Client care Flashcards
What process needs to be in place as a company for dealing with
Rule 7 of RICS’ Rules of Conduct for Firms states: ‘A Firm shall operate a complaints handling procedure and maintain a complaints log. The complaints handling procedure must include an Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) mechanism that is approved by the Regulatory
see RICS guidance on Complaints handling
How would you obtain details of your client’s objectives on a
* read Client’s requirements document if available.
* discuss Client’s objective and expectation
* prepare a Client Brief outlining the requirements.
What is your company’s briefing process for communication with
- Meeting with the Client to understand the Client’s main objectives and key drivers
2 .Assess information received
- Stakeholders engagement - Capture and record details
- Establish and assess a statement of need
- Prepare a statement of options
How has your in house training on client care assisted you in your role?
I have attended a workshop on the Client’s brief and I learnt what element should be included within the Client brief as well as key points of why the Client’s Brief is important:
- Critical to the successful delivery of the project
- Must be agreed at the start of the project
- They provide a basis for measuring success
- Changes need to be scoped, agreed and recorded
- Clients are often unsure of the solution for the business need
- Thoroughness will save time and money
On the Spring Gardens project, how did you develop a strong working relationship with the clients team?
- keeping in touch with the Client on a regular basis
- reporting to the client and keeping them informed
- delivering the promises
- professional behaviour
- being competent
- following the QMS system to eliminate errors and typos.
How did you ensure you understood their needs in terms of reporting?
- I discussed requirements with the Client including the frequency of reports required
- I scoped main point and issue them back to Client
- I prepared a draft copy of a report (for example Cost report on NCA) and issue it for comments
- I reviewed the comments and issue the final version of the report for approval
- I include reporting section within Project Execution Plan issued to the Client
How did you ensure your cost reporting was relevant to the client requirements?
- I discussed requirements with the Client including the frequency of reports required
- I prepared a draft copy of a report (for example Cost report on NCA) and issue it for comments
- I reviewed the comments and issue the final version of the report for approval
- I include reporting section within Project Execution Plan issued to the Client
How did you assess there was a high level of customer satisfaction?
- KPIs
- Quarterly services excellence surveys sent to the Client
- feedback from meeting with the Project Director
How do you measure your level of client care?
At Mace by implementing Service Excellence Strategy
- Capture the client’s expectations at the project kick-off meeting.
- Document the client’s service excellence objectives.
- Regularly review progress against client objectives. Discuss project risks and mitigation measures.
- Capture feedback from customer satisfaction surveys and share learning with teams so performance plans can be developed
Measured by:
* Customer satisfaction scores • Non-recoverable costs • Compliance with the Mace Way • Productivity
How is the feedback you gain used going forward?
- Listen and understand to the feedback given.
- Be open. This means being receptive to new ideas and different opinions.
- Reflect and decide what to do. Assess the value of the feedback,
- Follow up. There are many ways to follow up on feedback. Sometimes, your follow-up will simply involve implementing the suggestions given.
How do you ensure the client understands the level of information and/or service you are providing to them?
- Arrange the meeting to discussed the scope of work and conditions of your appointment
- Sign off the professional appointment documents
On Project Winchester – how is assessing KPI’s on a contractors performance related to good client care?
KPI was used to measure the Contractor performance on the project. Ensuring that the Contractor is preforming well and track the progress was part of our project appointment Therefore by assessing and ensuring the good performance of the Contractor, I not only fulfil m duties but also monitor that the Client’s KPI are being fulfilled.
Why is the Client’s Care important for business?
- it cost more to acquire a new costumer than retain an existing one
- Losing an acquired customer is not just losing revenue but also loss of the money spent in sales and marketing.
- Present customers are your best lead generators. They refer new people who come at a fraction of your acquisition cost.- building good reputation
- The probability of selling to an existing customer is 60–70% while new customer is 5–6% - repetitive business
- Happy and satisfied customers also lead to a happy and productive work environment for employees
Do you know any forms of Appointment documents?
- England and Wales, RICS Standard Form of Consultant’s Appointment, 2018 edition;
- RIBA Standard Agreement for the Appointment of an Architect 2010.
- ACA SFA 2010: ACA Standard Form of Agreement for the Appointment of an Architect: (English Law).
- RICS Standard Form of Consultant’s Appointment.
- B103 - Appointment of a Structural Engineer.
- B100 - Appointment of Professional Consultant.
- NEC Professional Services Contract.
- RIBA Standard Agreement 2010 - Consultant.
- CIC conditions of contract for the appointment of consultants on major building projects.
- ACE Agreements.
- SCALA (Society of Chief Architects of Local Authorities) Red Book for the appointment of consultants.
- JCT Pre-construction services agreement.
- JCT Consultancy agreement.
What is the Client’s brief? When is it use?
The client’s strategic brief is part of an ongoing process to define the client’s requirements:
• Statement of need: A first attempt to describe the possible requirements of the project, which may be used as the basis of appointment for independent client advisers.
• Strategic brief: Describes the client’s requirements in sufficient detail to allow the appointment of consultants. It is then developed further with the benefit of comments made by the consultants during the appointment process to allow feasibility studies to be carried out.
• Project brief: The key document upon which the design will be based.
It is recommended in L153 guidance to the Construction (Design and Management) Regulations 2015 (CDM) that clients develop a “client’s brief” that sets out the client’s key requirements, project vision and communicates to others the client’s “aims and aspirations” for the project.
What are the mian inclusion in Client’s Brief?
- Statement of need / Scheme objectives
- Project budget
- Project/ Services Timetable
- Site characteristics / Constraints
- Planning considerations
- General principles of development
- Detailed design considerations
- Stakeholder engagement
- Other Considerations, Issues and Risks
How do you identify Client’s needs?
- know their business
- listen to understand
- ask questions and paraphrase for understanding
- bring new ideas to the table
- listen to client’s feedback
What is the RICS guidance on Complaint’s handling?
- identified in Conduct for business - a Firm shall operate a complaints handling procedure and maintain a complaints log
- Effective complaints handling procedure
- Understanding the requirements of your PII policy
- Why do clients complain?
- Underpinning good complaint handling
- Receiving a complaint – initial actions and responses
- Evaluating a complaint
- Initial response to the claimant
- Additional investigations
What is an effective CHP? (Complaints holding procedure)
An effective CHP should:
- be fit for purpose – it should reflect the size and structure of the business
- made available to all staff – a CHP is intended to provide clarity and consistency to staff and clients
- be understood by all staff – keep records of staff training
- readily be shared with complainants or potential complainants – supplying them with a copy should be routine
- be regularly reviewed at a senior level – record evidence of review, to include reviewer details and review date
- be agreed with PII brokers/provider(s) – the CHP should reflect processes that do not compromise PII cover and
- provide details of access to independent redress if the firm cannot resolve the complaint.
What are the KPI?
KPI is measurable value that demonstrates how effectively a company or project team is achieving key business/ project objectives. Key performance indicators (KPIs) can be used to:
• Monitor costs.
• Track progress.
• Assess client satisfaction.
• Identify strengths and weaknesses.
• Compare performance across and between projects.
• Assess specific areas of a project such as sustainability, safety, waste management, etc.
What were the KPI at Project Winchester?
- Excellence - Is the Consultant providing high quality solutions that withstand challenge and reflect the Employer’s priorities and objectives?
- Value - Is the Consultant striving to deliver cost effective solutions that add value?
- Management & Reporting - Is the Consultant working in a transparent and organised manner, producing high quality and accurate management information?
- Payment - Fair Payment. Has the Consultant achieved payments to subconsultants and subcontractors no later than 30 days after receipt of a valid and undisputed invoice?
5 . Sustainability - Subject to the Employer providing details of the action plans specified below to the Consultant for review and approval, this KPI is measured against the targets stated within the four (4) action plans to be submitted by the Consultant.
- Sustainable Procurement;
- Environmental;
- Targeted Recruitment & Training;
- Equality, Diversity & Inclusion.
- Behaviours
The Employer’s / Project Manager’s perception of the Consultant’s behaviours across the seven (7) Behaviour Criteria listed :
- 1 Collaboration & Team work
- 2 Analysis, Planning and Problem Solving
- 3 Managing Change & Uncertainty
- 4 Leadership & proactivity
- 5 Health & Safety
- 6 Stakeholder Engagement and management
- 7 Engendering Trust
The minimum score is 0. The maximum score is 28.
How did you manage KPI at Project Winchester?
- Score total performance of the Main Contractor in listed categories where relevant
- Colleting score and comments from team members
- average the score
- send to the client for approval
- present back to the Contractor
- agreed the final score for the period
- make an adjustment or payment to or from contractor in valuation
How do you conduct a fee proposal?
- Resource schedule gives a cost.
- Expressed as percentage of contract sum, hourly rate, lump sum.
What are the main elements included in a fee proposal?
- Scope
- Client money handling procedure
- Complaints handling procedure
- Detail on 3rd party rights/ collateral warranties
- Payment/ resource
- Health and safety responsibility
- PI insurance
- Method of dispute resolution
- Details of termination
- Under hand/ deed
How Mace deals with complaints?
- Complaints are directed to the Quality Assurance Officer, who will log the complaint in the Complaint Log.
- A timescale for redress is put in place.
- An Internal Redress is provided to the complainant.
- If this redress is not adequate, then the complaint is referred to an external third party for redress.
- Steps should then be put in place the ensure that the complaint does not arise again.
What is ISO 9001?
A Quality Management System, which helps to manage and monitor quality across the business.
How are firms supposed to look after Clients?
By Maintaining:
• Professional Indemnity Insurance.
- Complaints Handling Procedure.
- A procedure for handling clients money if applicable.
What is Client Care?
The process of identifying all client types and the behaviours appropriate to establishing good relationships, along with the systems of procedures for managing the client care process, all within the public interest.
What is included within the Complaints Log?
- Date.
- Location.
- Details of Complaint.
- Actions taken.
- Close out date.
What are two ways of ensuring complaints do not occur?
- Proactive measures, whereby Questionnaires are issued to clients, to try and pre-empt where complaints may occur, putting in place measures to ensure they don’t.
- Reactive measures, whereby when a complaint is received, steps are taken to ensure the complaint doesn’t occur again.
How do you receive feedback from Clients?
- Client Questionnaires.
- Key Performance Indicators.
Can you give me more detail on what Employers Liability Insurance covers?
Covers employers for compensation claims against you by employers for accidents or illness that occur during their work.
How do you act upon feedback from a Client?
- Feedback should be formally recorded in some way, i.e. Client Satisfaction Questionnaires.
- If feedback is negative, it should be verified and necessary action taken.
• If a formal approach is required, this should follow the CHP.
How do you check if the Client is happy with the service you have provided?
- Client questionnaires.
- Repeat business.
• Recommendations to others/new clients.
What do you clarify with regards to a clients objectives?
- Time
- Cost
- Quality
- Desired final product.
- Functionality
- Clients aspirations and goals for the project.
- Key Performance Indicators.
How do you ensure Clients are covered financially for work undertaken by yourself?
By Maintaining Professional Indemnity Insurance.
If a Client was prepared to pay you in advance for services you or your company were providing, how would you ensure that it was dealt with?
- I would ensure that a Client account is set up, in line with the rules of Conduct for firms: Handling Client Money.
- I would issue a statement of the account once it has been set up.
- I will agree with the Client how the monies will be drawn down.
- I would issue a revised statement every time I draw down money.
- Once the works are complete, I would provide the Client with a reconciliation of the account, identifying when the monies were drawn down etc.
What else does RICS publish relating to PI Insurance?
- List of approved brokers.
- Minimum wording policy.
• Black Book, Construction Insurance.
What appointment documents does the RICS publish?
- RICS Standard Form Consultant Appointment.
- RICS Short Form Consultant Appointment.
What does a sole practitioner need to have in place that other firms wouldn’t?
All complaints can be referred to an ombudsman if no satisfactory solution is found.
What’s the difference between ‘client care’ and ‘owing a duty of care’ to the client?
Client care means acknowledging that the client is of prime importance, whereas owing a duty of care means we must always advise in the client’s best interest, even if that contradicts his personal view
What do you think the principles of client care are?
- Clearly understanding the client’s objectives;
- Clearly establishing the scope of services to be provided and the fee for doing so;
- Establishing clear lines of communication; and
- Being courteous, punctual and professional at all times.
When should you inform the RICS of a complaint?
When the internal redress has not worked. PI insurer should be notified when complaint is received or PI insurance could be invalid.
What would you do if the client rejected your advice?
- Warn the client about the implications and risks if they do not take your advice.
Is the decision of an ombudsman binding?
The decision of the ombudsman is not binding on the complainant as they are free to pursue the matter through the courts if they wish; the agent is bound to the findings of the ombudsman if the complainant accepts them.
What does CRM stand for?
Client Relationship Management.
What is Client Relationship Management?
An approach to managing a companies relationships and interactions with future and current customers.
What are the three levels of Client Relationship Management?
- Strategic CRM. Which is about maintaining long term relationships with customers improving the existing teams and the service provided. Achieved through setting up policies, procedures and through employee training.
- Operational CRM. Which is about providing a personal approach to each Client, by stream-lining the existing system. i.e. documenting all correspondence and having better control of drawings.
- Analytical CRM. Which is about reviewing Client data to filter out and identify key facts, allowing Client satisfaction to be measured. From this you can identify appropriate clients to target with marketing campaigns.