain a relevant and current understanding of our professional and ethical standards during a rolling three-year period. Any learning undertaken in order to meet this requirement may count as formal CPD.
* Members must record their CPD activity online by 31 January.
What is RICS CPD policy for students?
All APC candidates are required to complete a minimum of 48 hours’ CPD, every 12 months. This will be calculated on a rolling period from the date you submit for final assessment. You should check that your CPD activities are within the required period, working back from the date you submit.
You can enter activities into ARC from the date of your enrolment (Wednesday, October 31, 2018).
How did you deal with Breach of Confidentiality on Project Winchester?
I managed a potential breach of confidentiality whilst working on Project Winchester. I was asked to issue a document for review to a colleague who to my knowledge was not security cleared. I advised the Project Director that this would not be in line with the client’s requirements and recommended a security cleared person to carry out the peer review.
Can you please explain what are the liquidated dames and why this was outside of your competencies?
Liquidated damages are pre-determined damages set at the time that a contract is entered into, based on a calculation of the actual loss the client is likely to incur if the contractor fails to meet the completion date.
They might include:
* Loss of rent
* Loss of income
* Fees
* Storage costs.
* Rental costs.
* Fees and fines imposed by third parties.
* Finance costs.
It was outside of my competencies as these calculations were excluded from our scope of services as these are client’s internal figures and should be calculated based on actual loss that client is likely to incur
What are unliquidated damages?
Unliquidated damages are damages that are payable for a breach of contract, the exact amount of which has not been pre-agreed. This is in contrast with liquidated damages which are a pre-agreed when the contract is entered into.
Construction contracts generally include a provision for the contractor to pay liquidated damages (or liquidated and ascertained damages, sometimes referred to as LADs) to the client in the event of a breach of contract - typically failing to complete the construction works by the completion date set out in the contract