ETHICS- cultural origins of behavior and cog Flashcards

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ETHICS- cultural origins of behavior and cognition


When investigating the cultural origins of behavior and cognition, we often ahve to investigate people from different cultures. As such, we need to be careful with ethics, so as to not perpetuate different stereotypes of groups od people, whichcould lead to prejudice and discrimination

Ethics of questionnaires-
An important part of questionnaires is informed consent
good bc u can give informed consent in the preamble before questionnaire.
Should be very ethical, ppl can choose whether or not they respond
Pg 41- social implications of important scientific results
Social implications of reporting scientific results
some conclusions might lead to conclusions being formed by scientific community and general society
Bc of bias in studies/ inaccurate measurements, results could be false, but they could have massive impact on society
THere must be care taken to report results precisely and accurately, and make sure all limitations are recognized, esp if theres social significance
Hofstede’s work
Generalises all people in a country
Prepetuates stereotypes, self fulfilling prophecy
Research claims that support steroetypical thinking, could lead to ppl making assumptionS

SMITH AND BOND (Based off of ASCHE’s conformity studies)
Purposely making people feel awkward and anxious
Need to create artificial situations to test this
Conformity as a topic itself would require people changing their behavior to conform, and this would someimtes bring distress to ppt. Not possible to do experiment without causing ppt distress or deceive them
If ppt werent deceived, they wouldnt have conformed, would have affected the results of the study, so it was justified
As long as Asch made sure ppt didn’t feel great psychologicla harm after, should be ethical
Kashima, protection of pariticipants
they told half of them they got a low score
however, this could not be avoided, as the aim of the study ws to investigate self serving bias, and whether or not ppl attributed success to themselves or environment
researchers should then take care that ppt were debriefed asap, and made sure no one felt long lasting psychological harm or distress
Socila implications
Said that
American students tended to attribute own successes to ability/ intenral factors- SSB
Japanese students tended to attribute failure to lack of ability or internal factors- Modesty bias
THis is a generalisation, coudl lead to bad perception of people from different countries? E.g peopel from US could be seen as arrogant by others?

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