Communication and negotiation Flashcards
What are method of communications that you are aware of ?
* Written
* Oral/Verbal
* Non-verbal (body language)
* Visual communications (pictures, graphs)
What is an effective communication? How to ensure?
Effective communication is ability to exchange information in effective and efficient way. This include clear, correct and complete massage with reliable information provided.
* understand the other person and their situations
* listen
* regularity of communications
* appropriate method of communication (email, meeting, face to face meeting, phone call)
How communication impact on business operations?
- builds a good team
- helps successful project delivery and hence supports business fiancé and customers relations
- good customer management and relation
- set clear goals and expectation
- Reinforce Rules and Regulations
How did you ensure an effective communication during pandemic?
- stay in touch with the team on regular basis via phone, email, online meetings
- I send minutes after each meeting
- ensure not to have unnecessary or too long meetings so we all had time to work
- used a combined methods of communication
- started each meeting with a quick hello, how are you moment
- when seeing people under stress I was trying to catch up with them one-to one
How did you ensure that your assessment is clear and logical?
- I tried to understand logic behind Contractor’s assessment and I would ask question if something was unclear or for additional information if not provided.
- provided supporting calculation, reasoning of my assessment of adjustment, referred to relevant contract clauses
- discussed my assessment before issues;
- consulted my assessment with other team members if needed.
How did you ensure that the Contractor understood your perspective and interim valuations?
* clear communication
* showing back up calculation and relevant contract clauses.
What method of negations have you used when dealing the the contractor?
I would describe my negation style as collaborating as I always focusing on problem solving and fairness in any assessment. Firstly, I always ensure that I am prepared when negotiating CEs – I will understand the contractor assessment and prepare my own assessment with a key point to discuss. Then I would send my assessment to the Contractor prior to the meeting to give them a time to review and understand it. When at the meeting with the contractor I will ensure to stay calm and professional and respectful to others. However, if the other party would not delivery the same I would most likely re-schedule the meeting. I would present my argument clearly and logically and focus on one item at the time. I would admit when my assessment wasn’t correct.
What techniques of negotiations are you aware of?
- Competing - follows the model of “I win, you lose.” Competitive negotiators tend to do whatever it takes to reach their desired agreement – even when it comes at the expense of another person or entity. They are results-oriented and focused on achieving short-term goals quickly. Their desire for success motivates them, though the process of negotiation can blind them to potentially harmful impacts.
- Avoiding - follows a “I lose, you lose” model. People who identify with the avoiding negotiation style highly dislike conflict and tend to talk in vague terms about the issue at hand rather than the issue itself. If an agreement is reached and an avoiding negotiator dislikes the outcome, they may try to take revenge on the opposite party before the party even knows that they were unhappy with the agreement.
- Accommodating - An accommodating negotiating style follows the “I lose, you win” model – which does not seem to be in a negotiator’s best interest. Accommodating negotiators are the direct opposite of competitive negotiators. They focus on preserving relationships and building a friendly rapport by sacrificing some of their company’s interests in favor of the opposite party’s interests.
- Compromising - follows a “I win/lose some, you win/lose some” model. When reaching the terms of the agreement, compromisers often relinquish some terms in favor of gaining others.
- Collaborating - follows the “I win, you win” model. Collaborative negotiators focus on making sure all parties have their needs met in an agreement. They value strengthening, establishing, and building relationships without compromising their company’s best interests.
Can you describe how you prepare for a final account
- before the preparation of the final account, I read the RICS guidance on the Final Account procedure to ensure that I consider relevant approaches to negotiations on the final account
- I read the contract clauses relevant to the final assessment to ensure that I follow NEC procedures
- on NEC contract the final accounts are prepared on rolling final account based on the implementation of relevant CEs, so I double-checked Conject to ensure that all CEs are instructed and implemented in line with the contract.
- For NEC3 Option C, the final account calculation included the Consultant’s share mechanism calculation
- The resolution and financial consequences of the dispute were also included in the calculation and attached to the Final Account Statement.
How would you manage a point you could not agree on, say the cost of a variation?
- When agreeing on the value of CE, I would first discuss my assessment with the Contractor to ensure that all aspects are clear.
- If the contractor could not agree to assessment, at first I would try to understand his/her reasons. I would discuss these reasons during the meeting. I would provide supporting evidence to my calculations and if necessary I would ask a colleague about their independent opinion. I would make my Project Director aware of the issue.
- If the Contractor still wouldn’t be willing to agree on a cost, I would escalate the issue to my Project Director and write a report summarising the issue.
What different form of communication do you use in your role and how do you ascertain the most suitable?
- I use a mix of verbal, written and visual methods of communication and ensure that my body language align is professional and appropriate to the situation.
how do you ascertain the most suitable?
- based on my experience and requirements for example from the Client. For instance, when issuing instruction – this always has to be a written method of communication.
How has your CPD training on “ communication” assisted you in your role?
- helped me understand different personality types (analytical, result-driven, expressive, people-orientated) and the way how they perceived my communication
- by playing different scenarios I learnt how to remain calm in difficult situations.
Tell me about a time when you have been an effective communicator/ negotiator?
When assessing a AfP on Project Winchester, I provide my assessment and clearly explained the methodology as well as a contractual basis. In addition to issuing my assessment by email, I also arrange the meeting to discuss key points (e.g. why legal fees were already included in their rates). The Contractor understood and agreed with my assessment.
How did you prepare for the negotiation with client on the final account once met with the project QS?
- I was in regular contact with the client and they were aware of the estimated final account figure throughout the project (cost report).
- the CE was implemented during the project duration and the Client was aware of the cost
- I prepare a report summarising the agreed final account which I issued prior to the meeting
- during the meeting with the Client, we discussed the main points
What aspects are key to a successful negotiation?
- preparation - understand the issue and prepare your evidence and supporting information
- communication and listening skills
- keeping professional behaviours
- know your setting points
- identify the key parties
- try to find solution
When chairing the negotiations what action would you have taken had you not been able to agree these works at this stage?
- I would suggest to finish the meeting and take some time to condier other parties pitin of view
- I would escale the issue to the Project Director
- if the issue would not be resolved at the Project level this would the issue would be ecalated to ADR for resolution in line with the contractor.
How did you ensure everybody understood what had been negotiated and agreed?
- if that would be regarding CE - I would be sent a meeting minute or email following the agreement
- if the dispute was more significant then a written agreement will need to be signed
- final account- final account statement to be signed
From your experience why is communication important?
- effective communication is crucial is successful project delivery
- helps resolve any issues
- helps agreeing costs of variation
- essential in contract administration
- helps delivery presentation to the client and form a relationship
- networking
- understanding client’s need
- conflict avoidance
How do you ensure an effective communication when working on the project?
- positive can- do attitude
- using combined method of communications – meetings followed by email or meetings minute,
- regular communication with Client and Contractor,
- listen to understand
- ask questions
- try to understand other parties reasoning
How communication impacts on business operation?
- builds a good team
- helps successful project delivery and hence supports business fiancé and customers relations
- good customer management and relation
- set clear goals and expectation
- Reinforce Rules and Regulations
How did you ensure an effective communication during Covid-19 pandemic?
- stay in touch with the team on regular basis via phone, email, online meetings
- I send minutes after each meeting
- ensure not to have unnecessary or too long meetings so we all had time to work
- used a combined methods of communication
- started each meeting with a quick hello, how are you moment
- when seeing people under stress I was trying to catch up with them one-to one
How did you ensure that your assessment of Contractor’s Application for Payment was clear and logical?
- I tried to understand logic behind Contractor’s assessment and I would ask question if something was unclear or for additional information if not provided.
- provided supporting calculation, reasoning of my assessment of adjustment, referred to relevant contract clauses
- discussed my assessment before issues;
- consulted my assessment with other team members if needed.
What techniques do you use when negotiating CEs value?
I would describe my negation style as collaborating as I always focusing on problem solving and fairness in any assessment. Firstly, I always ensure that I am prepared when negotiating CEs – I will understand the contractor assessment and prepare my own assessment with a key point to discuss. Then I would send my assessment to the Contractor prior to the meeting to give them a time to review and understand it. When at the meeting with the contractor I will ensure to stay calm and professional and respectful to others. However, if the other party would not delivery the same I would most likely re-schedule the meeting. I would present my argument clearly and logically and focus on one item at the time. I would admit when my assessment wasn’t correct.
How do you encourage collaborative approach?
- identify people and their personality and preferences
- identify people’s strengths and weaknesses
- ensure that I understand role of each team member and establish realistic expectations
- use collaboration tools
- include all relevant parties
- we can do it attitude
- positivity
- listen